The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!


New member
woah man...Im gone for 3 days and theres only 5 new posts since I've been here last? That makes me kinda sad :confused: . Hmmm...

Well anyways, Im back from my camping trip which was pretty good. I got 2 nosebleeds on the fist day though, which sucked big time.

Sadly, my good computer with all my LP-ness on it is still getting fixed, so I wont be able to post my favorite Rob picture yet. But its all good. Maybe Ill go back in the thread and try to find it seeing as this thread is where I got it.

brokenangel, thanks for taking my place while I was gone, Im sure you did a dandyfull job. *pats brokenangel on the back and claps*. But Im here to stay this time. Anywho, Im going to meander on through the rest of the forums now.



New member
Hey everyone... hmmm this place is kinda quiet isn't it...

Well.. I don't have any Rob-lumberjack pics.. but I'l post this one instead. (another two for one pic :p )

Hehe.. Linkin Pork!



New member
^^ LMAO...linkin pork?! that's cruel!

i think he looks sexier behind the drums, huh? :p



New member
^ See it? I OWN it! I have pretty much all their vids there from LPU saved to my hard drive for my own personal viewing pleasure *muahahaha* And yes, it is funny isn't it? I always wondered what rockstars did back stage before the show and looks like my question has finally been answered! *lmao* Bless 'em XD

Oh and CONGRATS on joining the club finally. At least now you'll be ready when/if the next chat rolls around - I'll be seeing you there ;) Count on it [:-}


^ See it? I OWN it! I have pretty much all their vids there from LPU saved to my hard drive for my own personal viewing pleasure *muahahaha* And yes, it is funny isn't it? I always wondered what rockstars did back stage before the show and looks like my question has finally been answered! *lmao* Bless 'em XD
Oh and CONGRATS on joining the club finally. At least now you'll be ready when/if the next chat rolls around - I'll be seeing you there ;) Count on it [:-}

well i knew they were crazy but this vids are the cream on the milkshake :rolleyes:


i was wandering whats ur username on there... :D



New member
well i knew they were crazy but this vids are the cream on the milkshake :rolleyes: thanx...

i was wandering whats ur username on there... :D
Refer to chat screen pic I posted here earlier ;)

(Hint: Its the same as what it is here :lol: )

What's yours there, btw? :confused:



New member
ooo...Noice pictures! Hehe...Linkin Pork, thats cute ^.^...and you know what? I was stupid in thinking I couldnt post my favorite Rob picture, just because my good computer is down, because I could just go to my photobucket account. Man Im dumb *slaps forehead* Meh...anyway, here it is


Very nice...

**** know what I just realised? When I named the picture, I spelled Rod instead of Rob...*slaps forehead again*

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New member
Lol, Rod! That is a very nice pic.. can see why its your fave.

Chipmonk i've just seen that its your birthday! *big birthday hugs* :D


crazy robster

New member
I can't wait for the new promo pictures for the new album, hope we can get more droolworthy Robbie in them!! But please, photographers, make them big ok? I despise small Rob pictures, our Lord's size (generally speaking huh? ;) ) can't fit properly in your disgustingly small pictures! Hrmf... May I suggest something? Arrange a special Rob photoshoot! The drummer deserves it **** it! He is the one who leads the rest of the band! Without him they would be like sheep without their shepherd! Bless our Bourdie, see why he deserves to be called a Lord? *bows down then.... cough-cough...* ok time to go. Cya! :D
**** yeah!!

well Rav's got Rob... I have a cam (which doesnt work properly XD)... and u have the nice place where to do the photoshoot... lol

I prefer a ps on the beach... lmao :D



New member
Hahaha oh sis! You crack me up sometimes... tsk-tsk! You sound just like I do! No wonder, in being we're twins and maniacal Robsessors together so yeah... two peas in one &%$#ed up pod really *lmao*

But I aint complaining, believe me!

Bless ya sis - and Jos - and I so totally agree on solo photoshoot idea. But naturally Mike and Chas will hog the limelight. I guess they deserve it. After all we dont want Robbeh to lose his head over an ego-overinflation issue do we? hahaha 8P

Well in being I dont have anything new that LPU membership constraints dont allow sharing, I've decided to post a few old ones again in the hopes it keeps the fires of passion (that have since waned by some into smouldering embers of indifference I fear) alive and burning bright for our dear deserving lord. Haha. I can imagine he'd be rolling his eyes at that paragraph but no matter. Deal with it sweetheart! Hahaha :spiteful:

So I've decided to take a few stills from a video I had laying around of his during a Q & A session (where, I cannot tell you, but it matters not anyway ;) ) and the question broached to him was "What is your favouite place to play?"

His answer; "Australia." Why? Cause to cut to the short of his rant (where do you think I get it from?! haha) the fans there were in his words "crazy" and they broke the floor of a venue the band were playing, so he's obviously quite taken with the whole random senseless destruction thing of psychotic fans! Wow! I knew this man was special! He has a soft spot for us crazy Aussies. Aww. Its reciprocated big guy, well, by this solitary nutter anyway!

<3 *kissyfaces at the screen in an embarrassing kind of way* <3 haha

Oh lordie! Now where was I again? Oh yeah, pics! So yeah, here's a few I just randomly pulled. Dont ask me exactly what words I froze it on. I had it on mute. Ever hear the man speak backwards?? Its eerie! :mad:

Awwness! I've said it a billion times before this and I'll say it again - I LOVE THE LUMBERJACK LOOK!

(What, does my sig not give that away already?! hahaha)

Gawd... makes me all acquiver he does...


And that's all I'm gonna say on the matter in this general-rated very public forum! hahaha

So - enjoy!

~Rav :D


crazy robster

New member
Lmao Jos it's all set then!!! Let's go for it!!! Haha

Sis OMG... OMG... OH MY... why are you doing this? How many times have I told you "Sis BE CAREFUL what photos you post in LPF" this is a public forum sis! And yeah ok, I recognise, those pics have nothing indecent about them. BUT do you realise what sort of indecent thoughts they cause in my gutter-lingering brain? HUH? How am I supposed to deal with this now? I have learnt to express myself freely and if I do I'll be kicked outta here before you say "Rob"! I am now sitting here with...ummm *looks around* a packet of high blood pressure pills, a pile of towels, a mop, an electric fan (fanning myself with a traditional fan doesn't do anymore) and a bottle of Au De Rob (because again simple oxygen doesn't do much when I have a Bourdonemic crisis). The lumberjack OMG! I'm all itchy too! I need to be scratched! I am... I am... :eek: *passes out* *goes to heaven*



New member

^^ he's such a little <insert cute word>, isn't he? awww... :) at this point SO many pics have been posted that there's a huge chance that these have been posted already...well, anywho...doesn't matter :D



New member
"Gutter lingering brain?"

*lmao for about 23 and a half minutes*

Sis I so KNOW what that feels like - but in being that this is a public forum I aint permitted to say anything I really want to either! If I rant now imagine what it would be like if I could say everything I wanted to! *gah! collaspes and dies from... um... we'll call it generic 'heat exhaustion'* hahaha

Aww. Well I was gonna post more of another vid but seeing as how I have to go to work now I'll do it tonight... hopefully. Better keep said passion alive - we dont want the lord thinkin we've forgotten him now do we?? 0_o

And sis - you're welcome :D



New member
Awww...those are so cute! I've seen them so many times, but I just cant get over how cute Little-Rob is! *pinches cheeks* and happy belated birthday chipmonk, I know its late, but I havent been on for a couple days. Well as you may or may not know, my computer was just fixed which is good I guess. Except for one thing. I guess they had to clean off the whole harddrive or something because when I got on it, all of my music files, video files, and worst of all, ALL of my picture files. Argh...and I had sooo many pictures...its really sad *cries* but Im going to wander through the rest of the forums, and maybe try to accumulate some pictures along the way.

Edit: this is my 300th post! woot! haha which is kinda weird seeing as my 200th post was in this same thread. :thumbsup:

He was the cutest child, and I don't even like little kids that much! Maybe I'm just saying that because it's Rob *thinks* nah, who cares, he was cute. And now he's Hot...that works :)


New member
hullooo i havent posted in a while here soo......

im genna eat me some robbie chicken bourdon yum yumm

yeah i dont understand my english but its about rob so who cares?!!?

i love the rob!



New member
Welcome back! Can I have some chicken (I aint even gonna ask details about the source of said meal for obvious reasons XD) - and... me likey your english muchly! Haha

Rob in any language is still... well in a word (make that two) Delete-expletively hot (ok, that was three) but you get the gist. Haha.

Ooh... now where did I put that bottle of... oh there it is! Sis - give it back! Haha...


Where else would one man's stench be so alluring women are likely to fight for it? Well Jesus doesnt count - and neither does... well... anyone! Haha - oh dear... insanity's taken over - better get a whiff of fresh air before I lower myself back in that pit of depravity I like to call my everyotherday home - the gutter! Hahaha *insert halo and angelic music here*

No I'm just kidding. Rob doesnt really taste like chicken - he doesn't stink (to me, he;s in a whole separate continent so why would he?? haha) and I'm not insane. I DO however live in the gutter. And I like it here too. Also sis, I'll share with ya, considering it was yours first and I just tried to molest the bottle or sth (... :eek: ...??) but its all good... probably.


****... if only my therapist could see me now... *muahahaha*


crazy robster

New member
Awww my Robsessive twin! How I love you!!! You and your gutterous thoughts!!! lol Of course we'll share! We always share everything cause we're the best twins in the whole world!!! Yay for Rob who brought us together!! Let's enjoy another Bourdonemic shock together!!! *hugs* <3
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