The CoB - Church of Bourdon Thread!

Don't know if you've seen these but they're as recent as last week, taken at the VMAs. Courtesy of LPTimes :thumbsup:





Go to LPTimes for more. Enjoy [:-}
*GASP* :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek: OMG I was thinking that maybe I shouldn't post my comment cause a) no matter how hard I try to express my actual emotions about Rob in these pictures, my comment wouldn't do them justice and b) I'm afraid people will think I've gone completely nuts!! Want me to try? Oh Lord...oh Lord!! Look at him... Isn't he the MOST GORGEOUS HUNK you've ever seen? Awww is it my eyes only that see all this perfection? Oh my... Let us not be hypocritical. As much as I wanna appreciate Linkin Park and Rob first of all (since this is his church) as musicians, I can't get my mind out of the gutter when I see him. To me he is first of all a drop dead gorgeous man and THEN a drummer, I'm sorry but I can't help feeling like that, it's my weakness...HE is my weakness! Getting goose bumps just looking at him...his height, his eyes, his frown, his hair his... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH! His everything!! Well, eye candy isn't bad is it? It's our right to admire beauty! The bad thing is that in Rob's case it's a bit unhealthy cause every time I admire his perfection I need sedatives to calm me down...LOL :spiteful::spiteful:

THANKS SIS!! *hugs hugs hugs*
Oh, yeah, he is great in these pics, well, all them are great lol lol, Chester look so funny with this sunglasses and this scarf. He could be John Wayne's competition... or James Dean's reincarnation... Ladies and Gentlemen, I've the pride to present the new production starring by Chester Bennington: Rebel without a reason PART II.. LOL, although if I've another look to the last pic, he could be good for a new version of Terminator, he only needs that fantastic harley Davidson motor bike and that huge rifle... the enemy you know whom would be, or at least you should know it :D... oh, yeah, a terrible ice mass dressed up with a blonde wig and a Barbie smile (but not the expensive one: you know, these kinds of dolls that they're made them with cheap plastic and you find them everywhere. They're like a plague!!!) and of course, this enemy is sooo terrible, in fact, she has her own symphony and when she appears it sounds: Barbie girl of Aqua!! lol lol

Ok, ok, that's enough for today. Besides, I dont want to destroy your nice Church. Btw, thanks a lot Ravynlee . these pic are lovely... I've already seen them (you know, my photographer- Andrea-postem them some days ago) but I'm glad to enjoy them once more (although you were near to kill your sis and my great friend with a heart attack... and me too, btw. So please, for the next time, be careful, 'cos I dont have seven lifes as cats have ;)!!

P.S. As I said, the pics made me happy but to see COB is already working made me happier, and to check than you've come again with your sis, it made the happiest girl :D

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If you didn't know our Rob, then he could easily pass as a very serious businessman or lawyer or something. Who would ever guess that under those layers of clothing would be such arms for drumming xD
^^ I still have to solve the mystery of the constantly serious Rob! Lol :D

OMG I have to thank Andrea for posting a really huge ass pic of the band in another thread of which I took the most interesting part and reposting it here for better focus...*drools uncontrollably* Just start from his feet and go up to his head... You'll realise he's endless!! Bless you Robbie, mother nature (or should I say mother Patty?) has been really generous to you darling!! Nothing more to say...I'll just go with the quote under my sig (bless my wise sister too <3) ;)


^^ That's a better angle of the 6 and a half feet of our wonderful Lord. Pure delight! <3
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hey guys its been so long!!! I'm back for the most part hahaha. good to see this place is still drool clogged. *wades through waist deep drool*Anyone know where the waterwings are? sorry to say I dont have any pictures for this place..... new laptop and not enough piccys lol.
^^ I still have to solve the mystery of the constantly serious Rob! Lol :D

OMG I have to thank Andrea for posting a really huge ass pic of the band in another thread of which I took the most interesting part and reposting it here for better focus...*drools uncontrollably* Just start from his feet and go up to his head... You'll realise he's endless!! Bless you Robbie, mother nature (or should I say mother Patty?) has been really generous to you darling!! Nothing more to say...I'll just go with the quote under my sig (bless my wise sister too <3) ;)
^^ That's a better angle of the 6 and a half feet of our wonderful Lord. Pure delight! <3

:eek: :eek: Oh, MAMMA MIA!! What a magnificent pic!! It's soooo amazing :-| . You've left me stunned for some days!! Seriously, I dont know where you find them, but I think you've to be very special, Jojo, 'cos only you've this kind of pics.(I cant forget this nice present you gave me once... you remember it? Oh Jojo, dear, sure... I think I know what the solution is for love's depression. You've found out the "magic" (and handsome, btw :lol: ) poction for it. And well, in your post, you said "Bless you Robbie"... but I'd add: Bless you, saint Robbie's mum, for giving birth such marvellous work of art!! Could we compare him with a new Miguel Angelo? Who knows?;)
Oh HEY MEL! Welcome back! I hope you're back to stay ^^ *hugs* It's nice to see old CoBers coming back to the holy place lol :D

Lorena hahaha you always hit the nail right on the head as they say! I couldn't have put it any better myself! Robbie is a work of art! You said Michelangelo but I, being Greek, would liken him to Grecian statues of the ancient Greek gods. Who do you prefer, Apollo? Zeus? Nah, Zeus was kinda I guess Adonis would suit him the best. Well Adonis wasn't exactly a god but he was rumoured to be the most handsome young man in Greece! :D I think Aphrodite and Artemis fought over him... WOW! I guess in this case it's me and the fridge fighting over the contemporary Adonis then? LMAO I hope you guys support me in the fight I HAVE to win! Otherwise Robbie will end up all frozen like the icebergs of Antarctica!! HAHAHAHAHA oh sorry Robbie we're just playing here don't take it personally...

Love to all <3
wow havent seen this much love in a room since Narcissis discovered himself. its good to be back jojo. lolz, you should go check out my new fic im starting. its gonna be ballin. im hoping to possiably maybe put rob/ LP in it possiably. X3 it wills be yummy. besides the fridge has nothing on you, jojo.
Awwww you're sweet ^^ And congrats on the new fic!! Yes please put Rob in it you know that's a strong stimulus for me to read any fic LOL Though I'm very busy with work lately...*grr* I'll check it out, sure! :D :D
yeah I've put Rob in it. he plays a moody ******* but yeah im not going to let out too much having to do with the fic. other then work and drooling for the lord our rob what have you been up to? no more kidnapping charges or restraining orders from rob, right??
Hahaha no, no more charges, I've been a good girl lol :D I think Rob is already used to us here so nothing fazes him anyway! We haven't talked for so long you prolly don't know my sis came to Greece to see me 2 months ago, do you? That's probably the most exciting news I have to give! If you're interested to see pics from our holidays together and stuff, go to the Other Uploads section -->The Twins' Holiday. You'll find us there! Imagine the droolage when she and I watched Robbie videos together hahaha!! Other than that, same old, the CoB is alive and going and that's the main thing! Lol Robbie fever never stops (at least for me) and you should be happy about that cause if it ever stops then I'm in serious trouble! Jojo will no more be Jojo!!! :D Oh and thanks for putting him in the fic I'll make sure I read it. Have you posted it yet?
yeah its posted in the writers forum, its called Stupid Girl. last I heard from mum, she was planning a trip to greece to see you. but get this, right now as I'm typing this message up, I'm rockin a Greek soccer jersey. haha. Its something really good. but yeah the story is really good I promise. Fox is trying to get up a new family story going. you should talk to her about it.
Hey Phi, long time no see! (hugs)
I had a blast in Greece, sis can fill you in on all the details should you wish to know them. I was gonna rant all about our adventures but must have left my ranting powers overseas, no matter. Again, sis could do that for me too. Bless her lil cotton socks.
As for the story I read it. The reply wont be what you wanted but I did read it and I really don't have anything to add. It's good to see you writing again, best of luck with that then.

Now, news to the general public at large.
If there was such a thing as a ceremonial passing of the torch to be done here, this would be the moment to do it. Some of you might have noticed I'm not as active as I used to be, real life gets in the way some times, and then... I guess we just change and grow up a little. Maybe neither or both here, I haven't decided yet. But what I really wanted to say was a HUGE heartfelt thanks for those of you who have kept this place alive and well all these years now. Those of you largely responsible know who you are and you have my sincerest gratitude and thanks.
But what I wanted to say was that I have decided to officially retire from the CoB.

I will no longer consider myself the whatever I was in this place. I'm not the resident ranter anymore and as anyone observant would have noticed by now my avatar and sig no longer bear the face or name of the lord of this place Dear Robby Bourdon.
Truth be told I'm not as fanatical as I once was, its not to say I dont care, I just... dont care as much as I probably should have in this place I used to call my second home.
So to cut the long story short I'm passing 'control' (for want of a better word) over to my sis who carries the commitment a true religious zealot needs. Best of luck with this place sis, if the drool ever rises to biblical proportions again you're probably going to need it.


So yeah, thats all I pretty much wanted to say.
I will (and quietly still do) check in from time to time to see how the place is going. Great to see Raabness is alive and well and hope it continues on long past even the band's duration, cause as all true Bourdonites know, its not just the lead men but the rest of the band that need some loving too ;)

Thanks again for all your love and support. It's been fun. Had some great times. Maybe we will one day again, who knows?
Take care.


Sorry for the double post but I have to share sth with y'all.

Sis and I were talking about this just last night and I wanted to throw it open for discussion. Even if I happen to be the only one saying anything.
I wonder what happened to Rob to make him loose the IT factor.
Physically he is the representation of what the western world deems as perfect. He's tall, gorgeous, well built, strong, talented, quiet, mysterious, polite, soft spoken, hell he even believes in God and is a contentious humanitarian to boot. Why then isn't he more... popular then (if you wanted to look at it like that)?

Comparing him to his band mates, aside from the obvious discrepancies, he doesn't really stand out as much as someone with all the above societal attributes mentioned above would as you'd expect. Maybe he does shun the limelight (why then is he out on the town for premieres and social galas with such frequency, yes, given the fact his job does require some participation), and maybe he likes something of a simple life. It's not a fair comparison but sis and I did compare him to Mike (Shinoda) who is arguably not what society would deem as perfect and yet Mike has a following that goes beyond mere teenage idolatry. Why's that? Its the IT factor, that something else, that spark of life that attracts people's attention, and all of us know when we meet someone what the IT factor is like. It's magnetic, its alluring, it sucks you in...

We (Jojo and I) wondered why Rob didn't have this IT-quality that so many other celebrities around him have.
Looking back at past pictures tells a story, if you're free to speculate. Without getting personal the most alarming aspect is the fact that Rob, for want of a better way to put this, has somehow forgotten to have fun. The maturity he adopted over the last three years since the last album shows as an artist and is undeniably strong, his musical talents have grown exponentially. His band emerged strong again after the hiatus, tour numbers are strong, even if recent press pictures are of any (again speculative) indication then his other life beyond our prying eyes as fans seems to be going good too. So what's the hang up?
Where is Rob Bourdon's sense of fun, and most important of all, where's his gorgeous smile now gone to?

Now I have been a fan for years. Obviously. This institution was built on an overzealous infatuation on a facade for a man I've never met and am never likely to. And over the years people's tastes and opinions do change. Its a fact of life. I don't suggest that Rob has changed that drastically that he's no longer attractive in any allegorical (or factiously idealized) sense of the word. But what I am saying is that from what I see, me a mere fan with no real insights to his private or public persona at all, is that as far as I can see the media-induced version of Rob that I have come to know and love has changed. Maybe he simply grew up, again, that's natural. But it worries me that the impulsiveness and carefree vigor of his youth, and that ultimately to some degree set the benchmark for all other bands to follow in adopting a healthy and altruistic outlook to being in a band and making something special of it, that that spark has gone somewhere else. I don't see even a hint of it anymore. Professionalism is one thing... but as the saying goes 'love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life.' It seems Rob either needs to stop absorbing the stern facade of the bands' trademark angst-ridden and defensively collective poses and stop taking it to heart, or he needs to get himself another job - because he just looks like he isn't enjoying himself anymore.

Anyway, as harsh as that sounds I just had to share it. Maybe I had put too much thought into this, and there are arguably billions more variables to consider that may be contributing factors, but... I guess after all the nonsense of the last three or so years I actually wanted to rant about something with a little substance and actual heart in this place, even if it is the last entry this once great place of 'worship' is likely too see, from me or otherwise.
I still love the lord but... well, again with the cliche; 'All work and no play makes Jack (or in this case Rob) a dull boy.'
Let's hope he lightens up a bit and finds some joy in things again if for no-one else's sake than his own.

Anyway, that's all I really had to say.

If you managed to get this far without eyestrain or a headache I applaud you. It's easier to read over a thousand 'drools' and 'omg he's so hawt' messages, but every now and then in the interest of public opinion (and in being this is a public forum) I personally think its nice (and healthy) to read or write something that hopefully makes you stop and use your brain - if only temporarily ;)
You don't ever have to bow to public opinion. Think your own thoughts and speak your own mind. Even and especially in the places where you aren't encouraged to do so. Be yourself. And now I'll get off my soapbox...

I'm open to criticism here if anyone wants to fling it in my direction.

Thanks again for your attention. Feel free to go back to whatever it was you were doing before I started to rot your brain cells. :p

My sis, my wonderful, my angel! Although I have been absent from this place for some time now I couldn't resist posting something as a follow-up to your great post right above! You are the best, and you once said you pass the torch of leadership to me but in all honesty sis, I am not even half as eloquent and impressive when I rant as you are! *bows*

Anyway about what we were discussing last night... You know my views obviously since we discussed this together but yeah I'd like to say what I think for everyone else (those who care at least) to read and ponder on. I am the crazy robster of the forums. Everyone has associated Rob's name with me. If they see a different sig (one not carrying Rob's face) under my name they will probably be shocked! But in all honesty again I have to admit that Robbie's whole attitude has made me feel kind of jaded... :(and also the fact, as you said, that although he seems to be the perfect one in the band (as far as looks go at least) people are "inexplicably" attracted to other members maybe not as perfect...why? Well, yes Rob IS perfect but like we said last night how long can you worship a perfect shell that's sort of empty inside? And when I say empty I don't in ANY case mean that Robbie is a bad, emotionless guy, NO nothing like that! But he seems to lack the spark, the energy, the smile, the warmth that makes for example Mike (humourously referred to sometimes as monkey-boy) much more popular and attractive to masses. Yeah, I'm being brutally honest here. You all know how much I love Rob, and I use present tense because I still DO love him! But... I don't know... it takes effort to keep the flame strong and burning and it seems he has given up on this effort lately... As a consequence, the CoB has ended up being a place where people hardly ever post and even my sis and I (the most devoted CoBers so far) have been somewhat absent from lately. What use is there anyway, ranting in a place where no one can really feel the same and sympathise with you? It's sad...but true... I don't know what has happened in Robbie's life that has made him so somber and dull or maybe if he grew up too fast, but our lord's present image makes me worry. Like my sis said, he seems to lack that IT factor and if you ask me that's a shame...

I don't know if anyone cares to discuss or this seems too heavy for you people but that's what me and sis have been discussing as of late... Hugs to all <3

damn we are diggin deep here, well i think teh whole band has been a little too serious after MTM, its like they thing they should be "stuck-up, ****ed-up" like other rock bands to be taken serious by media/fans or whatever. I mean sure i dont mind them changing sound but they dont have to change their image with it. i want that fun LP back :>
And about rob, i think he's more the introvert of LP not saying much. i may be wrong though. you would know better than me
Haha Josh my sweetie you came here to post that's totally sweet awww *hugs*

Well, yeah they have all changed but in the sense that they have matured. Being more mature doesn't necessarily mean that you become dull. I like the fact they are not the restless kids they used to be in the HT days but still...focusing on Rob...I really think there's something wrong. He has always been the introverted and shy one in the band and I can assure you THIS was what I found charming about him. Back in the older days though he was shy but sweet, now he gives out the "back off don't mess with me my life sucks" aura most of the time and this is not the most encouraging thing for a fan, trust me. When you're in show business you have to make a point of letting your fans know you love them and making them feel you're close to them. I think our Robbie has been kinda distant lately...maybe it's just me...*shrugs*