The discombobulated family thread.


New member
*makes woodys' hair get on fire* GET OFF ME! *makes herself go up in flames and woody lets go* fire dosnt hurt me


New member
*smacks both of you around the ears*

That's for arguing - that's for speaking ill of your brother Viking - that's for calling me a liar - oh, and that's for whatever else you're gonna get up to the minute I turn my back again.


But Woody - I feel so blessed! Well... kinda. My Grandchild is being inadvertantly named after me? ARE YOU NUTS? *smacks you around ears again* XD

Well, at least you could do worse than falling preggers to Stenners. Unhinged Mouse is a car thief for one thing... :rolleyes: but anyway... Good thing that car didn't belong to me/was insured/has a thousand lb of dynamite in the trunk set to an electronic timing device, set to go off in... 10 SECONDS! *evil laughter*

That's what you get for f**kin with my family, homies. Now where's those pills again...? *tsk-tsk* :rolleyes:



New member
just bear in mind I can read thoughts ;)
That's my boy! :thumbsup:

But one kid that's a ninja, one that flies/shoots fire and another a mind reader...

Man, need to lay off the pickles and icecream or something! *lol*

Oh, hey Stenners. Congrats on becoming a dad BTW. :thumbsup:



New member
I didnt even know bout it till yesterday, i didnt even know we done it till yesterday and I found out the *** today hmmmm I smell a fish and a lawsuit :(
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