*smacks both of you around the ears*
That's for arguing - that's for speaking ill of your brother Viking - that's for calling me a liar - oh, and that's for whatever else you're gonna get up to the minute I turn my back again.
But Woody - I feel so blessed! Well... kinda. My Grandchild is being inadvertantly named after me? ARE YOU NUTS? *smacks you around ears again* XD
Well, at least you could do worse than falling preggers to Stenners. Unhinged Mouse is a car thief for one thing...
but anyway... Good thing that car didn't belong to me/was insured/has a thousand lb of dynamite in the trunk set to an electronic timing device, set to go off in... 10 SECONDS! *evil laughter*
That's what you get for f**kin with my family, homies. Now where's those pills again...? *tsk-tsk*