The 'How you feelin'' thread v3.0

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Stenners said:
My lungs feel like they have been grated in a cheese grater
My head is pounding like o so many hammers
My mucles ache oooooo so bad
But I got hammerd last night so it was all totally worth it :p
Oh Matt, you have a way with words! XD

Good for the most part, surprisingly 0_0
Give me a few moment...
Next mood swing... 4 and a half minutes... and counting XD
im happee:D i got out of the house so its all gdly hehe>< twas onlee to port glasgow but still...i feel like i never leave hereeeee
*gets out popcorn* oooooooooo do tell, is it timmophy with the glass eye

errrrrm exhausted just got back from work and walked back 3miles.
I'm disappointed.

I just found out that the Russian chick that was looking for love on these forums was a robot. :'[

I wanted to be a contender.
Cuz I'm a man, obviously.

-_- mums taking me into town...again
that woman has a problem with dragging me out of bed in the moring ¬.¬
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