The Park Thread

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I probs dont even have to attend that class since PHT114 was a prequisite to VPA104 in which I failed ..... but still T________T

Bare with me I'm tired as buggery, yesterday was an emotional rollarcoaster ride with me and pretty worn down from it. I wonder how long it is going to be until Rav (somehow) finds the heart to forgive Rob and vice versa? Or more like how long will it be until everything starts revealing itself to be just one big mixup and misinterpretation of each other's circumstances. Aww poor lonely Rav, she's scared as hell from Mike and Vincent and now she must be feeling such a loner as she doesn't have Rob no more to make her 'feel safe'. But the guy got what he deserved in the long run, and now everything has backlashed on him since sarah chose to abandon him for an abusive lover and what not. But in the long run gotta love his big heart for such a big fella, he's only trying to do what's best for Rav right now and she can't see past his mistakes, well I hope she's not like that for the rest of the time she's here at the Park *insert sad face here*. And did I read correctly that it was posted at 2 am? Wtf woman? Well, I suppose it's better than a minute to midnight in the long run I suppose.

You did read right, it was around 2:00am. Wrote 2 posts in like less than 7 hours. After a full day at work. I did good. Now I just have to wait and see what 'twists' you and Justin have before I can pick up and write again - so essentially I got the day off while I wait.
Yes I didnt necessarily start this with me being the victim in mind but it was a break away from being the moody antagonist of every other story where I'll willingly just pick a fight with anyone - especially Rob. Besides as we all say, there is SOME of me in her (by no means is it my real life) so I get to live a little vicariously through her. Its hard to go from day to day without repeating myself ad nauseum but anyway... its something. I have no intentions to carry on like this - I just had to make it some sort of reality after what's happened. Can't go through that drama and just brush it off. Well I don't like stories like that, so i won't write stuff like that. But no, she'll be on her feet again soon enough.
Anyway will wait and see what others post for me to branch off from... and thanks :)
My twist is a few days I am purposely not posting until Friday (my real life time which I think is your Saturday?) so don't write me out of story.
Don't give me ideas. I have a hyperactive imagination thanks to Tourniquet and another story I have planned (have you not noticed my love for my imagination through the x-files thing being represented in the avy/siggy set??)
Sarah can you do the midnight post please? Lisa just rang me, her place got rolled. They took most of her cds, dvd player, laptop, omg she's a wreck. Cops are there. Got to go. Don't think I'll be back by midnight - we'll see. Thanks.
Sure thing :)

edit. can someone write me out for tomorrow's update please? I dont think I'll have time and been writing Tourniquet all day, in the middle of an awesome battle scene between Fox and Sarah.

One step closer to the weekend
Cos it's Friday!
It's Saturday !

Sorry guys was completely lazy today... my bad. I didn't do anything Park related. Actually both Sarah and Justin mentioned twists they were posting yesterday and they never eventuated... that sucked... Well may write somthing today but have to get my butt to bed, then to work, then back here, so we'll see if time allows...
I need to go back to focusing on music. I would love to continue, but music is my thing and it has delayed me getting a lot done. I love The Park Collaboration, but in the end it is second to music. Plus I am leaving and will be gone for a week soon. Then College not far into August so. I had to bail somehow and I wanted to get this album done before college, so it was logical for me.
heh, you could've just moved out.

I see what you're saying though. Some things have to come first. Lucky me, my thing IS writing, so I can goof of at the Park and call it practice.
:D Yeah but wouldn't have been same effect :D

And yeah I used the Park as my practice for writing...I am not a very good one and have always wished to be one.
true, gotta love dramatic exits. :)

I would be lying if I said I'm actually using the Park as I'll just lie. Oh, and I beg to differ: you're not a bad writer, just a rather unpolished one. But maybe I'm just sucking up so I can get free tickets when you're famous. :-D
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