The Park Thread

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T land sucks major butt ;)

As for not answering, well, dare I say it, you and I started this didn't we? Now you're deciding to shirk the rules you helped create? If you dont at least skim through recent updates how are you going to know where you or your characters are in relation to the story as a whole? :confused:

Edit - kewl. Will go read.

One thing I've learnt about qlders, you can't drive for crap...yay watching home and away, what about you?

Have fun reading.
One thing I've learnt about qlders, you can't drive for crap...yay watching home and away, what about you?

Have fun reading.
1) You know I don't drive. Meh.
2) New South Welshman residing in QLD. Born in NSW, remember?
3) Home and Away has to be the biggest load of crap (in Shinoda-speak a big '**** sandwich') on TV next to Neighbours.
4) Have read. Kewl. Thank ya :)
5) Watching A Current Affair. Waiting til after GNW then I'm off to beddie byes...
1) I'm getting inspiration from Home and Away to write more of the Park and comedic relief.
2) You live in Qld. It's a big deal. a) You're a traiter in State of Origin times b) You live in Qld, that's enough for me to judge you *frowns* c) You're still my friend though :)
3) Gonna watch The Matrix; Reloaded soon to gain inspiration idea for Tourniquet's fight scene.
Actually you know what, I reckon it'd be amusing of Sarah's babies don't turn out to be Mike's... she'll be expecting little half-Japanese (wait, a quarter Japanese? I dunno) babies and... imagine if they're black! hahaha No wait... well can't be Rob's, she was already preggers by the time they did the naughty, but still... there's drama just waiting to happen... Sorry to hear about her ma too... hope she'll be okay

As for Home and Away, well I'll overlook that so yeah, we're still friends ;) (j/k) but seriously that show really really sucks. Better off drinking, at least you kill braincells quicker with alcohol, H&A is like slow and painful torture...
Matrix? Kewl. I have been watching a lot of Supernatural last few days. Still inclined on going back to that story I showed you once and picking that up again, reworking it a bit, that was good. Well, the premise was good. The supernatural in general is always intriguing... Is for me. Love it. So many possibilities!

And just so's you know, come SOA time I always go for Blues. Why? Cause I always go for the underdog ;)
Just say I have a few tricks up my sleeve.
OMG is Justin the father?! hahaha Damn! Imagine being married to the guy that in some way was connected to the death of yer babies' biological father! 0_0
hahaha awesome
I guess at least we know who the father of Jos' babies are... now me and Nailz need to get knocked up and we're all in the maternal way (seeing as how Mel already has a lil gurl, Skylar, awww)
Or is it the case of you being bored and you want a way to entertain yourself? (In that case I've done the second draft to the prologue and done a chapter of tourniquet).
That's shithouse. You're not a slave. You're a hobbit. You're not used to hard labour. I swear you could like sue them for hobbit slavery.

Too lazy to go on AIM it's called not spam and busy compiling a list of best and worst covers, wanna add some btw? Now this is spam -

Spam spam the wonderful ham
Spam spam the wonderful ham in a can
now me and Nailz need to get knocked up and we're all in the maternal way

no thanks, I don't want to go to jail for strangling my own spawn...which I would probably do, I despise small children. admittedly, that might be an interesting twist. :)
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