The Park Thread

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It's Saturday !

Sorry guys was completely lazy today... my bad. I didn't do anything Park related. Actually both Sarah and Justin mentioned twists they were posting yesterday and they never eventuated... that sucked... Well may write somthing today but have to get my butt to bed, then to work, then back here, so we'll see if time allows...

It's saturday already?? I have a hungover.....and no drunk photos will get my act together with the park very soon. Thanx for the midnight post.
I'll confess I haven't read updates yet, been busy. Work related. Have 5:00am starts for next few days so won't be around as much as I'd like. Sarah if you're around and if this is still happening can you do midnight posts etc? Thanks :)
I'm going to write myself out for a little while. I need to get busy editing my finished book. But I WILL be back, I swear. I like it too much to stay away.
Okay - I might do the same - life is a bit hectic at the moment. It's 4:30am and I have to go to work! Argh!!
If someone else (not Sarah) wants to take over for a while I'm fine with that. As much as I love writing real life has to come first. Thanks guys and best of luck :)
Okay I'm back :) Will get my act together with midnight posts and start updating. Sorry all, had a 8 hour trip starting at 5 am from Sydney to Narrandera yesterday and won't get back to Wagga until tomorrow, and yeah, I was bummed out completely and top of having a terrible sleep. No uni today woot :) Will try to do the midnight post tonight.
Sounds cool, thanks Sarah.
Well bad news for all here is I now have practically a week of 5:00am starts (which means in bed early, up at 4) so no midnight posts from me for a while. Until I get into some kind of pattern maybe no updates either, am dog tired and it's only the middle of the day! Now, I say bad news for you but maybe good news too - you'll have way less eye strain thanks to my absent posts. Think I might write myself out for a bit. If anyone else wants to write me out (not kill me) feel free. I'll be around but not as active as I'd like. Will be back when things are calmer. Prolly. Thanks :)

Edit: actually I lie. Am updating as we speak. It's better than nothing ^^
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all these people leaving, if temporarily...I hope the Park doesn't die off...
I hope it doesn't either, am trying to keep it flowing as much as I can from this end but naturally time constraints are spreading me a bit thin. We all have real lives to contend with but I, like you Nailz, live to write, it's what I do (when time allows) so of course I get disheartened when I see anything like this die - considering it started off with such great potential. But no matter, maybe things will pick up again soon, I am hoping. That depends as always of everyone else. If interest dies so too does the story. Let's hope it doesn't come to that ;)
Wow that was really good Rav. I liked how it you portrayed the character go through like several emotions...IDK maybe emotions isn't the word but she went from like almost a fake high at the end. I think it was brillant you displayed someone who was really going off the edge.
Thankies. Not bad for an hour or two's effort. Oh and about 2 hours of sleep. Has to help in portraying this mental and emotional degeneration - y'know what can I say, Rav's just crazy, but she has good reason to be. And besides, it's like your character's death sort of went unnoticed by the general public at large - like in real life how a headline holds the nation's attention for maybe 3 minutes before its forgotten and they move on to something else, except for the ones left behind. I thought someone should notice and seeing as how I saw it in effect I had to react - and given I had hinted several times to my suicidal tendencies in my past it all fell into place. Good. But it's not the end, for me at least. You could come back, haunt me, that'd be different - hahaha - then I really WOULD be crazy! :mad:
Well anyway, thanks. Glad you liked.
Thankies. Not bad for an hour or two's effort. Oh and about 2 hours of sleep. Has to help in portraying this mental and emotional degeneration - y'know what can I say, Rav's just crazy, but she has good reason to be. And besides, it's like your character's death sort of went unnoticed by the general public at large - like in real life how a headline holds the nation's attention for maybe 3 minutes before its forgotten and they move on to something else, except for the ones left behind. I thought someone should notice and seeing as how I saw it in effect I had to react - and given I had hinted several times to my suicidal tendencies in my past it all fell into place. Good. But it's not the end, for me at least. You could come back, haunt me, that'd be different - hahaha - then I really WOULD be crazy! :mad:
Well anyway, thanks. Glad you liked.

Nice way to integrate yourself into your character hun.
I just heard T Land on Today Tonight :) You don't have to if you don't want to.
T land sucks major butt ;)

As for not answering, well, dare I say it, you and I started this didn't we? Now you're deciding to shirk the rules you helped create? If you dont at least skim through recent updates how are you going to know where you or your characters are in relation to the story as a whole? :confused:

Edit - kewl. Will go read.
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