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Everything posted by phreakwars

  1. Neither of you wants to answer the question, of course. I'll ask it again. And what would YOU do with the millions of unemployed? . .
  2. I'm the child, and TJ's doing the crying.
  3. No shit, he REALLY can't grasp the concept of TLDR, He thinks he's special when nobody reads his shit. A simple link would suffice. I never read it either. Like I have time to fucking hop around from post to post reading and responding to 100 lines of the same bullshit over and over again. TJ doesn't win debates, he bores people out of participating... hence, the reason why many members have left. . .
  4. Said it a couple times, I'll say it again.. He's simply too stupid to realize he's stupid. . .
  5. I feel bad about the whole 3 minutes he had to spend changing it back. I'm sure he'll need hours and hours of therapy just to cope. . .
  6. His plan was NEVER implemented, how many fucking times do I have to say it? . .
  7. And what would YOU do with the millions of unemployed? Tell them to "GET A JOB" even though there are none? I see IWS has no problem calling them lazy. . .
  8. Who signed TARP? Check yourself nitwit. It wasn't Obama Wrong. We are realists. We know that not everybody can have a $30k+ a year job. You can't have a nation full of professionals making top dollar, that just doesn't happen and will never happen. I don't care if every man woman and child in America has an 8 year doctrine in whatever it is they study. Your lame talking point about how "it's up to people to improve themselves" is unrealistic. We have a need for mid level and low level jobs that must be filled. That doesn't mean the level of health care should coincide with the level of job skill of an individual. Health care is a moral obligation, you don't put a price tag on it. And you don't call the McDonalds worker a leech who wants something for nothing just because they can't afford health care. This is why you are NOT a Christian no matter how much you want to proclaim to be. Your corporate owned brain does not follow Christian principles and that's why Christians in general make me sick. Matthew 25:40 And the king will say to them in reply, 'Amen, I say to you, whatever you did for one of these least brothers of mine, you did for me.' Republican 25:40 Fuck em . .
  9. Which legislation would that be? . .
  10. So where is that free lunch? I mean you wanna post an image of a lunch box as a claim that everyones getting all these great free things, so where is this free lunch all the unemployed people are supposedly getting that's keeping them from getting/wanting a job? . .
  11. Fixed. . .
  12. Didn't you say before I have no right to complain about higher taxes on cigarette because I don't smoke? Big difference between choosing to smoke and not choosing to get sick or injured. Is that REALLY your counter arguement against me, TSTKYS? Because I'm not an asshole like you who doesn't care if others suffer. See the topic "Do atheists know more about Christianity than Christians?" Yeah, tell that to all the food service workers, all the convenience store clerks, all the mall outlet workers, and etc, who do put in 40+ or more hours a week and already have to put up with Republican encouraged lower wages who can't afford insurance. People like this only get knocked down by people like you and told they are looking for a hand out. How would they be "NOT EARNING IT" if they paid a certain percentage of their paycheck for health care? I'd GLADLY pay 4 or even 5 times as much now into Medicare for a government run plan then I would the rates my wife and I pay now. I call that free money to someone else for no good reason at all. Okay bender, how exactly does the Governemnt "help" if not give someone something they did not earn? I am all ears, if you can tell me how this is done without taking from those who earned to give to those who did not earn for free I am forever going to join you as a Progressive. See my previous response and welcome to the party. Now if you try saying no, that this would include others who have no job, your wrong, we already have a system for those people, remember? You said it yourself. No it does not Bender, there is not one Government run system in the world that is run that way. All your doing is replacing a corporation system with a Government system. All Government systems must ration care. Yes they are, your not parroting empty data, emprty evidence Republican scare tactic talking points. As for Rationing care... if I want rationed care, I'd stick with an insurance company. Why don't you rephrase that to "VERY LITTLE WASTE IN GETTING THE INVESTOR SOME PROFITS OFF THE BACKS OF POLICY HOLDERS" and you might be getting somewhere. And the boogeyman is real. You mean like insurance companies already do? Like buy PPO plan because we'd rather you goto this guy even though you'd rather go to this guy? Your losing me here dude. No, you can pay for your own because you can afford it. You don't make minimum wage. Let's just be honest here, no need to politicize it or justify it with an excuse of "earning" the right. Well you are a professional, you have it down to an art. I guess you'd know the difference between acting and being a total moron. Failure of progressives.. Refresh my memory... how many jobs were saved by GM not going under? Where are you getting your data from? Glenn Beck? But it was mostly the Unions who screwed it up and what did he do with them Bender? Did Obama punish the Unions? Nope, he gave the Unions part ownership of a private company they previously never had ownership of. Why was it important to give the Unions such a big prize they never deserved Bender? Bullshit x10 Employee pay & benefits amounted to a very very tiny fraction of operating costs. I can't believe you would use a bullshit line like that. It was the corporate guys piss poor business practice. Typical job owners response is ALWAYS to blame the monkeys, no matter what. If you have a car loan with me, do I own your car? What about after you've made the last payment, do I still own it? Your "GOVERNMENT CONTROLS THIS AND THAT" argument is quite lame, not to mention 100% false. . . . .
  13. That's an easy one. The rice paper the book is usually made from, is real. The monster inside known as God, isn't. The Jesus guy was a philosopher so take his advice any way you want. . .
  14. No, I don't read anything with the word "OPINION" in it. You know what they say about opinions being like assholes don't ya? As for the rest of your post, I have no idea what you typed and never read it because it's quite simply... TOO FUCKING LONG DIDN'T READ. Like I'm gonna read 26 paragraphs of your long drawn out bullshit? Hell no. Your lucky if I get through 2 paragraphs without clicking on another link or switch tabs & play farmville. I tend to skip over ANYBODY who does that, so don't think your special. . .
  15. He didn't. He said "UNDER HIS PLAN" Obviously, Republicans wouldn't go for his plan and his plan was never implemented. The smoke tax is a non issue (unless you wanna cry about smokers paying too much), and the tan tax was part of the healthcare plan by congress, not Obama. . .
  16. And how exactly do you want to "help" them? By giving them stuff they did not earn by taking it away from those who did earn it, and all under specific controls and so called incentives to control their behaviors. If people are having a "hard time" they have themselves, their family, their church, their friends, and their community to help them if they really need help. There is no way a massive Government agency can know if a person really needs help or is just scamming the system. Add on top of that your massive Government system must feed itself on the tax funds as well and in many cases the waste is so massive it is obsene. Several of my coworkers work at 8.00 an hour and none of them have insurance because they simply can't afford it. Tell them to have their family and church and friends help them pay for a pair of glasses. I'm lucky, I have insurance, they don't. They aren't lazy, they all put in 40 hours a week, they aren't looking for handouts, just a fucking break. Look above at your first quote, you say you want Government to help people, that means you want Government to give away free money and services, that is the only way the Government can "help" right? You don't mean you want government agents to move in and do their laundry for them.........right? I never said that, you did. Help does not = GIVE AWAY. No Bender, when all of this first came out you said you wanted the Government to destroy the private insurance industry, you said screw the insurance companies. Don't pretend now that your not a big government advocate. And I STILL say screw the insurance companies. Doesn't mean I'm against your sorry ass being a sucker and paying a 3rd party to oversee your care based on THEIR bottom line profit. With Government, pay goes directly to Hospitals and Dr's, not corporate executives. GM has not paid the money back, they took Government money from one source to pay off government money from the loans, we still own most of GM. On top of that Obama has direct control of GM, remember when Obama fired their CEO? After Obama took power the Progressives passed new laws givign them the power to control the banking industry, today the banks and GM are puppets to the Government whim. OK, you GOT me, they haven't paid ALL of it back, but hey, GUESS WHAT DIPSHIT, you just admitted they are paying a loan back, that contradicts what you said about the government owning it. And who gives a shit if Obama fired the CEO? Obviously the guy was fucking up the place and needed to go. If I'm a banker and I give you a car loan, you damn well better be taking care of it while you owe me money, that's why I'll make you get full coverage on it. I gotta protect my ass too. And in the case of the CEO, Obama was just protecting the tax payers asses. Obama passed legislation controlling how Insurance companies must do business, what services they must provide, who they must cover, and what they can charge for. That seems like a lot of Government control to me. What if these same provisions were applied to your life Bender? If the Government told you what to do and how to do it, would that men your independent and free or a Government entitity because the Government controlls your every action? Seems like kicking them in the ass and making them actually cover patients if you ask me. If they didn't do it, why bother even having insurance if the fuckers are gonna run you off the policy even though you paid for years and years just because you come down with a condition that might cost them more. As far as I'm concerned, health care didn't go far enough. Too much Republican wording in it that kisses ass with these mother fuckers. . .
  17. Sorry, I don't read things that have the word "OPINION" in the URL. . .
  18. Christian: follower of the teachings of Christ. One does not need to give Jesus supernatural powers and abilities to be a Christian. The whole belief in the resurrection makes you a Christian thing comes from the council of Constantinople . .
  19. Progressives want to run the Government and in so doing, run everyone else's life. Wrong, progressives want the government to help the people who are having a hard time. Why else do you want the Government to give away free healthcare, free food, free cash, etc.... Where have I said that? Quote me. Free healthcare for the disabled and poor already existed long before Obama took over, you wanted "everyone in America" covered by Government healthcare with the poor paying nothing for it and the rich paying for 95% of it. No, I want EVERYONE IN AMERICA WHO SO CHOOSES to be able to have an OPTION of turning to the government for help and BUY INTO a government plan. You consider all the banks nothing? You consider GM nothing? You consider all healthcare nothing? The Government should not be involved in running any of these things, and certainly not more. Banks were bailout out with a loan, not purchased, and, the money has been paid back, GM, same thing. You can't say the government owns or controls any of it. And all healthcare? Gee, that's funny, I thought I paid my premiums to the insurance company, not the government, so what the hell are you even talking about? . .
  20. So all the jobs that went overseas in the last 10 years (mostly in 2001-2007) were the Democrats doing? Refresh my memory... who was the President, and who controlled congress back then. . .
  21. Looks like this PS-Sniper guy is quite the busy little jihadist: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&safe=off&client=firefox-a&hs=LML&rls=org.mozilla%3Aen-US%3Aofficial&q=%22Ps-Sniper%22&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&oq=&gs_rfai= I can have the site back up and running tomorrow, but I'm going to leave it the way it is for a day or 2 while I collaborate with the velcom guys to figure out how this fucker got in. The last time, he used a c99.php shell exploit, which I took care of. I'm not sure what he used this time, and from the looks of it, neither is velcom. The guy E-mailed me, and threatened to keep hacking the site if people don't stop talking shit about Islam. I took that more as an indication that he is doing something to velcom's server, and not so much mine. phpbb is 100% secure and solid. The last time it happened, I had the phpbb team examine the site and they found no problems with the software itself, so I'll progress forward and bring the site back up once velcom gets it's shit straightened out... otherwise, I'll move the site to another server. . .
  22. Oh I see, OBAMA sent the jobs over seas. Guess your short term memory loss forgot whom it was that voted AGAINST ending tax breaks for people who ship jobs overseas. Let me refresh your memory.. IT WAS REPUBLICANS. . .
  23. So what is it I want the government to run in my life? I think people are too stupid to do things themselves? You mean like health care for someone who is disabled and can't afford it? Is THAT what you mean by the government taking over? So where is that government takeover? Hell what HAVE they taken over? NOTHING. . .
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