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  1. M

    Is it because he's a man???

    you said that on page 1 ;)
  2. M

    Jon Gosselin is a Douchebag

    I've got the one no vote up there.... I wouldn't waste my energy with a punch; I've been told my fists are ineffective. I'd go for a knee to the groin in hopes that he never manages to reproduce again. They're both douchebags, but I kind of think this is Jon's way of getting even for putting...
  3. M

    Pigs may have tested positive for H1N1

    Maybe if we eat them, we can build a natural immunity :D
  4. M

    Beer vs. Weed

    They already tried making alchol illegal and all it did was create a black market that fueled organaized crime. Alcohol consumption has killed a lot of my relatives, but so did bootlegging.
  5. M

    Would you do it?

    That wasn't a jab at the trustworthiness of guys, but at Ali's lack of trust in relationships. :p
  6. M

    Would you do it?

    well there ya go... you'd have to trust him. I think you can forget about this option ;)
  7. M

    Would you do it?

    no, I get where you're coming from. If this was something that was discussed prior to taking vows and everyone was agreeable to the situation, then where's the problem? I just couldn't imagine after 20+ years this suddenly being a great idea. I'm really not sure if it would eliminate any...
  8. M

    Your pets

    Katie brought a friend with her today... Her name is Sadie LOL
  9. M

    Would you do it?

    I have no problem with the separate vacation thing... it's the screwing around that bothers me. I know I couldn't handle it, because I already can't ;)
  10. M

    Windows 7 Upgrade

    easy work around for that... I have XP on my desktop. And I still actually like Vista.
  11. M

    Been away

    I'm not even going to respond, except to say that all I did was point out that eddo is not ALWAYS an ass to you. Let's just drop it. Now that I understand your intentions to "let things go", we'll see how that project pans out. I know I'm a terrible, awful person for drawing attention to this...
  12. M

    Would you do it?

    A snowball's chance of staying frozen in Hell would have better odds.
  13. M

    Been away

    And please don't leave me profile messages. If you have something to say to me, TJ, do it in public. Thank you for your cooperation.
  14. M

    Been away

    Maybe it could be possible if you didn't drag it out everywhere yourself. Even here you have to deny the goodwill. I'm seriously not trying to start more sh!t, I'm just not thinking clearly today... sorry for screwing up your thread. I'll leave now.
  15. M

    Been away

    and please take note: that was a genuine, nice comment. ;)
  16. M

    Been away

    Sorry about your friend, but I'm glad you took some time away to appreciate the good things in life ;)
  17. M

    Windows 7 Upgrade

    Then I'll just stick with Vista and maybe get a memory upgrade soon. :)
  18. M

    Day care next frontier in fighting kids' obesity

    They serve actual home made/made from scratch type stuff in the cafeteria here, the kids like the food better than anything I would pack for them, and it's probably more healthy, too. Everything in Florida came from a box or package and cost twice as much to feed them at school. And one thing...
  19. M

    Windows 7 Upgrade

    I've heard nothing but rave reviews about it... I'm considering it, just to free up some space. I've never had a problem with Vista... been using it since the first week it came out. It takes up serious disk space, but it works just fine.
  20. M

    Your sports teams

    the Lions have a win??? Hell must be frosty today.