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  1. T

    real dolls

    Pfft! Suit yourself. I only **** dolls. Ever listened to the Mills Brothers? The song "Paper Doll" is about forsaking real, live women for a paper doll that "other fellows cannot steal". Hence... I'm gonna buy a paper doll that I can call my own, A doll that other fellows cannot steal... Then...
  2. T

    If I were An Escaping Tree....

    Don't you see the clear satire, here? The British that came to America settled the new world, taking it from the hands of the natives, and then convincing themselves of their moral superiority by starting what appeared to be a democratic system, making their people reach decadence, become fat...
  3. T

    Spell Check Nazi

    That's not the case anymore. A lot of people in almost every single Internet game you can think of (just give a name) use 1337. Because of the effort it takes to write and read, most people use pseudo-1337. This is otherwise known as "l33t sp34k".
  4. T

    Women's Suffrage

    To sum up your argument, 1) "Sufferage" = Exoteric = Common Knowledge 2) Ignorance of "Sufferage" = Ignorance of "Common Knowledge" = General Ignorance = Idiocy I know how strange it may sound, but even a word that seems to be a part of banal vocabulary may not be known to some. It's most...
  5. T

    Builder is a very BAD boy!

    Oh, well. I guess this is what happens when you say anything to the mods... OF DEATH!!!!!!!
  6. T

    Spell Check Nazi

    "Don't transiate the leet if you do not know the leet" It would seem as though the number "1" is under dispute... is it an "I" or an "L"? Tell us what you think.
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    Builder is a very BAD boy!

    I wonder where Lethalfind is off to.... Probably left after the mods changed the poll questions/results, tampered with the posts and thereby reduced the entire thread to a moot state. In which case, I am happy to report that it has been successfully derailed.
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    Spell Check Nazi

    It was a satiracal jest designed to poke fun at the cypher known to Internet users as 1337 5p34|<. This cypher, under the highly common misconception among Internet game players, is supposedly 'esoteric' and only reserved for the elite-- hence "1337".
  9. T

    A must read!

    At this forum, we have to at least use punctuation. It's not that much extra effort, and you might be taken more seriously if you do. Why not try it?
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    Builder is a very BAD boy!

    Don't worry, Komrade, we know you're clearly not gay. You don't have a real signature, just the statement that signatures are for gay goths. Seeing as how you are without a signature, you are clearly not gay or a goth.
  11. T

    Americans want Democrats in power

    That's just a conspiracy. Anyone who believes that a county's leader, especially the one who leads what is known unofficially as the "seat of all western democracy", would go against every moral fibre in his body and everything that his country represents is dismissed as a crazy-talker. I second...
  12. T

    Thesis on Hell

    I read that same thing, except it was attached to an office water cooler. Things are in pretty bad shape when somebody gets an "A" in your academic system for being a smartass.
  13. T


    Finished? That's awesome.
  14. T

    Tired Ranting about Mental Dicipline

    To sum it up, faith healing is a sham. Too many people fall for analogies that contradict the truth. In this case, the mind can heal from a psychological disorder as a limb heals from a physical injury.
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    Thanks for derailing the thread, asshole. I want my time back.
  16. T

    Americans want Democrats in power

    Of course I didn't mean to imply that the American Democratic party was in favour of a so-called "true" democratic system. All I know is that in a republic, which is undoubtedly what the republicans want, you don't live in a true democracy.
  17. T

    Him or me?

    That's exactly what I was getting at. For chicks, it's obviously different. Some people say it's narrow-minded not to be ble to look at another man and say/imply that he's attractive, but narrow-minded or not, you know somebody's going to think you're queer.
  18. T

    The Internet is For Porn?!?!

    Well, that might have been possible assuming she was wearing no undergarments at the time, which for a large woman... tends to be a little on the disturbing side
  19. T

    A must read!

    The story was ****ing fine. Why not pull that crawling thinggie out of your ass before putting someone else in the box for no reason?
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    Tired Ranting about Mental Dicipline

    "Not exactly" isn't an argument. You're slipping.