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  1. Elmoish

    Single mothers equal big time idiots

    If you are not married, when you have a child you are a single mother. This is confusing to you? The word fiance has been wrecked because a bunch of women and men don't follow though. I'll send you a bunch of tulips if you actually do the deed. Hold off on the other child until after the...
  2. Elmoish

    Single mothers equal big time idiots

    Yes. You are a single mother. I can't imagine being so deluded as to pretend things are not as they are. Good for your fiance (this word has been quite corrupted, but I don't think you would understand). HE HAS INSURANCE. Guess what, you are not his wife and you and that poor kid have to...
  3. Elmoish

    Single mothers equal big time idiots

    There's nothing wrong with state insurance???? Here is one thing wrong with it: Taxpayers are paying for something you should be. You should indeed get prenatal care. GET A JOB WITH GOOD BENEFITS, set your life up responsibly, put some dough in the bank, THEN have a child. If you are such a...
  4. Elmoish

    Single mothers equal big time idiots

    Well, smarty pants, my opinion does mean "****" to you or why the reply? I don't particularly hate YOU. What I detest is the culture of single momhood. And, frankly you seem to fit right in this mode. Nobody cares that you did or did not stay with your chosen boyfriend. I doubt he just...
  5. Elmoish

    Single mothers equal big time idiots

    Puh-leeze!!! Nobody is speaking of a widow with little kids, you dim wit. I posted my disgust at "single Moms" who get sperm infected by choice then want credit for their below average spawn. Sad that there are 2 year olds without decent care. Guess that would be single Mommy's fault! Should...
  6. Elmoish

    Single mothers equal big time idiots

    I hate "single mothers". They always put their status in quotes like it is some badge of honor. HELLO! It's not honorable to spit out bastards. Well, frankly I could care less if you do, but you all seem to be having your hand out all the time. Plus you want to be patted on the back...
  7. Elmoish

    nazi scum coming to your town??????

    The Toledo mess was a sad thing to see. A few retarded, sad, ignorant, meth/crack addict, single mommy raised, low IQ whites getting the goat of a large number of retarded, sad, ignorant, meth/crack addict, single mommy raised, low IQ blacks. Isn't America wonderful. Not racist, a bit, in my...
  8. Elmoish

    So is it wrong?

    Yikes. Bill is in trouble here. Sad when you tell the truth you are in trouble. Plz, someone tell me he is wrong.
  9. Elmoish

    Dog ****

    Yes dealing with people that creep us out can cause a vent. Just not buying the "it's their car, I use it, but they gag me" routine.
  10. Elmoish

    Dog ****

    Get your own car. Take them around at your convenience. Still not buying the Mother Theresa thing.
  11. Elmoish

    Government entitlements piss me off

    Yes. I'm pissed. I try to keep an open mind about this stuff, but the libs in this country are beyond silly.
  12. Elmoish

    Dog ****

    Stop bitching if you are USING THEIR CAR FOR YOUR OWN USE. I always find it odd that people USING other people love to act put upon. DON'T drive them if it gags you out so much. Here's an idea: Pay for your own wheels...then you get to choose if dog **** is allowed or not. Sorry, not buying...
  13. Elmoish

    Conservatives trying to get liberal professors fired

    Why, yes! It does. Re-read this thread. Try to pry that little mind open and just entertain that you may be off base on this subject.
  14. Elmoish

    Conservatives trying to get liberal professors fired

    Read the book "Freakenomincs". Maybe help YOU to think outside the box. I do not believe you have read much about the liberal bias in higher education. Doesn't matter to me, much. But you posted a topic and are getting the same feedback from alot of people. Why not read up a bit more...
  15. Elmoish

    Teenagers !

    I think you should have a nice talk with your gf and tell her you love her, care about her kids, but that because the 1 kid has such a problem showing you kindness or respect that you think you should go back to just dating. Then move out and date her for another 3 years. Or leave the...
  16. Elmoish

    Fat People

    If you want anyone to read your responses, idjit, learn how to spell puerile. The smilies are a nice touch though. Usually, I only see them used by the the most sophisticated!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Rolleyes!!!!! Smile!!!!!! Frown!!! I'm Confused!!!! Big effin'...
  17. Elmoish

    Should he be fired for hating christians?

    Do you think Ward Churchill had a "right to his opinion" when he called the workers in the WTO "little Eichman's"? Have I a right to my opinion if, say, I work as an instructor at a University and in my blog, I say that Jews are vermin and that Hitler was misunderstood? I'd like to hear what...
  18. Elmoish

    Fat People

    Well fat people gross me out, too. The ones that ride the motorized carts at the grocery store are pretty hard to take. I, however, have a different take on real obesity and how people react to it. The true, disgusting fatties are disfunctional humans. It is OBVIOUS. Most people have...
  19. Elmoish

    Conservatives trying to get liberal professors fired

    I think you need to do a little reading on the subject of liberal bias in academia. I'm neither liberal nor conservative but feel that Universities should strive to have a tollerant atmosphere re: political viewpoints. It is common knowledge that the vast majority of public and private...
  20. Elmoish

    Family Guilt

    Why are you whining about how horrid guilt is? Just pay your debt. Your Dad did nothing wrong here. Pay up if you borrowed money.