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  1. Gray~Gal

    Tropical Storm Ophelia.....will it effect east coasters?

    yeah hes ok...just working a lot more and really busy
  2. Gray~Gal

    In Memory

    Sorry for his passing...God Bless in all to come and all who has passed.
  3. Gray~Gal

    Tropical Storm Ophelia.....will it effect east coasters?

    LOL Yeah you can dream...haha
  4. Gray~Gal

    **** Kanye West

    HOW WAS BUSH ON HOLIDAY? Do you expect the president to go to NO while its still filling up with water? Tell me what you think he was doing during the days of that disaster? He is far from racist....glad ppl remember he put colin powell in office and condoleezza (sp) rice there too. That's like...
  5. Gray~Gal

    Tropical Storm Ophelia.....will it effect east coasters?

    MIAMI (AP) - Tropical Storm Ophelia strengthened Wednesday off Florida's Atlantic coast, following an erratic path that threatened parts of the state with heavy rain. Less than two weeks after Hurricane Katrina hit South Florida, tropical storm warnings were posted along a 100-mile stretch from...
  6. Gray~Gal

    The Blame Game

    lol i guess there is some people on this site with common sense. Glad to see it COMPLETELY AGREE
  7. Gray~Gal

    Are parents dropping the ball more and more as the years go on?

    I actually agree with SD on some points she made...Everyone watch for the sky to fall now. Anyways, i think children should be spanked not abusive like bruising but enough to get your point across. I have 4 kids my own, 3 are old enough to get smacked for their poor judgements. For instance, my...
  8. Gray~Gal

    Sd's **** List!!!!!

    so ur a month sigh of being do realize teen is still attached to your AGE for 2 more yrs and um...just because your legal to buy cigarettes doesnt make you "all grown up" And yes i think we all think you were being a hypocrite
  9. Gray~Gal

    Sd's **** List!!!!!

    HAHAHA GOOD ONE ANGIE. Yeah her age as you have said many times SD has nothing to do with intelligance. So stop bashing her "TEENY-BOPPER" age...its irelavent when it comes to YOU
  10. Gray~Gal

    **** Kanye West

    See i hate when ppl are racist....The man keeps us down. Why do people think just because something isnt done asap they are racist? I mean black ppl are racist against whites, isn't that a generalization. Blacks hate white cause they were slaves...OMG...Well I'm not racist i just hate people..LOL
  11. Gray~Gal

    **** Kanye West

    Yeah if you wanna know kanye west is he sings that shitty song Jesus walks...he thinks hes all high and mighty....he is a dumb **** "Nigga"
  12. Gray~Gal

    Tizz' 2 cents, better then Dear Abby

    LOL maybe someone would go and stay gone...and its every yr for the blood test and yes it MANDATORY! You must know if you are HIV postive in the military so they are tested
  13. Gray~Gal

    My Final words on the Katrina&New Orleans situation

    Couldnt say it better myself MRIH
  14. Gray~Gal

    Pretentious language

    Its a little ironic that you are pissed off that someone is using words such as thoughs. You are constantly dipping into the thesaurus to add intellect to your your should feel OKEY DOKEY with those words
  15. Gray~Gal

    Tizz' 2 cents, better then Dear Abby

    Well since we were disagreeing about something we do agree on...S.D. is a ****ing MORON! What do you think of her comment....AIDS are a standard STD Wow i personally think she is a genius
  16. Gray~Gal

    Another rant on homosexuality.

    AIDS is NOT a standard STD...its a ****ing virus you get from HIV. And standard means everyday/common...and common STDs are crabs, herpes..and such. AIDS IS NOT! I admit you sometimes sound like you know what your talking about but with that little comment you sounded stupid
  17. Gray~Gal

    What a concept...

    yeah but i hate the spread rep thing...I mean i am constantly trying to spread to be able to give to memeber i AGREE With
  18. Gray~Gal

    What a concept...

    Yeah i like how we have idiot box rule but i think we should be able to give and get more rep then the reg. memebers...just an opinion
  19. Gray~Gal

    Movie previews misrepresenting the MOVIE

    Guess who was actually funny. I bought it only because my hubby like comedy and i am collecting DVDs while he is gone. I laughed more then i thought.....B+
  20. Gray~Gal

    Are demons real?

    LOL @ Dizzy. Anyways....i dont know about demons...but i believe in ghost. Anyone else?