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  1. Gray~Gal

    The Death Penalty

    This is what i have to say about the death penalty. I am posting this w/o reading others post first because i feel strongly about this. I think we should have the death penatly. Old saying eye for eye...well i believe it! I think any person who is a pedifile (sp) who has been proven to have...
  2. Gray~Gal

    Video game for ol skoolers remember this one..??

    I love video games but not as much as the hubby. He is an addict. I love Halo 2 and Socom. I love war/shooting games but also like things such as CSI..haha yeah i am a dork
  3. Gray~Gal

    What's the worst genre of music?

    All yall can kiss my COUNTRY ASS for saying country I like all but..JAZZ and Classical and teeny bopper **** like Hilary Duff or Lindsey Lohan..How ****in irratating!! I totally listen to OLD ROCK, Country, punk, alt, rap/hiphop and **** like Ray charles...ya know
  4. Gray~Gal

    They make that choice!

  5. Gray~Gal

    Twenty Questions.

    No Yes Germany Hell yes and i love embarrassing myself No i like my ass smelling fresh YES Yes No NO NO No YES No No Yes No Yes NO NO Yes Yes-Alaska exhibit
  6. Gray~Gal

    Plan B: The morning after pill

    OK i have alittle different view then my hubby. For one i NOW believe in birth control, i guess 4 kids later will make you think. I believe in the shot, pill, or whatever else that is pre-conception. But i DO NOT believe women should have access to the morning after pill because for one that is...
  7. Gray~Gal

    SO WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU ?? Short 10 Question your results!

    ITs say LIBERTARIAN...but what is a couple of questions right? I am a conservative all the way
  8. Gray~Gal

    SD and her Canadian friends

    Hey i had to sink to that certain level...i tried to go "old school' since that is basically elem. school for SD
  9. Gray~Gal

    They make that choice!

    Hey i listen to them too. Except i get different feed back. I was a military brat for 19 yrs. Then i married my husband who is the army. I have been around the ARMY all my life. I hear bitching and hear support. But here at Ft Stewart Georgia there is more support going on then bitching and hell...
  10. Gray~Gal

    They make that choice!

    I agree, young men and women sign up and they know there is a possiblity they could be sent to fight in a war. Now if you dont believe in war DO NOT JOIN THE MILITARY! That is what they do. DEFEND. I am tired of ppl saying the president killed their child, husband, mother, wife or...
  11. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    They said you can use big words..BIG ****IN DEAL! And as for good points...i have only see 2 ppl congrat u ur point fellow canadian JENN and i think Joker....that is IT....prove me wrong ..its ok. YOU STILL have lousy ass opinions
  12. Gray~Gal

    Tired of Gal being a child.

    5 people..isnt one you? Wont that make 4?
  13. Gray~Gal

    Tired of Gal being a child.

    Yeah i will admit...this is getting CHILDISH! But i am proving a point. And AIG i told u that 8ball was my husband so that would make me his "wifey" LOOK at his profile pic...yeah bad pics but i was way preg. there. N E ways, he will ALWAYS defend me so ...
  14. Gray~Gal

    Bids on Silver Dragon

    I give my 2 dolla and a goat...anyone wanna goat?
  15. Gray~Gal

    Education systems these days piss me off

    Yep..say you got sick but not sick enough to go to the DR...Your ****ed if you have something happen like that 3 xs. I hate school systems these days. I love DODD schools, (military schools) they are so helpful cause they are use to kid missing school and moving all the time...Civilian school do...
  16. Gray~Gal


    Yeah Irish accents can turn anyones head...Its just so sharp i think
  17. Gray~Gal

    So much for women's rights!

    Yeah i know we are capable of spitting out a kid after we start our rags but I am talking about raising one! Had nothing to do with if the could actually birth one.
  18. Gray~Gal

    Popped this cherry !! Guess who's an IDIOT now !!

    I voted but what did he do exactly......
  19. Gray~Gal

    So much for women's rights!

    I agree with 9 yr old could raise a child nor themselves. That govt. is completely ****ED UP! Hell Most 18 yr old in the US arent ready to be what does that say.
  20. Gray~Gal


    My fav. accent is IRISH...MMM MMM Ever seen boondock saints...Oh yeah i could listen to those guys talk all day or Colin Farrel. He has the best voice but the dirtiest mouth...