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    White People

    You were thinking of what to say for a while there......anyway - I was not trying to make myself look intellectual because I noticed you repeatedly spelt 'beautiful', not at all...and you should be the very last person to talk about being smart - you fail to realise that you are...

    White People

    I threw a few sentences at your previous comment and you threw a hissy fit ....WTF?? ...Um hello -All you had to do was say "yes it's a joke" or "no it's not a joke" -you can call me whatever the hell you want but you look like the jackass who clearly has PMS and it's obviously your time of the...

    White People

    Please tell me this was a joke...The last paragraph is full of wishful thinking on your part...heck -the whole damn thing. Oh - and for ****'s sake learn how to spell 'beautiful' !

    White People

    Oh yes, sure - we'll look past the ignorant, narrow-minded, racist, hypocrites then shall we....great.....I take it you embody these characteristics too....oh well you win some you lose some..

    White People

    lol - okay ..well it felt like ages ago.....

    White People

    Wow, I haven't been on this site 4 ages....ANYWAY - A lot of you people are just plain ignorant, narrow-minded, racist, hyrpocrites! One person says "oh I'm not racist and the next minute he's calling blacks ******s, suggesting they all have big lips and are apes......HYPOCRITE!! And the lesbian...

    Giving a Bad Name...

    HA HA HA - What about the people who just stood there and watched - they are just as bad.

    Read any good books lately?

    Yeah......"The Davinci Code"..& .."Tell No One" - That is the best book EVER!!

    A perfect world without religion

    Argghh!! Damn - your more offended then he was and I'm not even talkin to you...strange...Anyway - first of all I never said that I was compassionate so don't add things that weren't there to begin with to try and make your self feel better. I'm not tramping his beliefs either - did I tell him...

    A perfect world without religion

    WTF - What I'm saying is that religion is needed to keep faiths -duh! And you quoted the wrong comment. Typical....btw - your virtual hammer didn't do much damage

    A perfect world without religion

    WELL DUH!! You do it without the thought of God! Your just another sad heathen then and as for me personally no- life isnt sad but unlike you I dont just care about myself and I was saying that in general so don't try to be a smart ass. mayhem? maybe not quite but close enough. If you had an...

    A perfect world without religion

    I think the world today definately needs religion -otherwise there will be an increased amount of athiests, heathens, devil worshipers and the like and obviously more hate and increased number of sick phsycotic freaks and so on...but it is obvious that this is what 'they' are trying to achieve...

    Don’t ever wish me a Happy Holiday!

    Oh wow, I'm going to say merry Christmas even more now just because 'they' (whoever 'they' are) say I can't. MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYBODY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REMEMBER THE REASON FOR THE SEASON...that's what I always say - I'm tired of these heathens who don't even believe in Christ being hypocritical...

    Are you FOR or AGAINST the NWO ??

    I'm strongly AGAINST the NWO. I'm against it and anything to do with it or similar to it or part of it (u get me)..such as; the U.N or E.U and all these dumb unions and such. It's all connected and its all B.S. - It's just a bunch of corporate satanists in suits with large sums of money that...

    Once Again...The Useless, Worthless, Unscrupulous ******s Of L.A. Strike Again!!

    Oki Doki!! good job of practicly saying what I just said.. :rolleyes: but in a more buyest way....WHATEVER!! As I said before - nobody owes anybody anything because it was in none of OUR lifetimes!!! So I dont wanna hear **** from ANYONE - black,white,purple, dog, alien -...

    Public Transportation

    Yeah I have the exact same problems on my bus except it's not with the ones your stereotyping (it's the opposite)...but yeah same problems, same things - It sickens me and I have to pay $7 everytime I endure it ..such a rip off!!

    Once Again...The Useless, Worthless, Unscrupulous ******s Of L.A. Strike Again!!

    well that's just as bad as blacks saying "the white race owes us for slavery..." you can't go back hundreds of years and contradict yourself - but if there are ignorant black people thinking white people owe blacks and ignorant white people thinking blacks owe whites then why not just cut all...

    Flu pandemic could kill 150m warns UN

    If the bird flu mutates than it will be a global issue. The stupid infected birds are flying everywhere - I'm just wondering..'dont they get tired?'- ugh, I'm just annoyed by the whole thing

    Flu pandemic could kill 150m warns UN

    A NEW flu pandemic is expected at any time and could kill up to 150 million people depending on action taken to control the bird flu outbreaks that have appeared in Asia, a senior UN public health expert warned yesterday. I think this is absolutley rediculous because it has somehow managed to...

    should gays be allowed to adopt ??

    Blah Blah Blah ..again... Ok - here it is - I don't agree with gay adoption but I think it may be going to far to make it against the law