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  1. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    snafu That's precisely why gun laws in places like the UK don't work - because their neighbouring countries don't have the same laws, so the guns just get imported and used. You're right - if you are determined, and have the finances, there will be a way for you - in that case - to get the...
  2. cybacaT

    The War on Truth

    Fundamentalist shouldn't be a dirty word - it's what the person is practising the fundamentals of. If one is following the teachings of a man who taught about love, forgiveness, world peace, self sacrifice, looking after the poor, sick, needy, and lived a peaceful life as an example...then I'd...
  3. cybacaT

    Re: Christianity and Sexual Assault

    > >> > > Text: Matthew 5:27-32 > > >> > > 27 "You have heard that it was said, 'Do not commit adultery.' 28 But > >> > > I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already > >> > > committed adultery with her in his heart. 29 If your right eye causes > >> > > you to sin, gouge it...
  4. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    Neils the Poet 2nd amendment? Have you even read it, or just seen the tshirt? Back when the 2nd amendment was written, it was compulsory for all able-bodied men aged 18-60 to serve their time in the militia. As such it was a requirement that they be armed - and the FULL TEXT of this amendment...
  5. cybacaT

    Insulting peoples children

    Back to the topic... You may or may not be interested in what happened in an Australian Football League game on the weekend. One player has a 6yo daughter, and has a tattoo of her on his bicep. His opponent decided to use this by taunting him: "I ****ed your daughter last night" To which he...
  6. cybacaT

    VA shooting

    Dudes - I recognise that you've probably had years and years of NRA propoganda shoved down your throats since birth, but let's look at this rationally. More guns would've stopped this shooting spree? More guns means more gun deaths. That's a simple equation. I'm sure there's a state in the...
  7. cybacaT

    Can they quit on their own?

    Sorry - can't help. I've never even puffed on a cigarette. But this topic's made for some interesting reading!
  8. cybacaT

    Sleeping Requirements

    I had an insomniac phase as a teenager, and it was hell on earth. Just couldn't get to sleep, and the hours would tick away, and I'd get more tense and frustrated at not being able to sleep, more time would pass, and I'd know that if I didn't get to sleep soon I'd be crap the next day, but...
  9. cybacaT

    I am proud of Britney Spears.

    Apparently Timberlake said he'd take her back if she would just shave herself...
  10. cybacaT

    Procrastination - my enemy

    I hate it when I have a major piece of work to do, and keep putting it off, putting off, letting the pressure build. In the end, the work produced at the last minute isn't the best I could have done, and the recipient is usually pissed off because I've made them wait. The worst part is I only...
  11. cybacaT

    Top Stories > French train sets rail record 357.2 mph (AP)

    I think this train is a wise investment for France. It's so much cheaper than having an actual defence force. At the first sign of trouble, these cheese-eating surrender monkeys can pile on their train and escape the country within minutes!
  12. cybacaT

    Top Stories > Pelosi dismisses criticism of Syria trip (AP)

    You visit and practice diplomacy with countries you aren't actively at war with. When a country like Syria is sinking funds and personnel into a warzone to attack and kill your people, it seems like an odd time to share tea and cookies with them.
  13. cybacaT

    Top Stories > Bush, Democrats escalate Iraq war debate (AP)

    The arguments seem to be: DEMS: If you want funding, then agree to our timeline. The troops will get what they need to get through the next months before they pull out. REPUBS: Our troops need funding now to do their job. Not funding them means you are putting lives at risk, and dragging the...
  14. cybacaT

    A perfect world without religion

    I think the world would be a more selfish, self-centred place. There would be much, much more global poverty as nations sought to look after themselves only. There would be less care for the underprivileged in our communities, therefore more poverty, more crime. There would be a reduction in...
  15. cybacaT

    What would you do if your girlfriend...

    If she's got beads around her neck and he just takes them off, then no big deal. If it's a bit more sexual, then a line's been crossed. I'm the jealous type myself and don't stand for any playing around at all - no ifs or buts.
  16. cybacaT

    More muslims wrongfully implicated in terror

    Some differences between AIG and Hamza: - Hamza openly, unashamedly, repeatedly and sincerely condemns terrorism...without using a chain of ifs and buts to excuse terrorist activity. - Hamza appears to be well intentioned, rational, intelligent. - Hamza appears a lot more open-minded - willing...
  17. cybacaT

    Why racial profiling HAS to be used.

    Ahhh...not THE Carmen Lawrence - some ABC lackey... As you would know the intelligence community holds a wide range of opinions. By all accounts Wilke's POV was a minority one, esp regarding Iraq where the opinion of the majority of intelligence agencies was that Iraq had WMD. That said...
  18. cybacaT

    IF you could have anything you wanted for Christmas what would it be...

    skater This is post of the day in my book. I pray that in some way you will know they are with you on that day.
  19. cybacaT

    IF you could have anything you wanted for Christmas what would it be...

    Tori Allen That's a sweet price for a top condition NSX - you guys get cheap wheels in the US. A guy who works for my old man bought an NSX new around 92/93, and paid over $100,000 for it - closer to $120,000 if memory serves...Aussie dollars of course....probably around $90,000 equivalent in...
  20. cybacaT

    IF you could have anything you wanted for Christmas what would it be...

    I'm happy with my car, house, wife, kids ...if we're talking ANYTHING...not just practical things: 1. For Islam to disappear from the world in an instant. :D 2. For enough money to quit my job and travel the world with my family for the rest of my life, opening aid centres...