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  1. Crispy Critter

    Doctors remove 3rd arm from Chinese baby

    That sucks... he could have applauded a great orgasm as it occurred when he was wacking his meat......
  2. Crispy Critter

    If Christmas offends you don't read.

    Christmas sucks! Oh, I like the old traditional Christmas when I was a child in Happy Daze but the spirit doesn't beckon me these days. I live on a budget and Christmas is like a month when the water pump, washing machine and the range all breaks and needs replacing... the difference you spend...
  3. Crispy Critter

    Your New Years resolution... quit ****ing lying to yourself.

    I resolve to not kick my oldest teenagers ass when he fails in school and acts like an asshole. I resolve to go to Alaska and punch a hole in the Artic wildlife preserve and set it on fire... Maybe barbeque some local animals and see if it will cause the pole to melt and flood the morons that...
  4. Crispy Critter

    Stay the course

    During his administration he reduced taxes that saved the economy in the aftermath of 9-11, Katrina and much more. Unemployment is at an unbelieveably level... The countries growth constantly outperforms EU and the world... After 9-11 we freed Afghanistan.... after more than twelve years and 16...
  5. Crispy Critter

    Stay the course

    Guess you should listen to some fireside chats and hear the rest of the story without depending on left news and late-nite comedy to base your analysis on.
  6. Crispy Critter

    Stay the course

    The naysayers use the following argument: The administration took us to war on faulty fact; they fabricated or embellished intelligence to take the country to war... The administration has no creditability and even outed an undercover CIA agent... We don’t have a plan to get...
  7. Crispy Critter

    Non-English Speaking Americans?

    My first wife was Korean and in the 70's she took the test to become an American citizen and the test was in English along with the oath. I don't have a problem with people who don't speak English because I live in Puerto Rico where everyone speaks Spanish. I don't speak Spanish well but I...
  8. Crispy Critter

    The Rebel Flag!

    [SIZE=7]Rebel flags rule![/SIZE] My family moved from WV to NJ between my Jr. and Sr. year of high school and I proudly displayed a rebel flag on my car in Princeton and around the state... Rebel flags don't repersent hate towards negroes... it represents love for the south and disrespect to...
  9. Crispy Critter

    Most Floridians Unlikely to Vote for Jeb Bush as President

    I personally think GWB is a great president! I think his brother is sucessful considering his state is filled with NY city retirees, mostly liberal and negroes, mostly liberal and Cuban imigrants beat up by the liberals in the Clinton administration... My money is on Newt G. (SP) I think...
  10. Crispy Critter

    Do you know what Impeachment means??

    Maybe the world has benifited from Saddam Hussein's removal from Iraq??? Maybe...Oh, perhaps it was a mistake to remove him afterall he quietly chose the tens of thousands to die cruel deaths disagreeing with him that we only learned of after his removal in the most part. If your mom, dad...
  11. Crispy Critter

    Bush manages to unite the Senate...Senate urges Bush to outline Iraq plan.

    Well, the Democrats are stirring a pot of **** to see if it will stink more...and pots of shits stirred always seem to stink more... The Republicans break out the deodorant to weaken the stirring but support the stink. I think the Republicans should have, as they did voted down the Democratic...
  12. Crispy Critter

    Executions, Death Sentences Decline.

    If you have to kill someone do it in Texas where the express lane still exists! Too much money is wasted on killers... I say hang em high before sunset after sentencing! Actually, I would prefer to send them to a commune in ANWAR to grow giant pumpkins and cabbage. Let the money gained by the...
  13. Crispy Critter

    Want to share

    In every garden weeding removes some flowers. AIG how could war be refined to eliminate cruelity... war is cruelity? Would you allow the weeds to grow to starve the baby flowers?
  14. Crispy Critter

    School Bullys

    Thanks, when I discribed the kid that stared at me the principal quickly corrected me that the boy was bigger than me leading me to think he was intiminated by the kid... I told the director on the first meeting he should get with the mayor and and set up a zero tollerance program and expell...
  15. Crispy Critter

    So is it wrong?

    People that cannot leap out of government programs in five years should not be allowed to breed.... People members of gangs, convicted of drug trafficing should not be allowed to breed... Lazy people should not be allowed to breed...
  16. Crispy Critter

    School Bullys

    Earlier this week my son (switchblade comb) was accosted by the school bully and about 20 of his frinds or gang members... Switchblade is about 110 pounds soaking wet and maybe and maybe 5' 9"... the school bully is 6' 2" and maybe 195 pounds. They never hurt switchblade and only shoved him...
  17. Crispy Critter

    Can't get that ***** smell off your dick

    That's why women are nicknamed "skunks"... to cure skunk smell use tomato juice... there is no cure for *****! The absense of the smell will cause a man to roam looking for skunks.... It's a blue cheese love!
  18. Crispy Critter


    Smoking is about the stupidest thing I have ever done... Yet I like it a lot... I quit several times in my life and each time I was like Torri in my opinion of the habbit... I don't go to movies because there are no smoke breaks... I smoke a pack and a half a day... I went to the VA for...
  19. Crispy Critter

    **** Cindy Sheehan, ****ing attention whore

    The worthless slut not only insulted her son she insulted the victims of the hurricanes. She stands shoulder to shoulder with the Kim Ill Sun's of the world and has no solution for what her son died for. The **** is like the cat or dog crap you scrape off the bottom of your shoes because the...
  20. Crispy Critter

    Switchblade will be out for a while

    Sorry this is actually Switchblade,I just don't feel like putting my codename on ok.L8r :cool: