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  1. Crispy Critter

    Twenty Questions.

    1. Have you ever climbed to the highest point in your country of birth? No but been to the highest point in my home state and drove to the top of Pikes peak. 2. Have you ever lived overseas for more than 1 year? Yes about 25 years 3. Have you ever sung karaoke? No! 4. Have you ever been...
  2. Crispy Critter

    College Students don't care about world issues

    Maybe you could join the ROTC? and after graduating, i'm guessing you're going for a doctor's degree considering your age join the military and get mono a mono with protecting American rights...
  3. Crispy Critter

    School won't despense pills because of catholics

    Just give blow jobs or see if the hospital will tie your tubes... STD's will increase without condoms that birthcontrol pills encourages. Just give hand or blow jobs until the guys raise enough hell to have policy changed and stay on higher ground....
  4. Crispy Critter

    RO and Cynthia

    Fill up a couple gallons of water in the freezer... two lieter bottles work best and be ready for power outages... If you don't have a generator and fuel for it get a power inverter to convert your car battery to home voltage... they cost around $40 and even if you don't need it it comes in...
  5. Crispy Critter

    RO and Cynthia

    All of these storms have been going over my house on the way and it sucks... the ocean is boiling this year and more storms on the way:
  6. Crispy Critter

    US May Nuke Mecca

    Builder you even make waste of trees waste... please stop breathing...
  7. Crispy Critter


    I like German too, but the language I like best outside of english is Korean. Korean is a relatively new language and as a result Chinese is mixed in to give definition to what the hell they are trying to say... anyway when the expression is profound a Chinese gutteral sounds is used that...
  8. Crispy Critter

    War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

    I think we need to kill some bad guys to make examples and if a bad guy comes from Iran or Syria then do one of their cities to get their attention. We need to take the attention off of our body count and put it on the bad guys body count. **** PC!
  9. Crispy Critter

    Pat Robertson calls for Chavez assination

    I think Rev. Robertson is on the money... to kill chavez would allow for the government to transition into something other than the communist state it has became. Yet, to say it out loud is pollitically incorrect since it is against the law... Maybe he should have wispered the idea to GW? If...
  10. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    99% confirmation Get down and give the soldier in the sky 20 for having such a lack of imignation for a user name...
  11. Crispy Critter

    ******s piss me off

    You are my hero! I would give you some reps but I have to pace myself I guess... Nicely SAID!
  12. Crispy Critter

    Should WHATEVER be Idiot Boxed.

    Whatever is black? Splains a lot! Bet she knows what the deal is with the roots... People's ethnic reputation can be explained by origin and introduction to God... African's were heathens when taken as slaves and until they accept Christianity and practice it they will be shunned for that...
  13. Crispy Critter

    Should WHATEVER be Idiot Boxed.

    But she is right with the allowed... Negroes are allowed to do stuff... a Chinese can open a resturant any place in the world and no one will even challenge the credit... Negroes are allowed to do stuff because they were born to a lesser god. They are superstitious and can't lose their roots...
  14. Crispy Critter

    Should WHATEVER be Idiot Boxed.

    There are no Arab, Korean, Japanese, Jewish... ah the list is long drivers for Nascar but the reason white males are associated with Nascar is because it was based on a southern white man's tradition during the alcohol pro hibition of running illegal liquior. If blacks had been caught running...
  15. Crispy Critter

    GAZA WITHDRAWAL-your thoughts

    Actually in 1947 the UN identified Israel and Palestine as nations under a UN resolution. Israel is a UN Indian reservation and when the UN set it up they should have managed it. The problem is Europe has backed the Palestinian's because like we have Mexican's they have Arabs... Right AIG...
  16. Crispy Critter

    Should convicted pedophiles have any rights?

    The problem is the gray area between a 15 and 18 year old couple... If a young child is involved then I see no reason to return the sicko to society for them to strike again... I don't believe in the death penalty but I believe in making felons wish there were a death penalty in a place I...
  17. Crispy Critter

    Strange folks and thier beliefs!

    I'm worring about my banana trees now... you guys stop it... yet the cooler weather would be quite nice...
  18. Crispy Critter

    Happy birthday to AIG.

    Happy birthday... must suck to be a part time cake decorator on your birthday since you must think I'd did a better job on it... As far as the candles go... go wax yourself and enjoy the flat stomach and day or night dream of all the guys who would like to help wax you... In just days you will...
  19. Crispy Critter

    Stupid female bitching

    I couldn't resist to chime in on this thread... I love to flirt with young ladies and love it when they pay attention to me... I've been married three times and my curent relationship has survived for over 14 years without an affair... My first wife was faithful, great in the sack and took...
  20. Crispy Critter

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    You sound so manly with a name like Mr. X and all that talk about ****... well **** I hope it isn't because you just looked at your condom after taking out of your lovers ass.