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  1. M

    the changing face of Britain

    Islam rids people of ignorance...
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    Everyone has to die...Thats life.
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    Why America Is So Hated All Over The World??the Reasons

    Yes, because you are so full of wit and intelligence... On the whole your messages revolve around pigs and waste which makes you a true mastermind...How shall I compete
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    Question about Islam.

    Low lifes...So fowl mouthed...Your parents must be so proud...
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    Does the Koran teach this to kids?

    jokerarewild, killing is your countries thing, not mine...And you still haven't provided me with any proof...
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    Question about Islam.

    yes snafu, that always happens doesn't it, everyone gets a knife in the back every friday...Don't be so silly and stop getting information from places which have no idea about Islam... Assalamu Alaikum Allah is great, Yes he is bitter an twisted isn't he..
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    Does the Koran teach this to kids?

    oh that old thing huh? jews and Muslims...
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    Question about Islam.

    more intelligent comments there...
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Ah so like I said, now I see why you are the way you are...
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Just remember, people who think like you are in the minority in the UK, if indeed you are in the UK, if your in America then I don't expect any less.
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Ah!!! You see, you are quick to insult every Muslim, by telling us we ALL ruin this world, yet when I say anything about British and American troops you hate me to generalise!!! Stupid comments like TELLING me I'm from Bangladesh or Pakistan....So silly. "Islamic dictator" What kind of...
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Yes...And that is why America and the U.K are in Iraq, killing, raping and torturing innocent people and trying to force them to have a Western style government...Criminal behaviour in my book. Allah says: “Let there be no compulsion in religion. Truth has been made clear from error. Whoever...
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    Question about Islam.

    Qur'an and Sunnah, if what you follow is not in those two then you are deviating. Hugo can I just ask how it is possible for you to cut n paste things when your not a Muslim and you don't know what these things are?? No wonder your getting so confused.. I advise people never to type Islam into...
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Allah is the Holy...You seem to have a fixation with my date of birth..Move on. Pakistan or Bangladesh huh? Thats where I'm from is it? Very good, very good... Squirm? I'm laughing at you...
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    Question about Islam.

    Why do these things bother non-Muslims?
  16. M

    Question about Islam.

    Oh joy, I love it when people speak without any understanding of Islam Please stop doing this. Here is an article of this hadith from my much loved scholars who help me whenever I need something, they are some of the best in the world. I apologise because it is long, but no Muslim has the...
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Oh he will do all that from his little computer will he? Very impressive I'm sure you must be so proud. Like I said that is not my real date of birth. If this is the only thing that you can reproach me with then I feel for you.
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    How old are you, 10? Grow up... You have no reason to know my real date of birth do you?
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    Fanatical Muslims who need to be Shot!

    Sleeping with minors??? For a start zinaa (fornication) is a major sin and there is no sleeping with anyone outside the marriage state. We are living in different times. Most of history is going to shock you. You will have to ask a scholar that.