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  1. L

    Things You'd Love To Say Out Loud At Work.

    If only we could... LoL.
  2. L

    Had to get it off my chest...

    I think you misread what I wrote. My ex never dated her. A mutual friend of mine and my ex dated her. Even my ex isn't quite THAT stupid...
  3. L

    Had to get it off my chest...

    Nah... she is worse than ANY female I have EVER come in contact with. Someone from work sent me this site for suggestions. Lmao!
  4. L

    Had to get it off my chest...

    My flight commander knows how much drama she causes and hates her. There isn't much that the military can do about it though. I am just trying to restrain from snapping on her ass.
  5. L

    Had to get it off my chest...

    This is just a rant about someone that I used to be friends with and that I work with. Her and I were really good friends. She was my only female friend where I am stationed. I introduced her to a guy friend of mine that hung out with my boyfriend at the time. Well, things didn't work out with...
  6. L

    Crimes of your past.. Confession Booth time.

    One person to NOT break the law. WoW. LoL. And it was me.... LoL.
  7. L

    First Names

    I'm Jamie. :D
  8. L

    Pictures of our members?

    Thanks and no we didn't. We don't have "platoons" though. I am Air Force. ;) I am in NW Louisiana so all we got are crazy people from New Orleans. LoL.
  9. L

    What turns you off when it comes to a partner.

    +5684318 A smile is the first thing I notice. :D Another thing that really turns me off is when guys are ****y and think they are God's gift to women.
  10. L

    Pictures of our members?

    I'm in Louisiana. And yes, I know I don't look old enough. LoL. But I will be 21 at the end of this month. :D
  11. L

    Pictures of our members?

    Yep. Active Duty. :D
  12. L

    Pictures of our members?

    Hanging out before a car show... . In uniform...
  13. L

    Here it is again...

    I know this topic has probably been talked about time and time again but I wanted to bring a link to your attention. I used to be a firm believer in the death penalty. Recently, my views have changed. I think a life time in prison should be...
  14. L

    How would you feel if the man you were dating didn't want to tell his family about yo

    Congrats on something that makes you happier! :D
  15. L

    Whats with your username?

    Yes, it is me. And... whoever may have a smart ass remark, you can save it because I have heard it ALL.
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    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Thanks for the warm welcome. I'll try not to be but no promises. :rolleyes:
  17. L

    Do you think all women have a maternal instinct

    I don't think all women can have motherly instincts when they can harm their children. A female with motherly instincts could never harm her child and only wants to protect it.
  18. L

    How would you feel if the man you were dating didn't want to tell his family about yo

    I answered no but I guess it depends on the circumstances. If a male is THAT set on not telling his family, it makes me wonder what the reason could be. Someone might have gone through numerous bad relationships and introduced every partner to their family. If I had been dating the person over a...
  19. L

    For those who want to start a war

    I don't know what's funnier. His post or everyone's replies. It's scary to think that there really are people that think this way.
  20. L

    Whats with your username?

    Yeah, I'm huge. .