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  1. R

    Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?

    The problem is that YOUR problem becomes OUR problem, given YOUR inherent compulsion to export them to the world at large. But as you asked, to some extent Australia has little choice but to be an ally of the US, or puppet if you prefer the term. However, its not like we dont pay for the...
  2. R

    Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?

    See, this really pisses me off... By what leap of logic do you ASSUME I am American?? The world is NOT filled with Americans. The world, despite the rhetoric and propaganda of your politicians, does NOT rotate around an American hub. There are for more nations and cultures in existence than...
  3. R

    Firearms: Banned or Brandished

    So enlighten us as to why we need firearms in Oz? For the canetoads?
  4. R

    Firearms: Banned or Brandished

    The possession by individuals of firearms or other weapons designed to kill is an abhorrence. There is no justification for individuals to possess a firearm. Even hunting is unacceptable. By possessing a firearm, you contribute to the scale of violence in your community, and increase the...
  5. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Your failure to see the point for your own emotive perspective is tedious. The issue was NOT "if" it collapsed or didn't, and it didn't need the foresight of Nostradamus to predict it would fold. Nor is the issue its relative progress since. The POINT, you illiterate gibbon, is that had you...
  6. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Take a look around, Phrick. New Orleans, Los Angeles, Chicago and Detroit. If one goes, all will go. And as long as America continues to try and fool itself into believing it is Nirvana, rather than accepting that it is a sand castle sitting on a fault line, the more likely a major social...
  7. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Here's a clue, fencepost. If, heaven forbid, America imploded upon itself and the citizenry rose up in arms against the military, it would last about a day. Whilst we speak of a hypothetical circumstances, a ragtag of civilians with Saturday Night Specials and hunting rifles would be no match...
  8. R

    Pullout complete - Now what?

    According to the history books, when Israel applied to join the UN (effectively legitimising their claim for nation status) the US was the first country to vote for them. Only then did other nations (western countries) follow suit. It strikes me as odd that the US would take such an interest...
  9. R

    Pullout complete - Now what?

    I'm sorry. I dont recall saying that. I made an assertion, which is what one does when one suspects something but either has no evidence, or cannot be ****ed looking for it because he has other things to do. If you are interested, I recommend
  10. R

    Pullout complete - Now what?

    Cogito...once again you dont debate, you defend. Please go here It is a non-prejudiced historical synopsis of how Israel came into being. It makes a few points, including the clear fact that Israel is no more valid than Palestine as a nation. The...
  11. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Vortex, you are a gullible drone. Thats your devious little admin having fun abusing his privileges. Nice going, Phrick. The only people you catch in your asinine chicanery are you own peons.
  12. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Is that why Billy Connelly stated that if ever Australia needed an enema, they would insert it in Brisbane? I'd be careful with the parochial jibes, Bob. You rednecks dont have anywhere to run, but you've got a lot to hide.
  13. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Yawn. Pathetic obfuscation and evasion. I'll give you credit for being the best collective of cut and run twats on the web. I've laid out a challenge, and some remarkably clever chimp with mod status tries to be all clever and funny with the edit facility. Does that suggest that this forum...
  14. R

    Who's more dangerous

    You mean this? ? Does this say America is a fascist nation?? Does it say it in the post a few pages earlier? It doesn't, does it. It says that America is heading in the direction of fascism principles and political ideology. You really are a complete twat. You bigmouthed yourself on age...
  15. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    It was a reference to my intellectual capacity, or lack thereof. It seems it could equally apply to my lack of imagination. However, as you seem hell bent on personal slurs, please point your audience to any evidence that I am anything but a mindless dolt. Show me where that allegation is...
  16. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Faith and loyalty are admirable. Blind faith and loyalty is the foundation for totalitarianism. And you have just illustrated the wonderfully effective consequences of American propaganda and illusion created by your superiors. Without once actually examining my points objectively. See, there...
  17. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Son, I know about respect. If I wanted respect, I wouldn't be in this backwash of banality. Its odd, that whenever an interloper arrives and challenges the status quo, or stands up to the petty little despots who think they're BAAAAD, the same peurile and utterly impotent taunts fly. "Wah wah...
  18. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    It take a lot to amaze me, but you chimps have succeeded. What a ****ing vacuous, remarkably infantile system. You pay $12 a month for POWER!!!! To put a member in an "Idiot Box"?? And you want to be respected as the forums premier what? And you regard this is good forum management and...
  19. R

    Who's more dangerous

    How meritorious. I dont recall flaming in any case. If Phreak dont ban, and he dont debate, what the **** does he do, other than interrupt and derail threads. The topic under discussion is who is more dangerous. It sure as hell is neither you, nor Phrick, so I'm at a complete loss as to why...
  20. R

    Who's more dangerous

    I'm sorry. Does anyone here speak English. Sign on the door says this is a debating forum. I'm debating. You're acting like a complete ****head. If you want to go head to head, start a thread, as the saying goes. Otherwise, add your contribution to this exchange of views. I'm amazed that...