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  1. W

    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    Not to delve into the abortion question too much, but should not that same logic hold true for when abortion is no longer "ending an unwanted pregnancy" but becomes "killing an unborn child"? It seems to me (and the Supreme Court will be examining the issue) that at the point when medical...
  2. W

    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    The principle of the thing is NOT birth control (Morning After Pill), the principle point is whether the Government can (or should) FORCE a private business to sell (or not sell) ANYTHING... If Wal-Mart (or your corner drug store) decides (for whatever reason) to NOT stock cold remedies, AND...
  3. W

    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    You know, maybe Wal-Mart can, simply, REFUSE to accept ANY Health Insurance programs (EVERYONE PAYS CASH for their prescriptions)... Then only wealthy Republicans (and Hollywood Liberal Elites) can get prescriptions at Wal-Mart. You KNOW Hollywood Liberal Elites won't shop at Wal-Mart, 'cause...
  4. W

    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    Nobody's whining here... And YOUR analogy is off... NO, I doubt ANY doctor would refuse to treat ANY patient whose LIFE is in jeopardy... Are YOU suggesting that NOT filling a Morning After pill prescription is the EQUIVALENT of not treating a dying patient? YOU'RE ****ING INSANE! You've...
  5. W

    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    Agreed. That's the LAW... The point of disagreement, though, is that the LAW is STUPID, and a Governmental INTRUSION into the operation of a PRIVATE business (pharmacy, doctor's office, restaurant, ANYTHING)... It's NOT a question of Wal-Mart not wanting to have the drug sitting on the shelf...
  6. W

    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    CES, you and Hugo have some valid arguments... However, the stupid law REQUIRING pharmacies to provide the drug not only infringes on a company's right (however stupid they may be in exercising that right) to sell whatever products THEY choose, but it also would make it financially prohibitive...
  7. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    I think CAPS is just as effective as bold or pathetic "smileys"...:p
  8. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    First, has it been determined that the broken pencil was a DELIBERATE ACT of sabotage, or was it, simply, a mistake made by a skull full of mush? If by the erosion of a “sense of authority and spine” you mean that teachers and/or administrator are losing (or have lost) control over unruly...
  9. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    I'm not suggesting that the teacher was, in fact, going to go through with the identification of the fingerprints... BUT what does the actions of the teacher TEACH our kids? That it's OKAY for an authority figure to do whatever they want, just because? My point is that the more you tolerate...
  10. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    As for me, I could care less if a police officer followed me around 24/7... Yeah, I'd probably take longer to get places (I might actually have to stay BELOW the speed limit ALL the time), but would that be a BAD thing? Other than that, I don't think I make a habit of breaking the law... So...
  11. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    NO! NO! NO! You don't want a PERSONAL apology; you want a PUBLIC apology... You should offer to come to the teacher's class, where the principal and the teacher can BOTH apologize to you AND YOUR DAUGHTER IN FRONT OF THE CLASS... I'm afraid, however, that THAT offer would be rejected by the...
  12. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    Yep... When you're right, you're right (for now)...
  13. W

    Would you be mad if your childs school fingerprinted them without your permission?

    Holy ****! CES... You and I are on the same page on this one! Screw the ACLU! Hell, we give our fingerprint (here in California, only our thumb print) and our picture when we get a Drivers license. Then think of all of the electronic information about you which is tracked by the various...
  14. W

    GI Guilty in Iraqi's Suffocation - Read the link and then vote...

    We hoped for more than pety insults; but as we've noted in the past, when you (and those like you), don't have FACTS on your side, you attack the messenger. Chanting Bumper Sticker slogans is NOT an argument... But don't let that stop you - chant away.
  15. W

    GI Guilty in Iraqi's Suffocation - Read the link and then vote...

    No, Moron... MOST of us don't equate MOVIES with REALITY (especially not characters in a FICTION compared to REAL PEOPLE getting their heads cut off)... Last time I looked at a Lakers game, there was good old Jack, right there court-side (free as a bird)... It is YOUR ability to NOT call EVIL...
  16. W

    GI Guilty in Iraqi's Suffocation - Read the link and then vote...

    Well, which is it? Either there are