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    Abba Mania

    What about spinal tap lol.
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    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Well to tell you the truth i don't really give a **** about these jakeballs coming in. Most of them are pretty sound people and wouldn't do anything wrong and also usually do all the shite jobs so fair play. Also i'll probably be dead or will have left this country before they take hold...
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    Happy Slapper gets Stomped

    Yeah that happened to me a couple of moths ago. It was when i was coming out of the Garage (nightclub in glasgow). Some wee scummy shite came up and just slapped me instead of hitting me so i layed into him quite heavily and the next thing i know the police are surrounding me and i get fined...
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    Whites in the UK to become minority group

    Oh yeah that'll be Abu Hamza then.
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    Don't ever die in Canada.

    I can just see it now how the dog survived. "Hey chuck, where the hell is this guys arm"
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    What's your favorite movie(s) off all time

    The Big Lebowski. John Goodman is so class in that film. 'I can't play on saturday because of Shabas'
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    I wanna bitch slap Spongebob in a bad way.

    Ha. All you crazy young things with your strange sayings. Mind you one of my friends does ask girls if they want to help syphon the python.
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    Awwww, Not Fluffy!
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    Awwww, Not Fluffy!

    Wow snafu. .
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    Awwww, Not Fluffy!

    ooooooooooooooooo brandishing the old handbag there eh. Well i wouldn't let them put an animal down because what the **** do i want with an animal. They smell and you need to feed them **** that.
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    Awwww, Not Fluffy!

    aye mate but you are a skaghead.;)
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    Awwww, Not Fluffy!

    Well technically if it was healthy the vet wouldn't put it down. So neither and i'll take
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    Seperate the men from the boys.

    My dads down says he wants to get on the waiting list for this stuff. But until then i suppose i'll have to settle for trusty old absinthe.:D
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    I wanna bitch slap Spongebob in a bad way.

    Or full metal jacket. "Do you suck dick boy!"
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    Your talking some amount of pish there mate:D Good attempt though.
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    Muslims in control of ports

    A large portion of the mothers in scotland are single mothers. Most seem to get little or no support and still seem to raise their kids right. So i would say that being a single mother is a badge of honour if you contribute to society.
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    Dancing with the stars grand finale

    No i think chuck norris or bruce lee or even chuck norris and bruce lee are needed here as well.
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    What don't I understand?

    Why thankyou wullie. It came to me when i hit the peak of my high. I tell you man don't mess with that northern lights cross going around at the minute. To sum it up in one word i would have to say ohmygodi'mdroolinoohwhatsthatshinythingoveigottogetmesomefeed.
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    I wanna bitch slap Spongebob in a bad way.

    Well its only a good collection with apocalypse now in the mix.:)
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    Useless Muslim Scumbags!!!

    LOL never noticed that someone was calling me a limey................for the umpteenth time. Anyway limey is a term for the english not scottish. But anyway muslims are all bad and have three eyes and a laser beam comes out from under their beards and they can summon forth camels to kick your...