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  1. LinkinPark33Grl

    the random topic

    WHO R U PPL!!!??? lol
  2. LinkinPark33Grl

    Favorite Food?

    lol yeah its weird i love sushi..raw fish but thats the way i am Oh and cookie taste soooooo yummy....... man now im hungry lol you like a lot of food!!! I like a lot of food too but my favorite is sushi!!! XD
  3. LinkinPark33Grl

    Favorite Food?

    Mine is Sushi, I love it I cant live without eating any in a week, since there a little too whats yours?
  4. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

    oh ok cool Cristina, Nice name : ) mine is Luisa
  5. LinkinPark33Grl

    Any Random Words you like to say when your bored or hyper?

    lol i like this stuff!! funnay!! ^____^
  6. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

    wow this is all funny!! and im sorry for you....uh whats ur name? the username: imtheonethatfalls lol i feel stupid...
  7. LinkinPark33Grl

    Any Random Words you like to say when your bored or hyper?

    When im bored or really hyper i would say: Pickles rule the world!!! or PIcklejuice.. i dont even like pickles! or out of no where i would say NEVAH!!!! How bout you guys?
  8. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

    "god damnit woman" that is funny!!! i cant stop laughing
  9. LinkinPark33Grl

    Poems That you wrote when you were feeling down?

    This is all good!!!!! and... i dont kno.. im kinda stupid sometimes.. heh
  10. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

    lol!!! oh my gosh!! that sux!! im glad my mom doesnt do that.... : )
  11. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

    oh my gosh!!! thats funny with the underwear.... lol
  12. LinkinPark33Grl

    Fav Memory?

    I have a memory i never forget because it scared me that day.. It was my birthday and i think i was turning 11 and my cousin was doing something that he wasnt suppose to do, like he was going to break something real important i dont remember what. But i told him to stop and he didn't so i...
  13. LinkinPark33Grl

    What's the most emberassing thing or saying has your parents said to emberass you?

    What are some ways that parents like to emberass there kids? If you guys have some put them in..... I have lots.. 2 actually Like one time it was my first day of high school as a freshman and after scool my mom was picking me up and outside she came and shes like my baby! made her first...
  14. LinkinPark33Grl

    Favorite Video Games

    Whats you favorite video game?! Mine is Kingdom Hearts, Pac Man 2, and DDRMax 2 on ps2, dot hack infection and i bet i have more but i just dont remember them... whats yours??
  15. LinkinPark33Grl

    Favorite Icecream Flavor

    I would say cookies and cream...oh man i got hungry!lol
  16. LinkinPark33Grl

    Have you ate something that isnt food?

    lol play-doh taste good... it tasted salty for me... but i jsut dont eat that stuff anymore...
  17. LinkinPark33Grl

    Poems That you wrote when you were feeling down?

    wow these are cool!!! nice poems!!!!
  18. LinkinPark33Grl

    stupid pointless question

    Which is better apples or bananas?
  19. LinkinPark33Grl

    Poems That you wrote when you were feeling down?

    Mine is: As i sit next to my window and look at the view I see my flower plant very happy and shiney. Locked up in my room makes me happy. My mom comes in, slames the door open starts and and screaming. As i sleep in my bed I start to cry, as my flower plant gets sad and dies.