diana's journal

Girl_with_a_Guitarx - Well, that's great! Like I said...lucky you! :D

Emmm, today...
School_boring as ****!

Right now it's raining outside and I really hope it will stop soon...that's cuz I'm going riding and I hate being in the hall which btw is too small if you ask me... However, I have to ride 2 horses...I hope both of them will be good... :p

Hey, I'm listening to LP...I can't believe it! He he...after long, long time...and it feels prety good... :D Have to get used to them again before their new album comes out... :rolleyes:

Hmmm, I'll have to start to study English...bleee...hate it, cuz I have to be asked...studying for test at English is so much easier...I don't know actually what I'm gonna do bout that...whatever...:S

That's gonna be all for now...take care...
Friday, 08.04.2006...

Today seems it's gonna be pretty good day...I'm excited... :D
We have no school today cuz some have sports-day, some have lessons...and we (3rd classes of gymnasium) are free... :p
Sooo, I'm just at home, listenin to music and enjoy in loneliness... :thumbsup:

However, later, I'll go riding_I hope I'll have training...it would be great if I'd jump today... :D
In the evening I'll go out, as usual...can't wait to meeting with my bf... ;) Bleeee...one week is toooo long...

School this week was pretty ok...I got grades:
-at Slovene_4
-at English_2
-at Enterprise_4
I'm satisfied, let's say... :rolleyes:

However, hope you're all fine...and have great time... *hugs*
Hey Di sorry I neveer drop by I'm just busy :p
and always in a hurry when I come on but rightnow I'm just free to do anything :p
and sounds like it's all good
Shaun: Well, it's ok...You stopped by, right... ;)
And yeah, everything is pretty ok...
And how are you?

Boris: Hey!
Thanks...for all those wishes and for stopping by... :D
Read you later... :p

Saturday, 08.04.2006...

Emmm, I was sleeping till 12.10h...came home pretty early_at about 3.30h... :p
It was ok... Hangin with bf is like awesome...wuaaaa, love him... ;)
But I wasn't really into dancing this time....don't know why though...*shrug* That's the reason why I came home so soon...well, doesn't matter...

Today, I'll go riding + there's something like cleaning action...so, I'll have to be there a little bit longer as usual... And, I would have to study Economy, cuz we're takin that ****in test on Monday, but I won't, I believe... :S

Anyway, I'll go now...
Have fun and take care! *hugs*
Is it soon- 3.30h?Wow!That´s cool!
And that test from Economy- I wish you good luck in Monday and I hope it won´t be so boring- that studying.
Oh...I am sorry for that cleaning.I hate it but I don´t do it very often.
So lot´s of fun ,but I don´t think it will be fun.Bye!
aloneme said:
Is it soon- 3.30h?Wow!That´s cool!
And that test from Economy- I wish you good luck in Monday and I hope it won´t be so boring- that studying.
Oh...I am sorry for that cleaning.I hate it but I don´t do it very often.
So lot´s of fun ,but I don´t think it will be fun.Bye!
He he...well, 3.30h is so not soon, I think...but since I'm coming home at bout 4 or 5 o'clock, that is soon for me... :rolleyes:
Thanks again for good wishes...*hug*
However, I survived that cleaning **** and it wasn't so bad cuz others did the majority of it in the morning... :p
Take care and ttyl... Bye!
hey Di I know what you mean about that
Test or Exam? thing but just don't panic stay calm
or else everything will be gone from your mind :p trust me I've been their :p

But if you already done it I hope you pass it or good score whatever it is :D
By_My-$elf said:
hey Di I know what you mean about that
Test or Exam? thing but just don't panic stay calm
or else everything will be gone from your mind :p trust me I've been their :p

But if you already done it I hope you pass it or good score whatever it is :D
Well, don't even know the main difference between a test and an exam... :confused: Emmm, we call it "test" but I think it's exam...or whatever...I'm gonna panic!! Fuuuuck...
Anyway, no, I'm gonna take it -whatever it is- on Monday...sooo, keep your fingers crossed... ;)
Take care...

Haven't stopped by for a while...
Emmmm, I just wanted to tell you, that I'm going on competition tomorrow...soooo, wish me good luck... :p

And I'm ok...life is pretty nice to me...I hope it'll be like that for some time...

Anyway, I don't have any will to write here right now...soooo...

Take care and be good... Bye-bye...

Well, yesterday I went on that competition...I wasn't so good...
-110 cm...I rode very shity...I was very angry with myself!
-120 cm...I rode excellent but I feel of on the last hurdle! Randi just stopped...bleee...but I'm fine...

I was exhausted after that and still am today...lol...but, it's all good... ;)

Today, I have to go riding...so my honn (mare Randi :D ) won't have "muscle-ache"...he he...I should meet with my bf today but I don't know...I'm too tired... :confused: We'll see...
Tomorrow morning, I'll go to my ex-bf's place...just on a cup of coffee...(I don't drink coffee, btw...) :rolleyes: I don't know, he simply invited me...which I think is nice of him... :p

Anyway, take care and be good...*hugs*
Just stopping by to view your journal for the first time..I like it. Have a nice day...

OK, I just decided to stop here a little...at my own journal...lol... :rolleyes:

Today, there were some student-remonstrations in our capital...I don't actually know why but I think that it's somethin about halls for students...and about student-services...about work and stuff... Well, I didn't go cuz I have no money...and no will...but, who cares...hope everythin will work out good for us...

Is it just me or it got pretty boring here on LPF?...I don't know...it's nothin much goin on... :confused: What do you think?

Anyway, I should study History today but I don't think I will...maybe I'm just gonna go through quickly...I hate it...now we're learning about first world war...I don't know...it's too much... :(

Anyway, have fun you guys... Bye*hugs*
i know what you mean...everything on here is a little...boring...
so how'd your competition go? good, i hope!
heh...i remember studying about WWI...yuuuuck. lol.
to tell you the truth, i could care less about history class...
that might be a bad thing to say,
but oh well.
next year i don't have to take a history class...yessss, hehe.
talk to ya later! take care,

Girl_with_a_Guitarx said:
i know what you mean...everything on here is a little...boring...
so how'd your competition go? good, i hope!
heh...i remember studying about WWI...yuuuuck. lol.
to tell you the truth, i could care less about history class...
that might be a bad thing to say,
but oh well.
next year i don't have to take a history class...yessss, hehe.
talk to ya later! take care,

Hey! :D
About competition you can read below... :thumbsup:

Oh, lucky you about that History...hmmm...wait...I won't have it too :eek: ...lol...yeeeey!!

Well, thanks for stopping by...Take care and ttyl... *hug*


Yeah, I haven't been asked History yet...happy... :D
Today, nothin special...school boring...we got our tests at english class back and I wrote it 3...like usual...pretty good...
I went riding_had jumping-training...it was ok...

Man, I really need to buy myself some stuff for competitions (shoes and leggings) but I don't have any money! I'm so mad...I need about 150$ just for that...I don't know what to do... :confused: Money is such a shit_if you don't have it... :(

Oh well, that's all...
Take care and have fun...*hugs*
Just stopping by...

Yeah it's ****ed up if you don't have any money...I know that.

So diana...how are you?....
Jeezy said:
Just stopping by...

Yeah it's ****ed up if you don't have any money...I know that.

So diana...how are you?....
Oh, hey!
I'm so glad you stopped by! :D
Well, I'm just fine, thanks...and you?
Ttyl, I hope... :thumbsup:

Today I decided that I'll upload after long time...soooo, here it is...


I'm at home...it's a holiday in our country...I'll try to translate the name of it for you..."The day of fighting against occupier"...It was on 27.April in 1941 when we started to fight against Germany and Italy, I guess...Back then Slovenia was in Yugoslavia...However, it's the past...just 1st world war...bullshit...
So, we have holidays till 3rd of May... :D

On Saturday I should go on competition, but I don't think we'll go cuz it's gonna be raining...at least that's what they're saying...Oh, well...screw it... :rolleyes:

School is doing pretty well...of course I don't have any will for studying but...who cares...****, I'll have to study Hystory and Geography during this holidays... :eek: Hate it...
I just hope I'll be able to spend a little bit more time with my bf in this next few days...we'll see...

Yesterday was great! After school we went in our city-park...there were so many people...it's just drinking, smoking and having fun! ;) I'll get pics from my schoolmate and i'll post them some here...Maybe today... :thumbsup:
In the evening I went out too...we were playing tarot...my bf, two of his friends & me...it'was okey...

Anyway, I have to go now...
Take care, be good and have fun...
Bye! *hugs*


Okey, here're some pics from yesterday...


This is me (on the left) & my friend nina...


Me & my schoolmate & friend mojca...


Me, mojca & nina...


my schoolmate ziva, me & nina...

This is it...well, maybe I'll post some others later...the cool ones... :p
Okey, today nothing special...soon I'll go riding...
In the evening I'll go out...we're gonna be under the bridge... :p
Then we'll go dancin & stuff in this club...Hope we'll have some great time... ;)

Oh, yesterday I went to the cinema with my bf & his friends...we watched movie called "V for Vendetta"...
well, it's prety interesting...and certainly different...

However, I said that I'm gonna post some cool pics here...well, here they are...enjoy... :thumbsup:

This is just a friend of mine-Beni & his ass...oh, & Katy...

Again...3 of us... :rolleyes:

This pic is crazy! :D My friend Spelchy...

Whatever... :eek: :p

Yeah, enough for now...
Take care, be good and have fun!