diana's journal

Hello ,my friend.Again me.I just want to ask you ,how I can get the picture beneath my name.If you don´t know what I mean...I want to have a picture just like you have Chester beneath your name.Please ,help me.Have a good time and I hope your internet will be all right very soon.
I am dumb ,so I am sorry ,if you didn´t understand to me.Goodbye.
Oh that is simple aloneme you just go to user CP and just go to the avatar option and pic one from your computer or the default ones thats all you have to do

and diana where are you XD
Hey, hey!!!

Well, Boris, Shaun said it all...so there's nothing else to add... :p

Emmm, I'm here...right now, that is...I'm in school so I can be on internet...bleeee...my computer is still not fixed...yesterday one guy take it and he'll repair it...finally...he'll have to get on all the windows and that kind of **** on new...it's all ****ed up, he said...don't know why, though... :rolleyes:
Anyway, hope I'll get it back soon and come back here...I really miss you guys... *hugs tightly*

Take care and be good...ttyl...pa-pa! ;)
Hello guys!!
How are you all?
Well, I'm ok, it's all good, you know...but my comp is still NOT fixed!!! :mad: :(
I'm here cuz I'm in school and only here I can be on internet...=S Bleeee... I don't know what I'm goin to do...being without comp and internet really SUCKS! :(

Emmm, actually, I don't know what to tell you...it's just been tooooo long since I've updated... Hmmm, today I'm pretty happy, cuz I'm going out but without my bf...he'll come and see me for bout 2 hours but then he'll go home...=S After that I'll probably go out with my ex-bf...yeah, I know it sounds strange but...we're friends and stuff and I haven't hang out with him for ages...I'm actually looking forvard to it... :p Hey, I just wanna have great time!! :thumbsup:

Oh, today I'll get new mobile phone... :D It's Samsung SGH-X660 and I hope it's ok...I personaly think it's ugly but they all suck anyway... :rolleyes:

Well, that would be all...
Have a great time, take care and be good!
It´s great that you come here and it doesn´t matter how often you are here.I am everytime glad ,when I can read upload from you.And I hope it was fun.(That evening) I think that mobile phone is cool (like his owner).What to say...I hope your computer will be repaired very very soon.I miss you here.
Hey Diana"
sry haven't been here since ages =/
I'm just dropping by to ask how you are...so how are you? :p
Hope everythings is fine hon
*huggles tightly*
take care
Hey, everyone!
Miracle happened!! My comp is back!! Jahu!! I'm sooooo happy...Now I'll be able to be here like every day... :D

Boris: Well, thanks for that words...I missed you too, very much...but now it's gonna be better...we'll talk much more, believe me... :thumbsup:

Sammi: Yes, you haven't been here for centuries, not ages! :p
I'm fine, thank you...And you?
Emmm, ttyl, I guess...

woody: Hey! I'm glad you stopped by...
What's happening?_well, nothing and everything... :rolleyes:
And at your place?
Have fun... *hugs*

Hmmm, Friday was...nothing special...I was left alone in the end...but, it's all good...I survived... ;)
Today...first I watched ski-jumping that was in our country, in Planica... Our Robert Kranjec was 3rd! I was so happy...he's a real flyer...he he...
Than, I went riding...it was great...

Right now, I have to go...I'll be back tommorow, I think...

Have fun, take care and be good...
Yeah, I know...I'm excited too... :D

Tuesday, 21.03.2006

It's the first day of this year spring! Yeeeaaaa...finally! Weather here was terrible...hope it's gonna be better...

Anyway, today I started school at 7 am and had classes till 2 pm...it's crazy...we hardly take this ****...bleeee...hate Tuesdays in school!! But, oh well, we survived... :rolleyes:

However, I'll go riding in bout half an hour...till then, I'll just hang on internet...but, I'll be back in the evening...

Actually, I have no idea what to tell you soooo...
I just hope you're all alright...

Take care and ttyl... Bye!
Hey, Boris!
You're here...hehe...hope you'll come on msn... :p

Anyway, I'm back...
Riding was fine...Randi was pretty diligent... ;)
Actually, I should have studied right now but I don't have enough will for that...I'm taking an exam on Thursday and I haven't studied yet...bleee...hate that... :mad:

Emmm, so, how are you all??