diana's journal

Yes, of course...that's why I said "final thing"...
For me the most important is persons personality, of course...this is everything...
And I love exploring other ppls...which don't happen often...unfortunately...this is the result of that that I'm very interested in psychology...
Yeah I also think personality is a major issue...but it's not bad if you also look nice...I also like to just listen to people to get to know them...I think everybody likes to explore other people...
Well, let's say...the majority like to explore...cuz I think that some of them don't really care about others...only about their big ****in spoiled asses...Man, that pisses me off so bad...I hate egocentric bitches... :mad:
However...I've noticed we have some things in common...he he...niiiceeee... :D
Yeah it's cool, we have some similaryties...and I also don't like egocentric people that just care about themselves...Things could be so much easier if people just would care about each other and not just live in their own beautiful world..
SpikeMinoda14 said:
**Walks in**
Hello just thought i would drop in.

**leaves a cookie**

Bye :p
*takes a cookie and thanks you*
Great you dropped in...appreciate that...*hugs*
How are you?

And, Jeezy...yes...it would be really nice that way...of course it's good if you mind your own business but...we should take care of eachother...that way there would be no wars and hate...damn...
diana said:
*takes a cookie and thanks you*
Great you dropped in...appreciate that...*hugs*
How are you?

And, Jeezy...yes...it would be really nice that way...of course it's good if you mind your own business but...we should take care of eachother...that way there would be no wars and hate...damn...

You're so right with that....just imagine...
Yeah would be so awesome... *staring at your sig* It's kinda fascanating but also kinda scarry...but I love Manson.. his music and style is awesome
Yeah, I love his style & music...
I mean...many ppl dislike him or even hate him just cuz of his appearance...
cuz he's bein what he really is...and cuz he has guts for showin that to the world...
I really respect him...he's soooo smart...
damn, I can't even express myself with words...
simply love him... :p
Yeah I know what you mean...you can also compare him to Eminem because they are both so controversial...they make you think about stuff that you normaly wouldn't think of...
Yes...they really make you to think about other side of life...real one...
Lucky ones that are "blind"...

Anyway...I've been studying slovene for more than 2 hours & I hardly get to the end...actually I was just reading through not studying...it's just_whatever...

And I just found out that my MSN is crazy!! :eek: Some ppl can't even write to me...for example, my bf...it's really bad...I don't know what's wrong... :( Hope things will turn on better... :thumbsup:
So do you get tested at school tomorrow?....Or are you just preparing for your lessons?
But I'll be angry...cuz I never study enough and I'm always here, on the internet...rather than studying...of course, that's almost natural thing but...I shouldn't do that...I hate myself for that!!!
I think most of the people here have to do more important things, but LPF is so addicting...
Yes, true, true...damn LPF! :mad: :rolleyes:
Well, I wouldn't be here if it wasn't for you guys...
I mean, I returned only cuz I wanted to meet new ppl...
And I'm kind of successful in it... :thumbsup:
It took a long time but I think it's worth it... :D