diana's journal

Hmmm...don't know what to say to you...that's not healthy for you... :p

Wednesday, 22.03.2006
Today I was in town at 7.40 am...My schoolmate Katarina was waiting me on bus-stop...We went in that pub called Musicafe and we were just hangin there till 8.45 am...Then we went to school...
We started with Enterprice (don't know how to say it in a different way, actually...), second we had a class-hour just with our class teacher...3rd it was German, then English and last PE...just one hour_usually we had two of them...We were playing pink-ponk as always...I won 2:0 against all my classmates till now...that's against 19 of 23...he he...I'm the best... :p
After school I went home...and that's it...that's my day till now... :rolleyes:

In about an hour I'll start to study Slovene...tommorow I'm taking an exam and I haven't studied yet... :eek: It's not too hard, I think...I'll make it_somehow... :rolleyes:

However...I hope your day wasn't as boring as mine...
Take care and be good... Pa-pa...
Thursday, 23.03.2006

School...nothing special...
We didn't take that test at Slovene cuz she forgot to bring them...Just stupid bitch... Now, we'll take it tomorrow... Well, actually, it doesn't matter, right?! Right... ;)

I went riding and I had training with my coach...Randi, the mare I'm riding, is his...emmm, however, we had training after like about 4 months! It was great... :D The new season of competitions is slowly starting and...I'm really looking forward to that! Btw, I compete in jumping over obstacles...it's great! I love it! :D

Anyway...hope you all had a nice day...
Take care and be good... *hugs*
Yeah, I know...but taking the test on Friday...bullshit...but, whatever... :rolleyes:

Friday, 24.03.2006, 11.01 am...
Emmm, and I took it just a half an hour back...it was ok, I think...I hope... It wasn't hard...at least that... :p

Well, take care and ttyl...*hugs*
Oh, of course I won't be the best!! Hey, I'm not a god or anything like that! :rolleyes:

Btw, I'm goin out now and hope I'll have a great time_I need that... And hope that I'll get that black vodka... :p Today, I wanna get drunk for a little bit... :D

Have fun and take care!

Saturday, 25.03.2006
The night was wild... :p Before 11 pm it was boring but then it started...It was really great... :D I came home at 4.30 am today, went to sleep at 5 am and woke up at 9 am...soooo, I was sleeping for only 4 hours!! I had to go riding cuz we had some kind of competition in jumping... It was fine...Randi is such a sweety...he he...she jumps like hell!! :thumbsup:

Today, I won't do nothing special cuz I'm too exhausted...now it's 3.30 pm here...But tomorrow I'll have to study Math and maybe Enterprice (or whatever is a word for this in English...)...bleeee...don't have will for that at all! :( But, you know...I'll survive somehow...like always... :rolleyes:

Take care and be good...*hugs*
Thanks for stopping by! And I'm Di now...he he... :D

Anyway, everything was great but now...I don't know...school sucks like hell and I don't like that at all...bleeee...Today I'm takin the test at Math and on Wednesday another one...and I haven't studied yet...Yes, I know...I'm lazy as ****!! But, however...I don't care much right now...I'll survive it some how...**** IT, right?! ;)

Ok, take care everyone and be good... *hugs*
OK, haven't been here for a few days...

So, it's 10.40 pm here...I'll have to go to sleep soon...have to wake up at 5.40 am tomorrow...:S
Anyway, everything is fine here this week...today we got our Math tests back and I got it 5 (that's the best grade)...I hardly believed it...he he... :thumbsup:
Wua, this week got around so quickly...great...and tomorrow is already Friday...party time! Can't wait!! :D
And how are you all doin?

Well, I better go now...Just came to say hello since no-one stopped by... :rolleyes:

Take care and be good...*hugs*

31.03.2006; 6.40 pm...

My day was sooo sleepy...Yeah...after school I just had to go to sleep...so, I slept for 2 hours...now I feel almost like new! :thumbsup:

Soooo, right now I'm just hangin round on internet...at 8 pm I'll go out...we'll play cards (tarok) and just hangin in one pub...then around midnight I'll go in KUD Undergraund, great place, there meet with my bf...and get wild_just dancin and throwin around... Just usual friday-night things...nothin special... ;)

However, don't have will to write something more so...
Take care and be good..*hugs*
Sunday, 02.04.2006;

Yestersay I saw that "Crash" movie and it's great...I loved it!I really think you all should go and see it...I recommend it... :thumbsup:

Friday night was good...had some great time... :D The whole week I only live for Fridays...I'm like addicted to Friday nights... :p

Anyway, I have to go...Take care...
diana said:
Thanks for stopping by! And I'm Di now...he he... :D

Anyway, everything was great but now...I don't know...school sucks like hell and I don't like that at all...bleeee...Today I'm takin the test at Math and on Wednesday another one...and I haven't studied yet...Yes, I know...I'm lazy as ****!! But, however...I don't care much right now...I'll survive it some how...**** IT, right?! ;)

Ok, take care everyone and be good... *hugs*

Yeah **** it thats what I think about school test's I don'r know why but
I just can't take it seriously XD

and the other days sound fine
and hope you are going to be on more often again o_O
Girl_with_a_Guitarx said:
hello diana, nice to meet you too :p horses are wonderful, i looove them. :D i've been riding since, like, 4th grade or something like that...well, talk to ya later. [nice journal too ;)]

I'm happy that you decided to stop by... :D
Yeah, I love horses too...I've been riding them for 7 years now...I compete in jumping...love that... :p
However, what kind of job you have? You said that you work with horses...and that's great! You're lucky that you have that kind of job you like...
Well, ttyl... *hugs*
well, there's just this barn not too far from my house. me best friend Sierra and I just feed, brush, water them, and we ride one of the horses, Doc, for an hour and a half each day. so, it's awesome, :D talk to ya later!
