diana's journal

Well, yeah...but it just pises me off, you know...And the fact that this read too many british people, you know...And in our newspaper is added something like this: "No wonder that many Britishers in the middle of Ljubljana wonders that the Vienna is so small!"...I mean...lol... :mad: (Oh, Ljubljana is our capital city...)
Well, I know some MetalCore...my buddy listens to that a lot...for me it's a little too much screaming...
Yeah...sometimes you just need something like this to loose some stress and stuff...It can be very relaxing...
Oh yeah I heard of this bands...it's exactly what my best friend listens to...and I do sometimes, too....
Jeezy said:
No...I don't heard them...maybe I'll check it out...
Yeah, it would be prety cool... :thumbsup:

Today I overrode like 3 horses! I'm pretty exhausted...the good thing, though, is that I didn't have to cycle to get there...First my father gave me a ride then my grandfather...he's just so sweet... :p
Anyway, nothing more axciting happened today soo...that's it...
Wow 3 horses...it gets more and more....I checked out "The Black Dahlia Murder"...it is really hard stuff....maybe a little too much for my taste...
He he, Jeez...maybe it is... :p
Hey, you! Nothing much...just chatin, I guess...and you?

Emmm, have a big report for you...Yesterday I was chattin with Miha on MSN...it was cool...then all the sudden we somehow get to the point where he asked me about my wishes...first I was hesitating...but then he said: "Okay, then nothing..."...I got scared...so I just told him that it's cool going out with him and that I unexpectedly started to like him. He just said: "Now, that is what I wanted to hear."...He said that he knew about that cuz he could see...I guess I was showing it too much...heh... :p However, he said he already thought about it one time while we were sitting on the bench...he was thinking about kissing me and stuff...but somehow he didn't manage that...he didn't actually know what to do...And he asked me if I too had some flashes like that...I said I had them but: "How the hell could I know what is going on in your had?!?"...he just smiled...and said that we have enough time sooo...all is good... :D
He is going on vacation with his family next week, though...for about 10-14 days.. :( Meh, I guess I'm gonna survive... :rolleyes:

Today my mum and sis came home after a week...they woke me up, goddamnit...that's why I slept for only about 5 hours... :mad:

Anyway, that's it... :thumbsup:
That's great that things are going so well :D Too bad he has to go away though, but as corny as it sounds, you two will be so happy when you see each other again XD
Sounds great for you...there's a good chemistry between you guys...you will survive that 14 days....
misery...thanks! :D He he, corny? :eek: Well, I hope we'll see eachother soon or something... ;)
Jeez...it seems so, h? Heh, I just hope your right... :p Yeah, I know I'll survive...at least I'll have time to think about it good...Hmmm, wait, do I have to think about it? :rolleyes: