diana's journal


Today I woke up pretty early...at like 7.30am...I was tired but couldn't sleep...this **** happens to me a lot, though...So, I woke up tired and my muscles are in pain...especially my shoulders...don't really know why...heh...
Emmm, I got these photos from Saturday...they're pretty nice...
me & randi_01
me & randi_02
^I love this one but I don't know why it turned out so small when I uploaded it... :confused:
me & randi_03
me & randi_04
me & randi_05
So yeah, that's it, I guess...hope you guys like them as much as I do... ;)
Thanks, Sarah! :D

Today I feel great! My sis is gone for the whole day...yay! So happy cuz of that...*dances*
I was watching basketball this morning...Slovenia : Porto Rico, World Championships in Japan, I think...however, we won 90 : 81...tomorrow we're having harder game with China...this is gonna be important one...I think I'm gonna watch it...well, I hope... ;)

However, have to tell you that me & Miha met yesterday...we met pretty late in the evening..at about 8 pm...actually it was 8.15 pm, I think...we just went behind his block and sit on the bench...it was actually very nice...we were just talking, keeping it easy...but our mums started to miss us, lol...so we were out there till about 11 pm...this time he actually gave me just a kiss for good-night...I liked that cuz last time it was very different...now I felt a lot better...I'm looking forward to see him again... :)

Yeah, so, I guess this is it...take care... ;)
Congrats on Slovenia winning....and it seems like you and Miha get along very well...so...carry on with him...