diana's journal

Hey, everybody!!
First I have to say that I'm not on my PC and here I don't have dictionary so some words may be a little bit strange... :p And, yeah_Something's wrong with the internet on my PC!!! :mad: :(

Woody: I'm sooo glad that you read my journal and that you think that I'm an awesom person...he he...thank you for that...I'm very ohnered... :D
I hope that now we'll stay in touch...really hope...I need to make some friends here...it's bout time... :p
Oh, and sorry...I won't read your journal...it's way tooooo long...he he... :p

Yesterday I haven't updated...I know...emmm...
Oh, some great news! :thumbsup:
Yesterday we got our History tests back...and I got grade 2! Soo, I haven't fail it!! :D (yeah, Sammi, you were wright...and you too Boris...)
Today, we got our Sociology tests back...and I got grade 2 again...I thought I'm gonna fail it, actually...cuz it was hard...and everything...bleee... I can't believe that I got 2 at the subject that is one of the easiest...but, anyway...who cares... :rolleyes:

Hmmm, yesterday...nothing special...actually, it was pretty good day...I guess...I went riding...I even rode 2 horses...and I was exhausted...but I enjoyed... ;)
Today, I can't go riding cuz there's nobody who could drive me there...and I'm "down" for a bit...

Anyway...help me hoping that my internet is gonna be repared soon...very soon...cuz I can't live without it anymore...he he... :rolleyes:

Take care and be good...till next time... :D
I know what you mean sarah i just If you mean coming on LPF yeah cause I try
to visit my niece and go to my bro's house so i can visit my niece and nephew but when I try to come home I try to come on here or not if I'm not in thwe mood
Oh, hello, By_My-$elf!!
Long time no talk...How are you?
I missed you already... :p

Woody...well, I know what you mean...
Happy, that you stopped by again...
How are you, anyway?

15.Feb; 04.00 pm
Well, today I just have to study Slovene cuz we're takin test tomorrow...
And I have to go riding and I don't know how I'll even go there...that's such a big ****! Can't wait to have my own driving licence and car...

Oh, I can't wait till Friday! To go out and hang with my bf... I missed him...I can only see him during the weekend...actually, only on Fridays...he is studying in another town...bleee...

Emmm, well, have to go...
Take care and be good...ttyl...

*My PC is still not repaired...he'll come tomorrow, I hope...
OK, you better stop here more often... :p

17. Feb; 10.37 am
Im in school right now...only one clas left...well, usually on Fridays I'm in school till 1.10 pm but today only till 11.30 am...sooooooo happy bout it!! :D

And I'm happy cuz today it's Friday!! Yeah...I'll go out and just have a great time...being with my bf...go dancing...can't wait!
Oh, internet on my PC is still not repaired so I'm a little bit upset...but, I hope I'll survive...he he...I'll come and see you during the weekend, I hope...and I really, really hope that my internet will be repaired in that time...

Take care and be good...ttyl... *hug*
Hello, everybody!

Yeah,I know...I'm already dying without the internet...but, I hope it will be fixed this week...really hope...
Well, I'm in school now_I'm having the Math class off cuz others are taking an exam...

Anyway, right now I don't have enough will to update and tell you how the last few days were...I will next time, I promise... ;)

And I have to say that I really miss you guys sooo much...but I'll be back and bother you again, don't worry... :p

Take care and be good... *hugs*
Well, yeah...again I'm in school...my internet is still not fixed...gggrrrrrr...hate this ****!!!
Anyway, how are you all?
I'm OK...it's Friday!! Can't wait till night_it's gonna be wild!!:D
But till then...uh, I'm taking an exam at Deutsch class...I don't have any idea bout it_hate it! Next week_holidays!!! Yeeeeeeeej...finally!! So happy...

OK, take care and be good... *hugs to you all*
well hope it will be up and running soon your internet
and also i would hate that **** too XD
I'm going to just be here got nothing else to do anyways
I'm always on LPF so don't worry
OK, happy to hear this from you, Shaun... :p

Anyway, I just have to tell you something...emmmm...
Friday_I drank 1/2 l of black vodka mixed with apple juice...waaa...I was soooo drunk!! I was throwing up and stuff...it was disqusting...but, somehow I got better after 2 hours...that was round 3 am... :rolleyes:
Well, the most important thing was, that I saw my bf... :D Wuuuaaa, I think I love him...things got out of my control, I guess...but, it's all good...for now... :thumbsup:

Well, I STILL don't have internet... :( I hate that guy!! :mad: He should came yesterday but he didn't...ggggrrrrr...

And how are you everyone? Talk to me!! ;)
Take care and be good!