diana's journal

Awww, Matie... *hugs* Thanks, you're a sweetheart...^^
Maybe you really will have to come down here... :p

Ha ha, Syg...lol...
Thanks for liking my pics, though...^^

Thanks, Jeez...you too take care! *hugs*

I'm in school right now...

Yeah, my comp is all ****ed up cuz of that virus I got on msn from Matt...lol...*pokes Matt* :p Now I have to wait for this guy to come and repair it. Probably he'll have to upload Windows and stuff all over again... :( I'll have to wait till the next week, I think. -.-

Oh, next week we have holidays!! Yaaaay!! :D

Anyway, see ya around...hopefully soon!
:( Poor Di... I can so totally relate!! Those comp viruses can drive me crazy...and poor us too...for not having you here with us...:( Take care, hope to catch up soon...
Thanks ya all...love you so much...^^ *hugs*

I think it's about time for an update, right? So yeah, here it is:

Ummm, where should I even start...

Okay, yup, my comp had more than 70 viruses so it was in a really bad condition...poor thing...no wonder it's in my hands, lol... :rolleyes: However, now it's a healthy boy and the best thing is that I didn't have to pay anything...it would cost me a lot, though...

While I wasn't online, I had holidays so I was actually bored all days long...yeah, that's me...lol... Well, we went outside sometimes and stuff and it was cool... :)

I have to tell you what happened on Friday 2 weeks ago... We went to the concert and there one guy walked to me...we talked and stuff...and...after about 2 hours he said that he really like me and that he finds me interesting, fascinating...I was just like: hmmm, is he kidding and ****ing with me or is it true? So yeah, I too find him very interesting...we kinda seem to be alike or something...he's really into psychology and stuff...
The problem is that he's older than me...I don't know how old is he cuz he doesn't want to tell me yet but I', guessing he's somewhere around 25-30...so, that's bad... :(
So we met 2 times last week and...I don't know...he's nice and everything...but here's still Zorzo...I told Jim (that guys name) about him so he knows that I'm in love with another guy...but things really haven't gone on with Zorzo at all... The only thing that happened with him was that we talked for about 2 minutes face to face...and this morning too when we went to school...nothing special, though...
My plan is kinda like that: I'm gonna "attack" Zorzo ( :D ) and ask him if there's any chance so we could be together or something...and if he says no, I'll maybe try with Jim...but I'm really concerned about his age... :confused:
Damn, any thoughts about that?
Oh, and Jim plays bass guitar in one band that is not that well known yet...I think this is pretty cool... :)

However, nothing else is really new...I'll post some pics later in the evening...so yeah, see ya around...
wow...you always fall in love with someone.....I think it's not a big problem tha he's older than you...but you have to make sure how old he is...I mean it would be weird if he is like 10 years older than you...

but you gotta decide yourself
diana said:
Thanks, Jeez...

Well, I think he is about 10 years alder that me...and that's weird... :confused:

yeah but you turn 18 in a couple of weeks...

so that won't be a problem...it's up to you...
Jeezy said:
yeah but you turn 18 in a couple of weeks...

so that won't be a problem...it's up to you...
Well, it's true...but just imagine what my family would think about it...I mean, only my sis and mom could find it out, but...I don't know...it really is weird...but...oh hell, we'll see what happens...

Syg...well, maybe you're right...
Oh, but I still like Zorzo...I have to find out what's in his head...meh...
diana said:
Well, it's true...but just imagine what my family would think about it...I mean, only my sis and mom could find it out, but...I don't know...it really is weird...but...oh hell, we'll see what happens...

Syg...well, maybe you're right...
Oh, but I still like Zorzo...I have to find out what's in his head...meh...
You should find out who's better for you...

that's all I can tell you... ;)
Jeezy said:
You should find out who's better for you...

that's all I can tell you... ;)
Yeah, well...it would be very good to do that but...it's like not that easy, I guess...I mean, how can I know who is the right one for me? Only time can tell that...

Sygy said:
to be honest, he's a teenage boy theres nothing much going on in his head.....
Yeah, you're right with that...but you know, maybe he's different from other teenage boys, heh...you never know... ;)