diana's journal

By_My-$elf said:
Hey Di how you doin?
where have you been beofore?
Hej Shaun! So happy to see you here!^^
I'm doin pretty fine, thanks...and you?
Well, I was offline for about 2 weeks cuz my comp has broken down...it had more than 70 viruses, lol...but it's all good now... :)

Take care...

Ummm...on Wednesday I went to the cinema to watch the movie "A Good Year" with Jim... It was okay...some Jim's friends were there also but it was cool... The problem is that just then I realized how young I am or how old are they...and that confused me a lot...damn... WHY DOES HE HAVE TO BE THAT OLD??? :(
But yeah, like I said, the evening was okay...the movie was pretty nice, I liked it...

Yesterday another thing happened...Zorzo said Hi at MSN after a long, long time...of course I'm now even more confused cuz I reminded myself that I'm still in love with him...damn, I need to find out what he thinks of me...if he likes me back or not...till that happens, I can't move on... :confused:

However, today we're going out...first to the cinema to watch movie "Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan". After that, we're gonna go to the town, to the club Musicafe...like usually, of course... :p I hope Zorzo will be around so I could talk to him or something...we'll see...

Oh, I promised you some pics, right? Okay, here they are:
^ Here is me being all fancy and stuff... ;) What do you think?
^ My ****ed up all star shoes which I love...^^
04 ^ Pics I've taken last week...of course they could be much better if I didn't take them from my balcony, lol...but yeah, the sky was so gorgeous...^^

And this is it...take care ya all!
Sygy said:
shes so cute! i want one now!

i think u should stay with the older one..whats the worst that could happen? he gets arrested for being a peadofile?
Awww, thankies...^^
Well, he kinda can't be really arrested for being a peadofile since I'm over 15 years old...but, let's forget about that...

I don't know how old he even is, cuz he hadn't told me yet...but I'm gonna ask him tonight (again) and make sure he's gonna reply me...
But I'm guessing he's about 10 years older, Fi...


Yesterday it was pretty cool...
The movie wasn't as good as it could be but maybe it's just me...most people love it...*shrugs*
We went to Musicafe and it was okay... Later Zorzo and his buddies came and...I walked to Zorzo and asked him if he wants to go outside so I can ask him a question. We went outside and I asked him what now since he know I like him...he answered me that he doesn't want to **** with me and lie so he was honest...he doesn't feel any chemical connection between us so we can just be buddies... So yeah, that's how it is... Of course I was a bit disappointed but at least I now know what's going on.

Anyway, I have to go now...I'm gonna go riding...see ya later! Take care...
I think it's good that you asked him and made things clear...

well maybe that other guy has feelings for you...

I guess I gotta check out that Borat movie..lol
Jeezy said:
I think it's good that you asked him and made things clear...

well maybe that other guy has feelings for you...

I guess I gotta check out that Borat movie..lol
Well, it's definitely pretty clear that Jim has some kind of feelings for me...but, like I already said for a couple of times...I find it very strange cuz he's so old! Damn... So, I hope I'm gonna meet him tonight at the concert...yeah, I'm going to a concert (metal, hardcore)...
Anyway, I'm gonna ask him how old he is (again) and he better answer me!

Bleh, whatever...

EDIT: Oh, almost forgot about you, Jos...
Ummm, thanks...and yeah, I will be careful...don't worry...
Jeezy said:
Ok...have fun at the concert...and good luck

maybe he isn't that much older...
Okay, thanks but I won't go to the concert...I don't know why, but I realized that I'm really not in that kinda mood even though I was really excited about it for the whole week... :confused: Now I've decided that I'm gonna stay at home and go to sleep early...at about 10 pm...so yeah, whatever...

Ummm...so yeah, like I said, I stayed at home yesterday evening...so I had a chance to watch a tv...so I watched "American Beauty" for the first time... To tell you the truth, I always thought this movie sucks or something (judged just by the name) but now I know it is awesome! I really loved it! It deserves all that oscars and other awards that it got...

However...today I had jumping-training after two long months... The trainer was the person who had never trained me before...and it was really great! Awesome! It made my day...cuz in the morning I was in a bit bad mood...but now it's better...
Oh, Randi was so crazy, ha ha...she was running so fast and stuff...lol...but I expected that, though... :p
Uh, and I was riding in the rain...it just started to rain when I started riding...heh... So, of course, me and Randi were all wet...interesting... ;)