diana's journal

diana said:
Yeah, it was pretty nice... :)
And I'm glad you agree about the movie...^^

How are you, btw? How was your day?
I'm fine

my day was alright nothing special though...
I had a headache this morning which waked me up....
but it's all good now

Ummm...today was a bit better day than those few days before...
School was of course boring as ussual...we got our German tests back and I got grade 2 (1=the worst, 5=the best)...but I'm satisfied with it anyway since I hate german! :p

As I found out that we wont have classes of psychology tomorrow, that made my day! I should be asked but now I won't be...^^ Oh, but I have to repair my grade at another object I hate...bleh...

Anyway, I took a picture this morning...here it is:
15.11.06., 6.50 am
Enjoy! :)
Maya...thanks, sweety!^^
Popraula sm podjetništvo...sm 4 dobla...sploh nisn mogla verjet, de sm tak znala, ne...kr gvrila sm...lol... :D
Yup, German sucks... (Sorry to all the German people... :p )
Anyway, how are you?

Jeez...thanks...I'm pretty proud of it... ;)


Syg...oh, hell yeah! **** the German!
and you know what, **** my german teacher bc she just ruined my life, she wrote some really horrible reference for me eventhough she donest teache me anymore, and now the school which accepted me dont want me anymore...

and she has a mole with a hair sticking out of it!!!!!!

****ing german