diana's journal

MrsBennington-Delson said:
hmm... i don't know... somewhere like New York would be cool... big city life! lol :p
Yeah...that would be cool....

sorry Di for miss-using you journal...lol
Okay, Syg, here you have it...^^


Ummm...yesterday was like usual...we went out, hang by the river...drank alcohol...I was drinkin black vodka puschkin...^^
However, then I went to see my ex-boyfriend Tomaž...he was like so freakin drunk...he don't even remember what he was doin and talkin...lol...
So yeah, he told me that I'm the only girl (till now) that he really regrets not bein with anymore...but he said that he won't go back...I also said to him that lately I'm kinda regretin dumping him but...like i said, he don't want to go back...and probably it's better that way...

Then we went to Musicafe, the usual place...it was pretty nice...I was dancin a bit...oh, hell yeah, when "Killing In The Name Off" was on, it was crazy... :D
Jim was there, but at start I was avoiding him, later searchin for him, and at the end found him...lol... However, we talked a bit and he still didn't want to tell me how old he is...bleh...he said that he's in love with me and that he wants a serious relationship ( he didn't use this expression but I don't know how to write the real one...) ...I told him that I'm really not ready for this and that I'm scared...cuz I really have no idea what to do!! :( Damn...I'm so ****in confused... He asked if I needed time but I don't know...I need time but what will happen meanwhile?
We didn't end our convo cuz others wanted to go home at 3 am so...I had to go... But it was strange what happened...ummm, how to tell? He kissed me on my cheek and said: I wish you to have a good life. Then I went to get my stuff, wanted to go outside when he stopped me and wanted to talk more...but I had to go...so now I don't know what will happen... But something is for sure...I don't want to lose all contacts with him...
It's all so strange... Why does it have to be me??
Awww Di I've missed out on so much here...well, I'm not really in an LPF mood lately...anyway this is not my journal, it's yours so let me comment on what I've read so far. First of all I'm sorry about what happened with Zorzo. But yeah like I said to you in one of our convos when men are interested, no matter how shy they are they SHOW it! Don't worry my sweet Di this was another experience for you that will help you avoid a similar situation in the future... You're so sweet and beautiful let them come to you... wait a little... As for Jim, if he's older and you feel this is awkward (and in my opinion it is, not to mention his persistence in not revealing his age) avoid him. You're too young, don't push yourself just because he says he's in love, let yourself free, fall in love and then move on to a relationship. Don't rush ok, it'll come when it's time, trust me. ^^ On a totally different note, I love the pictures (yeah I'm a nature lover) and I really hope you post more soon! Take care honey!!! *Love and hugs* :D
he wants a serious relanshonship and is in love with u but he still wont tell u his age.? there is some thing very strange aboout about a man who wants to start a relanshonship withiut the other knowing all the facts..another think i thought was that if he is so nuch older than u should he have like a long term girlfriend by then. there is somehting very unnerving about a man which chases after a girl who is more than 5 years younger than him

get away from him
Jojo, I've missed you, I hope you know that...*hugs*
I always appreciate your advices...and I need advices...now even more than ever!
Well, yeah, **** Zorzo, who needs him? :p
Jim...damn, he confuses me every time...over and over...he is always saying why are years so important and stuff...he thinks I'm his soul-mate....I mean, the missing half of his soul that split when it was conceived...he believes in this kinda stuff... But, anyway, he also believes we're very much alike and that our thoughts are similar...bla, bla, bla... That's the stuff he's confusing me with...badly... Yesterday he said he is giving me an one-in-a-life-time opportunity that will never come again...but, come on! He doesn't even know me! He thinks he can read me as a book...and he is reading me pretty good but...I don't want anyone to read me! How can I live with a person that knows every single little thing about me?!? Hell no!...Wow, right now I found out something really good...hmmm...

I'm glad you like the pics...and thanks for reminding me...I forgot to post some new pics...here they are:
me & randi randi01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08

Yeah, this morning Urban (Randi's owner) shaved her, cut her mane...everything that needed to be done. She's so beautiful now...awww, my sweety...^^
Oh, on 6th pic...Urban left this unshaved part in a moon shape...Probably cuz his daugthers name is "Luna" which means moon in our language... :)

And here are some pics from yesterday taken by the river:

me & nina mateja & me polona & sara mateja drinkin beer=)

Oh, Mateja is my newer friend...she's fun...^^
I missed you too my sweet *squeeze hugs* I always wanna make sure you're fine and I'm always here to give advice when you need it ^__^ Well, my Di... all men can say the most beautiful words to a young girl when they want to impress her, but don't bite so easily ok? How can he possibly know you're soulmates since he doesn't even know you? He's just old enough to know some things about girls of your age, because most girls of your age face the same problems and have the same feelings of confusion and frustration as you. I wouldn't trust him... keep a distance and if you wanna get to know him do so but be very careful and also never open your heart to a stranger bacause technically he IS a stranger no matter how much he says he wants to be your soulmate and so on. Be careful my sweet and don't push yourself to do anything you don't WHOLEHEARTEDLY want to do. Finally...can't thank you enough for the pics!!! Awesome!!! *hugs* :)
Yeah, that's the problem...cuz I don't know if he's telling the truth or not...but you should hear him...he sounds so sincere... Like I said, even I'm confused by him...and I don't trust just everyone who passes my way...
I really don't know...I'm sure we're gonna talk again and I hope we'll discuss everything this time...

And you're welcome!^^
Here's one more especially for you:
I just needed to take a shot of it...so magnificent...^^
diana said:
Yeah, that's the problem...cuz I don't know if he's telling the truth or not...but you should hear him...he sounds so sincere... Like I said, even I'm confused by him...and I don't trust just everyone who passes my way...
I really don't know...I'm sure we're gonna talk again and I hope we'll discuss everything this time...

And you're welcome!^^
Here's one more especially for you:
I just needed to take a shot of it...so magnificent...^^

I wish you the best of luck with him...

hopefully everything will turn out good for you...

and yeah...your pics are great :thumbsup:

Just a short one...
Nothing much is goin on around here...it's all same old same...
School is shitty...sadly everything is turning around it...bleh...whatever...our lives are so screwed up...

Anyway, today I downloaded RealPlayer...I guess I got sick of wmp...lol...yeah, I'm bored and I have nothing else to say...
Take care...

MrRandomGuy said:
Hey Di, just wanted to pop in :)

your pics are awesome! :thumbsup:
Oh, hey! Welcome to my journal!^^
Thanks...they're pretty awesome, yeah... ;)

So, how are you doin?