Foxx's Poetry Corner


New member
wow thank u foxx i love it

thank u thank u thank u

cant really thank u enough

ur good at this

keep it up



New member
thankies guys, that poem was really uh, "touching" for me to write.

sadly i must say that i will not be fufilling ANY requests till i get my home internet back up, that will be in three days, four tops.



New member
Since I have my Net back up in runnin, I am now Re-Opening my Request Line!! bwhahahahahha

Jeezy-I'm still working on you request, i should have it done soon :thumbsup:

:D you want to make a poem about me? :D it hasn't to be right now :D
Still want that?

Since I have my Net back up in runnin, I am now Re-Opening my Request Line!! bwhahahahahha
Jeezy-I'm still working on you request, i should have it done soon :thumbsup:

Still want that?
yeah if you want it... tell me what you need to know about me... thanx :D



Active Members
Since I have my Net back up in runnin, I am now Re-Opening my Request Line!! bwhahahahahha
Jeezy-I'm still working on you request, i should have it done soon :thumbsup:

Still want that?
cool...and thank you...can't wait to get it... :D



New member
yeah if you want it... tell me what you need to know about me... thanx :D
1-fav color

2-fav song

3-fav thing to do

4-how old?

5-what u normally wear (or wanna be wearing in the poem)

6-fun facts!

7-Where you live (not exactly, but country/town will be nice)

8-time of day u want it to be

9-anything else u wanna add

cool...and thank you...can't wait to get it... :D
I have two verses done.....u want three?

1-fav color2-fav song

3-fav thing to do

4-how old?

5-what u normally wear (or wanna be wearing in the poem)

6-fun facts!

7-Where you live (not exactly, but country/town will be nice)

8-time of day u want it to be

9-anything else u wanna add
1. red + blue

2. more than a memory (hoobastank)

3. computer, dancing, singing...

4. 15

5. jeans + shirt

6. i have jokes which just i think their funny, im crazy + funny but totaly not outgoing (= very shy)... never had i bf (i think this is rather funny lol :D )

7. germany, bavaria

8. monday (if possible), 22.11pm <<< if its not goin take something what matches

9. idk... id like to live in the usa, canada or england.... sims2 addict... music addict...

i hope this will help you... and THANX SO MUCH!!! :D :D :D <3 ya



New member
Jeezys Request

this was kinda hard since u had a chorus, but i tried.

Verse One

I see you walking like me

Hear ya talking like me

Act, talk, be like me

As if I wasn’t even there

Trying to take myself

And ya know what will happen?

All because of you….


...Because I know

Yeah I know something about you

You'll never be like me

Because I'm the one who blocks it,

I'm the one who stops it

and you never gonna see me again

Verse Two

Trying to take my life

Forcing yourself in

Ignoring my warnings.

I push you away

Protecting myself

from your thieving ways

You said you were my friend

But you stab me in the back

Yet I’ll always push you away

Verse Three

Here I am now

After all the blocking

After all the troubles.

You now know

That you will never be like me

And I’ll always be more than you

Since you can’t be me

Go off and go away

Stop trying to take myself

Cause You’ll never get it.



Active Members
That's awesome...thank you so much.....I'm gonna record it pretty soon...and then we'll make lots of money with


Active Members
YAY! I'm glad ya'll like it so much
haha, Jeezy, I get 50% ya know! ^_^
Probably we will just get 33.3% each...because I'll get Fribby to do the guitar for the track... :D



New member
MrsBennington-Delson ::: ****, i feel so bad, i didn't start on yer poem yet, i've been crazy sick *cough cough cough hack cough* I'll get to work asap MMMkay?

*please dont hate da foxx*

MrsBennington-Delson ::: ****, i feel so bad, i didn't start on yer poem yet, i've been crazy sick *cough cough cough hack cough* I'll get to work asap MMMkay?
*please dont hate da foxx*
no problem foxx... i dont hate u for that... i know if been in the same sitation its ok... take you time :D

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