sweet =)
btw thanks a mil jeezy, whether it works or not
okay update or something
I'm currently reading two books
GPU prison by Sven Hassel
german author
really weird book. the first section was really comical and funny (it's set in WWII) and then the next section these soldiers that were in the first section have gone to war and not it's cold-blooded, dark, ice cold, inhumane and whatnot. really odd how it changed so much but yeah good book
the other one is called Laxdæla, and is an Icelandic saga
pretty good too, I could use some old expressions to spice my language with
my first band hasn't met for like two weeks now, but we've been busy
right now we're semi prepping to make an album so that's exciting
my new band meets fairly regularly
right now trying to find structures to the "songs" we have
one guitarist has a dad who owns a studio, we can possibly record there this summer, that would be sweet
I guess our sound is pretty similar to mono, this will destroy you, mogwai, and stuff like that, if anyone wants to know what that sounds like
so yeah right now I've got time off, the *** exam is on wednesday plus Im still writing this essay but Im way too lazy to do that really lol
wish I could tell something exciting like other journals...
oh, there is one thing. I might get some poems published soon in this compilation book thing so that might be fun