On Feb 27, 1:06 am, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
> On Feb 26, 8:20?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> > On 26 Feb 2007 19:08:45 -0800, in alt.atheism
> > "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> > <>:

> > >On Feb 26, 5:32 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> > >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:23:09 -0800, in alt.atheism
> > >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> > >> <>:

> > ...

> > >> >The Supreme Court decided in the Dred Scott case that a runaway slave
> > >> >had to be returned to his owner if he fled to another state. ?That was
> > >> >the last Supreme Court ruling on slavery. ?So now you are saying that
> > >> >the Supreme Court has made another erroneous decision. ?Well, that
> > >> >does not really surprise me.

> > >> What an absurd claim. At the time, the decision was correct, even though
> > >> it was absolutely repugnant from the modern viewpoint for almost all
> > >> Americans. The Congress and states changed the Constitution so that the
> > >> Dred Scott case is no longer valid.

> > >> You really have no idea what you are talking about, whether in religion
> > >> or law. I would not be surprised based on your behavior here if you were
> > >> an ignorant blowhard in other areas of knowledge as well.- Hide quoted text -

> > >If you want to return runaway slaves, that would be your choice.

> > You, of course, know you are making an utterly absurd claim.

> > >My opinion is that you have no right to try to practice slavery.

> > Yet the Bible that you worship approves of slavery. Why do you disagree
> > with the Bible?

> I don't worship the Bible. Paul's instructions on the subject were to
> a slave who had run away from a church member who had slaves and to
> the slaveowner himself. His concern at the time was to prevent an
> outbreak of runaway slaves that would bring persecution on the
> church. Paul was not in favor of slavery.
> Robert B. Winn

Winnie, it's a sin to testify falsely:

I wish those who unsettle you would mutilate themselves! (Gal 5:12)
Look out for the dogs, look out for the evil-workers look out for
those who mutilate the flesh. (Phil. 3:2)
Slaves, obey in everything those who are your earthly masters, not
with eye service, as men pleasers, but in singleness of heart. (Col.
If any one will not work, let him not eat. (2 Thess.. 3:10)
Wives, be subject to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord. (Col.
Let her wear a veil. For a man ought not to cover his head, since he
is the image and glory of God, but woman is the glory of man. (Neither
was man created for the woman, but woman for man.) (1 Cor. 11:6-9)
If any one is preaching to you a gospel contrary to that which you
received, let him be accursed. (Gal 1:9)
God gave them (the Jews) a spirit of stupor, eyes that should not see
and ears that should not hear, down to this very day. (Rom. 11:8)
It is shameful for a woman to speak in church. (1 Cor. 14:35)
I magnify my ministry in order to make my fellow Jews jealous, and
thus save some of them. (Rom. 11:13-14).

Paul clearly approved of slavery, subjugation of women, anti-Semitism,
and other brutalities. I'm sure I remember Paul approving of beating
a servant too, and will try to enlighten you on that when I find it.
On 26 Feb 2007 22:06:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
"rbwinn" <> wrote in
>On Feb 26, 8:20?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> On 26 Feb 2007 19:08:45 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> <>:
>> >On Feb 26, 5:32 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:23:09 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> <>:

>> ...
>> >> >The Supreme Court decided in the Dred Scott case that a runaway slave
>> >> >had to be returned to his owner if he fled to another state. hat was
>> >> >the last Supreme Court ruling on slavery. o now you are saying that
>> >> >the Supreme Court has made another erroneous decision. ell, that
>> >> >does not really surprise me.

>> >> What an absurd claim. At the time, the decision was correct, even though
>> >> it was absolutely repugnant from the modern viewpoint for almost all
>> >> Americans. The Congress and states changed the Constitution so that the
>> >> Dred Scott case is no longer valid.

>> >> You really have no idea what you are talking about, whether in religion
>> >> or law. I would not be surprised based on your behavior here if you were
>> >> an ignorant blowhard in other areas of knowledge as well.- Hide quoted text -

>> >If you want to return runaway slaves, that would be your choice.

>> You, of course, know you are making an utterly absurd claim.
>> >My opinion is that you have no right to try to practice slavery.

>> Yet the Bible that you worship approves of slavery. Why do you disagree
>> with the Bible?- Hide quoted text -

>I don't worship the Bible. Paul's instructions on the subject were to
>a slave who had run away from a church member who had slaves and to
>the slaveowner himself. His concern at the time was to prevent an
>outbreak of runaway slaves that would bring persecution on the
>church. Paul was not in favor of slavery.

So you reject the teachings found in the Old Testament and you deny that
the Southern Baptists and all other proponents of slavery in 1860 were
On 26 Feb 2007 22:20:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
"rbwinn" <> wrote in
>On Feb 26, 8:32?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> On 26 Feb 2007 19:11:21 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> <>:
>> >On Feb 26, 6:01 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:30:16 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> <>:

>> ...
>> >> >An accusation from an atheist does not change reality.
>> >> >Robert B. Winn

>> >> You've made a claim that you cannot support. You've made prior claims
>> >> that are demonstrably wrong. It is appropriate and necessary to let
>> >> people know that you are untrustworthy. Your claim to be religious does
>> >> not change that.- Hide quoted text -
>> >> -
>> >Spoken like an atheist. ou have said that our freedom depends on
>> >permission from atheists. o, sorry, our freedom has nothing to do
>> >with you or your corrupt philosophies.

>eswus Christ was the one who
>> >said we were free.

>> You mock Jesus with your absurd claims and intentional lies.
>> --

>I am not the one claiming that God does not exist.

I don't cliam that God does not exist. I point out that absolutely no
evidence exists to support the claim that God does exist. Since that is
the case, I have nothing more to say.

>In any event, if you think I am mocking Jesus, why don't you take your
>complaint to him when he returns to judge the earth?

Because there is no evidence that Jesus will ever return and there is a
great deal of evidence that people are harmed by the teachings of those
who claim to be the followers of Jesus.
On 26 Feb 2007 21:33:11 -0800, in alt.atheism
"rbwinn" <> wrote in
>On Feb 26, 6:01?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> On 25 Feb 2007 17:30:16 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> <>:
>> >On Feb 25, 4:21?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> On 25 Feb 2007 14:57:14 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> <>:

>> >> >On Feb 25, 10:42?am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 07:58:10 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> >> <>:

>> >> >> >On Feb 23, 9:22?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> On 23 Feb 2007 18:09:54 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> >> >> <>:

>> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 11:05?am, "jl" <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> >> On Feb 22, 12:18 am, "rbwinn" <>, i. e., Winnie thePooh, wrote:

>> >> >> >> >> ...]

>> >> >> >> >> > I have never appeared in court with a lawyer. !lways speak for
>> >> >> >> >> > myself. !lways request trial by jury and then appeal the case on
>> >> >> >> >> > the grounds that I was denied trial by jury.

>> >> >> >> >> That must be the reason for your acrimony against the courts. /u
>> >> >> >> >> bumble and lose and then blame the lawyers and judges for your defeat.

>> >> >> >> >> If you're as bad a lawyer as you are at furnishing caselaw for such
>> >> >> >> >> zany charges as blaming Thurgood Marshall for taking away your 6th
>> >> >> >> >> Amendment rights, I can understand why you're losing.

>> >> >> >> >> Marshall voted with the majority in the 7 to 2 Suprme Court decision,
>> >> >> >> >> _Duncan v. Louisiana,_ which required jury trials in all 50 states for
>> >> >> >> >> criminal defendants accused of misdemeanors. 5ncan applied the 6th
>> >> >> >> >> Amendment to the states by incorporating it into the purview of the
>> >> >> >> >> 14th Amendment.

>> >> >> >> >> So your accusation against Justice Thurgood Marshall, who was denied
>> >> >> >> >> admission to law school in Maryland because he was black, is grossly
>> >> >> >> >> in error.

>> >> >> >> >All I know about it is that states started denying trial by jury.

>> >> >> >> You assert that, but when asked to provide evidence or citations to
>> >> >> >> support your claim, you just whine.

>> >> >> >> >When it all started everyone was quoting a minority opinion written by
>> >> >> >> >Thurgood Marshall.

>> >> >> >> You assert that, but when asked to provide evidence or citations to
>> >> >> >> support your claim, you just whine.

>> >> >> >> >It has nothing to do with his race. % was a
>> >> >> >> >Supreme Court Justice who saw a reason to deny trial by jury that all
>> >> >> >> >lawyers bought into because they saw it would increase their status
>> >> >> >> >and financial well-being.

>> >> >> >> You assert that, but when asked to provide evidence or citations to
>> >> >> >> support your claim, you just whine and defame lawyers and judges.

>> >> >> >Well, I have gone into court as a defendant, asked for trial by jury,
>> >> >> >which is my guaranteed Constitutional right, and been told by judges
>> >> >> >and prosecuting attorneys that I had no such right.

>> >> >> As I said, I don't believe you.

>> >> >> >Whether or not
>> >> >> >Thurgood Marshall was the first Supreme Court justice to advocate
>> >> >> >denying this right is irrelevant. (ere were probably others before
>> >> >> >him, but when he did it, lawyers as a group endorsed his opinion as
>> >> >> >authoritative. (e other members of the Supreme Court who have
>> >> >> >continued on in this injustice are equally responsible.

>> >> >> You'll have to show me the decision that supports your claim. I am not
>> >> >> familiar with one that does. In short, it appears that you are making
>> >> >> things up.- Hide quoted text -

>> >> >> - Show quoted text -

>> >> >I am not making anything up.

>> lmost all Americans who appear in court
>> >> >today are told by judges and prosecutors that they do not have the
>> >> >right to trial by jury.
>> >> text -

>> >> - Show quoted text -

>> >> Liar.-

>> >An accusation from an atheist does not change reality.
>> >Robert B. Winn

>> You've made a claim that you cannot support. You've made prior claims
>> that are demonstrably wrong. It is appropriate and necessary to let
>> people know that you are untrustworthy. Your claim to be religious does
>> not change that.- Hide quoted text -

>Do whatever you decide to do. The United States is a free country.
>What you do means nothing to me.

Yes, you know you are a liar, but you are too craven to admit it.
On Feb 26, 11:51�pm, Lars Eighner <> wrote:
> In our last episode,
> <>,
> the lovely and talented rbwinn
> broadcast on alt.atheism:
> > On Feb 26, 7:54 pm, Paul Duca <> wrote:
> >> in article, rbwinn at
> >> wrote on 2/25/07 8:49 PM:

> >> > On Feb 25, 5:15?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:29:31 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >>> On Feb 24, 6:47?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >>>> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:00:05 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >>>> <> let us all know that:

> >> >>>>> On Feb 23, 7:07?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >>>>>> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:19:49 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >>>>>> <> let us all know that:

> >> >>>>>>> Well, actually, it does.
On Feb 27, 6:42�am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:16:01 -0800, "rbwinn"
> <> let us all know that:
> >On Feb 26, 8:25?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:50:36 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >On Feb 26, 7:09 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:50:25 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:16?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:32:15 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:47?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:04:58 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:10?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:31:53 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> >Well, here we have another statement from an atheist denying the
> >> >> >> >> >> >existence of the Bible.

> >> >> >> >> >>
On Feb 27, 6:43�am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:17:59 -0800, "rbwinn"
> <> let us all know that:
> >On Feb 26, 8:26?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:46:29 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >On Feb 26, 7:11 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:51:34 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:17?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:34:07 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:49?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:02:16 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:09?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:53:52 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >> >> >> >> >> >How about this? Here is someone who thinks that his ancestors were
> >> >> >> >> >> >monkeys telling me to grow up.

> >> >> >> >> >>
On Feb 27, 6:45�am, "jl" <> wrote:
> On Feb 27, 1:06 am, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
> > On Feb 26, 8:20?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:

> > > On 26 Feb 2007 19:08:45 -0800, in alt.atheism
> > > "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> > > <>:

> > > >On Feb 26, 5:32 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> > > >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:23:09 -0800, in alt.atheism
> > > >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> > > >> <>:

> > > ...

> > > >> >The Supreme Court decided in the Dred Scott case that a runaway slave
> > > >> >had to be returned to his owner if he fled to another state. ?That was
> > > >> >the last Supreme Court ruling on slavery. ?So now you are saying that
> > > >> >the Supreme Court has made another erroneous decision. ?Well, that
> > > >> >does not really surprise me.

> > > >> What an absurd claim. At the time, the decision was correct, even though
> > > >> it was absolutely repugnant from the modern viewpoint for almost all
> > > >> Americans. The Congress and states changed the Constitution so that the
> > > >> Dred Scott case is no longer valid.

> > > >> You really have no idea what you are talking about, whether in religion
> > > >> or law. I would not be surprised based on your behavior here if you were
> > > >> an ignorant blowhard in other areas of knowledge as well.- Hide quoted text -

> > > >If you want to return runaway slaves, that would be your choice.

> > > You, of course, know you are making an utterly absurd claim.

> > > >My opinion is that you have no right to try to practice slavery.

> > > Yet the Bible that you worship approves of slavery. Why do you disagree
> > > with the Bible?

> > I don't worship the Bible.
On Feb 27, 6:59�pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2007 22:06:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> <>:
> >On Feb 26, 8:20?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> On 26 Feb 2007 19:08:45 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> <>:

> >> >On Feb 26, 5:32 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:23:09 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> >> <>:

> >> ...

> >> >> >The Supreme Court decided in the Dred Scott case that a runaway slave
> >> >> >had to be returned to his owner if he fled to another state.
On Feb 27, 7:01�pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2007 22:20:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> <>:
> >On Feb 26, 8:32?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> On 26 Feb 2007 19:11:21 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> <>:

> >> >On Feb 26, 6:01 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:30:16 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> >> <>:

> >> ...

> >> >> >An accusation from an atheist does not change reality.
> >> >> >Robert B. Winn

> >> >> You've made a claim that you cannot support. You've made prior claims
> >> >> that are demonstrably wrong. It is appropriate and necessary to let
> >> >> people know that you are untrustworthy. Your claim to be religious does
> >> >> not change that.- Hide quoted text -
> >> >> -
> >> >Spoken like an atheist.
On Feb 27, 7:02�pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> On 26 Feb 2007 21:33:11 -0800, in alt.atheism
> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> <>:
> >On Feb 26, 6:01?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:30:16 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> <>:

> >> >On Feb 25, 4:21?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 14:57:14 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> >> <>:

> >> >> >On Feb 25, 10:42?am, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 07:58:10 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> >> >> <>:

> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 9:22?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> On 23 Feb 2007 18:09:54 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> >> >> >> <>:

> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 11:05?am, "jl" <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> On Feb 22, 12:18 am, "rbwinn" <>, i. e., Winnie thePooh, wrote:

> >> >> >> >> >> ...]

> >> >> >> >> >> > I have never appeared in court with a lawyer. !lways speak for
> >> >> >> >> >> > myself. !lways request trial by jury and then appeal the case on
> >> >> >> >> >> > the grounds that I was denied trial by jury.

> >> >> >> >> >> That must be the reason for your acrimony against the courts. /u
> >> >> >> >> >> bumble and lose and then blame the lawyers and judges for your defeat.

> >> >> >> >> >> If you're as bad a lawyer as you are at furnishing caselaw for such
> >> >> >> >> >> zany charges as blaming Thurgood Marshall for taking away your 6th
> >> >> >> >> >> Amendment rights, I can understand why you're losing.

> >> >> >> >> >> Marshall voted with the majority in the 7 to 2 Suprme Court decision,
> >> >> >> >> >> _Duncan v. Louisiana,_ which required jury trials in all 50 states for
> >> >> >> >> >> criminal defendants accused of misdemeanors. 5ncan applied the 6th
> >> >> >> >> >> Amendment to the states by incorporating it into the purview of the
> >> >> >> >> >> 14th Amendment.

> >> >> >> >> >> So your accusation against Justice Thurgood Marshall, who was denied
> >> >> >> >> >> admission to law school in Maryland because he was black, is grossly
> >> >> >> >> >> in error.

> >> >> >> >> >All I know about it is that states started denying trial by jury.

> >> >> >> >> You assert that, but when asked to provide evidence or citations to
> >> >> >> >> support your claim, you just whine.

> >> >> >> >> >When it all started everyone was quoting a minority opinion written by
> >> >> >> >> >Thurgood Marshall.

> >> >> >> >> You assert that, but when asked to provide evidence or citations to
> >> >> >> >> support your claim, you just whine.

> >> >> >> >> >It has nothing to do with his race. % was a
> >> >> >> >> >Supreme Court Justice who saw a reason to deny trial by jury that all
> >> >> >> >> >lawyers bought into because they saw it would increase their status
> >> >> >> >> >and financial well-being.

> >> >> >> >> You assert that, but when asked to provide evidence or citations to
> >> >> >> >> support your claim, you just whine and defame lawyers and judges.

> >> >> >> >Well, I have gone into court as a defendant, asked for trial by jury,
> >> >> >> >which is my guaranteed Constitutional right, and been told by judges
> >> >> >> >and prosecuting attorneys that I had no such right.

> >> >> >> As I said, I don't believe you.

> >> >> >> >Whether or not
> >> >> >> >Thurgood Marshall was the first Supreme Court justice to advocate
> >> >> >> >denying this right is irrelevant. (ere were probably others before
> >> >> >> >him, but when he did it, lawyers as a group endorsed his opinion as
> >> >> >> >authoritative. (e other members of the Supreme Court who have
> >> >> >> >continued on in this injustice are equally responsible.

> >> >> >> You'll have to show me the decision that supports your claim. I am not
> >> >> >> familiar with one that does. In short, it appears that you are making
> >> >> >> things up.- Hide quoted text -

> >> >> >> - Show quoted text -

> >> >> >I am not making anything up.

> >> lmost all Americans who appear in court

> >> >> >today are told by judges and prosecutors that they do not have the
> >> >> >right to trial by jury.
> >> >> text -

> >> >> - Show quoted text -

> >> >> Liar.-

> >> >An accusation from an atheist does not change reality.
> >> >Robert B. Winn

> >> You've made a claim that you cannot support. You've made prior claims
> >> that are demonstrably wrong. It is appropriate and necessary to let
> >> people know that you are untrustworthy. Your claim to be religious does
> >> not change that.- Hide quoted text -

> >Do whatever you decide to do.
On 27 Feb 2007 19:06:15 -0800, in alt.atheism
"rbwinn" <> wrote in
>On Feb 27, 6:59?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> On 26 Feb 2007 22:06:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> <>:
>> >On Feb 26, 8:20?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> On 26 Feb 2007 19:08:45 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> <>:

>> >> >On Feb 26, 5:32 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:23:09 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> >> <>:

>> >> ...

>> >> >> >The Supreme Court decided in the Dred Scott case that a runaway slave
>> >> >> >had to be returned to his owner if he fled to another state. (at was
>> >> >> >the last Supreme Court ruling on slavery. / now you are saying that
>> >> >> >the Supreme Court has made another erroneous decision. %ll, that
>> >> >> >does not really surprise me.

>> >> >> What an absurd claim. At the time, the decision was correct, even though
>> >> >> it was absolutely repugnant from the modern viewpoint for almost all
>> >> >> Americans. The Congress and states changed the Constitution so that the
>> >> >> Dred Scott case is no longer valid.

>> >> >> You really have no idea what you are talking about, whether in religion
>> >> >> or law. I would not be surprised based on your behavior here if you were
>> >> >> an ignorant blowhard in other areas of knowledge as well.- Hide quoted text -

>> >> >If you want to return runaway slaves, that would be your choice.

>> >> You, of course, know you are making an utterly absurd claim.

>> >> >My opinion is that you have no right to try to practice slavery.

>> >> Yet the Bible that you worship approves of slavery. Why do you disagree
>> >> with the Bible?- Hide quoted text -

>> >I don't worship the Bible. aul's instructions on the subject were to
>> >a slave who had run away from a church member who had slaves and to
>> >the slaveowner himself. is concern at the time was to prevent an
>> >outbreak of runaway slaves that would bring persecution on the
>> >church. Paul was not in favor of slavery.

>> So you reject the teachings found in the Old Testament and you deny that
>> the Southern Baptists and all other proponents of slavery in 1860 were
>> Christian.- Hide quoted text -

>Well, if Satan has put that accusation in your mind, then it is in
>your mind along with whatever other accusations Satan has put there.
>Too bad that is all you have in your mind.

I have no reason to believe that Satan exists. No evidence supports your
claim that he did anything or even that he does exist.
On 27 Feb 2007 19:09:37 -0800, in alt.atheism
"rbwinn" <> wrote in
>On Feb 27, 7:01?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> On 26 Feb 2007 22:20:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> <>:
>> >On Feb 26, 8:32?pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> On 26 Feb 2007 19:11:21 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> <>:

>> >> >On Feb 26, 6:01 pm, Free Lunch <> wrote:
>> >> >> On 25 Feb 2007 17:30:16 -0800, in alt.atheism
>> >> >> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
>> >> >> <>:

>> >> ...

>> >> >> >An accusation from an atheist does not change reality.
>> >> >> >Robert B. Winn

>> >> >> You've made a claim that you cannot support. You've made prior claims
>> >> >> that are demonstrably wrong. It is appropriate and necessary to let
>> >> >> people know that you are untrustworthy. Your claim to be religious does
>> >> >> not change that.- Hide quoted text -
>> >> >> -
>> >> >Spoken like an atheist. /u have said that our freedom depends on
>> >> >permission from atheists. /, sorry, our freedom has nothing to do
>> >> >with you or your corrupt philosophies.
>> >eswus Christ was the one who
>> >> >said we were free.

>> >> You mock Jesus with your absurd claims and intentional lies.
>> >> --
>> >I am not the one claiming that God does not exist.

>> I don't cliam that God does not exist. I point out that absolutely no
>> evidence exists to support the claim that God does exist. Since that is
>> the case, I have nothing more to say.
>> >In any event, if you think I am mocking Jesus, why don't you take your
>> >complaint to him when he returns to judge the earth?

>> Because there is no evidence that Jesus will ever return and there is a
>> great deal of evidence that people are harmed by the teachings of those
>> who claim to be the followers of Jesus.- Hide quoted text -

>Well, one atheist was telling me about Josef Stalin, who he said
>learned to kill in a Christian seminary class. I guess that people
>like Josef Stalin would be of great concern to you.

I don't really care what excuse people use to kill unjustly. All of them
are wrong. All of them are evil. Those who murder in the name of Jesus
are neither more nor less evil than those who murder claiming to be
freeing us from religious tyranny.
In alt.atheism On 27 Feb 2007 18:55:55 -0800, "rbwinn"
<> let us all know that:

>On Feb 27, 6:42?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:16:01 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> <> let us all know that:
>> >On Feb 26, 8:25?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:50:36 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >On Feb 26, 7:09 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:50:25 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:16?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:32:15 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:47?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:04:58 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:10?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:31:53 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> >> >> >> >Well, here we have another statement from an atheist denying the
>> >> >> >> >> >> >existence of the Bible.

>> >> >> >> >> >> /, that's not what we have. We only have that if you, Bobby,
>> >> >> >> >> >> do not understand English. Are you admitting that you do not
>> >> >> >> >> >> understand English?
>> >> >> >> >> >You first, Don.

>> >> >> >> >> h please, Bobby. IKYABWAI is so kindergarten.
>> >> >> >> >So don't try it on me.

>> >> >> >> IKYABWAI followed with IKYABWAI is really childish.

>> >> >> >Well, you can stop doing it any time, Don.

>> >> >> Wow--you did it a 3rd time!

>> >> >> Sheesh--how childish are you?
>> >> >I don't see why you would want to base your life on what I do or don't
>> >> >do.

>> >> I don't. I just think it's amusing how childish you are.

>> >I have never thought you were amusing.

>> That's because I'm educational.
>> > And you are not childish.

>> That's because I don't believe in god. The upshot is that
>> those who believe in god are childish.
>> Don

>Satan believes in God,

No, there's no such thing as satan.

Though if there were, you'd know that satan is merely a
description--a title. If you'd read Numbers chapter 22, specifically
from verse 20 through 26, you'd find that satan isn't what you think
it is.

aa #51, Knight of BAAWA, DNRC o-, Member of the [H]orde
Atheist Minister for St. Dogbert.

"No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another"
Picard to Data/Graves "The Schizoid Man"
In alt.atheism On 27 Feb 2007 18:59:01 -0800, "rbwinn"
<> let us all know that:

>On Feb 27, 6:43?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:17:59 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> <> let us all know that:
>> >On Feb 26, 8:26?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:46:29 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >On Feb 26, 7:11 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:51:34 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:17?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:34:07 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:49?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:02:16 -0800, "rbwinn"
>> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

>> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:09?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:

>> >> >> Crying about "profanity" is the last resort of one who hasno
>> >> >> argument to begin with, and merely demonstrates the lack of
>> >> >> intelligence on the part of the complainer.

>> >> >> We can keep doing this until you repent of your
>> >> >> style-over-substance fallacy. Which you won't do, since you haven't an
>> >> >> argument to begin with. Crying about "profanity" is just a cover to
>> >> >> keep people from learning that you have no argument, but it always
>> >> >> backfires, since it SIGNALS that you have no argument.

>> >> >I never claimed to be arguing, Don.

>> >> That's good, since you are incapable of holding any sort of
>> >> rational argument.

>> >> > What is there to argue about? %
>> >> >have freedom of religion here in the United States. /u are free to
>> >> >be an atheist if that is what you want to be. /u decided to try some
>> >> >profanity on me.

>> >> No, since there's no such thing. And I told you what it means
>> >> to argue style-over-substance, which is what you did.

>> >There is no such thing as profanity?

>> Yep.
>> Now, if you would bother to back your claim that atheists say
>> that the bible doesn't exist (which I know you can't), we can make fun
>> of you for being so ****ing stupid as to make such a statement.

>Atheists claim the Bible does not exist,


aa #51, Knight of BAAWA, DNRC o-, Member of the [H]orde
Atheist Minister for St. Dogbert.

"No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another"
Picard to Data/Graves "The Schizoid Man"
On Feb 27, 8:31�pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> In alt.atheism On 27 Feb 2007 18:55:55 -0800, "rbwinn"
> <> let us all know that:
> >On Feb 27, 6:42?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:16:01 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >On Feb 26, 8:25?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:50:36 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >On Feb 26, 7:09 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:50:25 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:16?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:32:15 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:47?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:04:58 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:10?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:31:53 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> >> >Well, here we have another statement from an atheist denying the
> >> >> >> >> >> >> >existence of the Bible.

> >> >> >> >> >> >> /, that's not what we have. We only have that if you, Bobby,
> >> >> >> >> >> >> do not understand English. Are you admitting that you do not
> >> >> >> >> >> >> understand English?
> >> >> >> >> >> >You first, Don.

> >> >> >> >> >>
Don Kresch wrote:

> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:16:01 -0800, "rbwinn"
> <> let us all know that:
> >On Feb 26, 8:25?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:50:36 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >On Feb 26, 7:09 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:50:25 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:16?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:32:15 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:47?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:04:58 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:10?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:31:53 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> >Well, here we have another statement from an atheist denying the
> >> >> >> >> >> >existence of the Bible.
> >>
> >> >> >> >> >> o, that's not what we have. We only have that if you, Bobby,
> >> >> >> >> >> do not understand English. Are you admitting that you do not
> >> >> >> >> >> understand English?
> >> >> >> >> >You first, Don.
> >>
> >> >> >> >> Oh please, Bobby. IKYABWAI is so kindergarten.
> >> >> >> >So don't try it on me.
> >>
> >> >> >> IKYABWAI followed with IKYABWAI is really childish.
> >>
> >> >> >Well, you can stop doing it any time, Don.
> >>
> >> >> Wow--you did it a 3rd time!
> >>
> >> >> Sheesh--how childish are you?
> >> >I don't see why you would want to base your life on what I do or don't
> >> >do.
> >>
> >> I don't. I just think it's amusing how childish you are.
> >>

> >I have never thought you were amusing.

> That's because I'm educational.
> > And you are not childish.

> That's because I don't believe in god. The upshot is that
> those who believe in god are childish.

I have held the same view now for over fifty years

> Don
> ---
> aa #51, Knight of BAAWA, DNRC o-, Member of the [H]orde
> Atheist Minister for St. Dogbert.
> "No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another"
> Picard to Data/Graves "The Schizoid Man"
On Feb 27, 8:31�pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> In alt.atheism On 27 Feb 2007 18:59:01 -0800, "rbwinn"
> <> let us all know that:
> >On Feb 27, 6:43?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:17:59 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >On Feb 26, 8:26?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:46:29 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >On Feb 26, 7:11 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:51:34 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:17?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:34:07 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:49?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:02:16 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:

> >> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:09?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >>
Don Kresch wrote:

> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 22:17:59 -0800, "rbwinn"
> <> let us all know that:
> >On Feb 26, 8:26?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> In alt.atheism On 26 Feb 2007 06:46:29 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >> >On Feb 26, 7:11 am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> In alt.atheism On 25 Feb 2007 17:51:34 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >> >> >On Feb 25, 5:17?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:34:07 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >> >> >> >On Feb 24, 6:49?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:02:16 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >>
> >> >> >> >> >On Feb 23, 7:09?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
> >> >> >> >> >> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:53:52 -0800, "rbwinn"
> >> >> >> >> >> <> let us all know that:
> >> >> >> >> >> >How about this? Here is someone who thinks that his ancestors were
> >> >> >> >> >> >monkeys telling me to grow up.
> >>
> >> >> >> >> >>

> >>
> >> >> >> >> >> very time a creationist says something like "you believe your
> >> >> >> >> >> ancestors were monkeys", the creationist is exposed as the dumbest
> >> >> >> >> >> ****ing person on the planet.
> >> >> >> >> >Profanity is the attempt of a weak mind to make a strong statement.
> >>
> >> >> >> >> Crying about "profanity" is the last resort of one who hasno
> >> >> >> >> argument to begin with, and merely demonstrates the lack of
> >> >> >> >> intelligence on the part of the complainer.
> >>
> >> >> >> >> Don
> >>
> >> >> >> >If you want to use profanity,
> >>
> >> >> >> I will.
> >> >> >Well, I was already aware of that. rofanity is the attempt of a weak
> >> >> >mind to make a strong statement.
> >>
> >> >> Crying about "profanity" is the last resort of one who hasno
> >> >> argument to begin with, and merely demonstrates the lack of
> >> >> intelligence on the part of the complainer.
> >>
> >> >> We can keep doing this until you repent of your
> >> >> style-over-substance fallacy. Which you won't do, since you haven't an
> >> >> argument to begin with. Crying about "profanity" is just a cover to
> >> >> keep people from learning that you have no argument, but it always
> >> >> backfires, since it SIGNALS that you have no argument.
> >>
> >> >I never claimed to be arguing, Don.
> >>
> >> That's good, since you are incapable of holding any sort of
> >> rational argument.
> >>
> >> > What is there to argue about? e
> >> >have freedom of religion here in the United States. ou are free to
> >> >be an atheist if that is what you want to be. ou decided to try some
> >> >profanity on me.
> >>
> >> No, since there's no such thing. And I told you what it means
> >> to argue style-over-substance, which is what you did.
> >>

> >There is no such thing as profanity?

> Yep.
> Now, if you would bother to back your claim that atheists say
> that the bible doesn't exist (which I know you can't), we can make fun
> of you for being so ****ing stupid as to make such a statement.

not so sure I have a feeling Robby is rather thick skinned

> Don
> ---
> aa #51, Knight of BAAWA, DNRC o-, Member of the [H]orde
> Atheist Minister for St. Dogbert.
> "No being is so important that he can usurp the rights of another"
> Picard to Data/Graves "The Schizoid Man"
in article, rbwinn at wrote on 2/26/07 10:15 PM:

> On Feb 26, 7:54 pm, Paul Duca <> wrote:
>> in article, rbwinn at
>> wrote on 2/25/07 8:49 PM:
>>> On Feb 25, 5:15?pm, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>>>> In alt.atheism On 24 Feb 2007 06:29:31 -0800, "rbwinn"
>>>> <> let us all know that:

>>>>> On Feb 24, 6:47?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>>>>>> In alt.atheism On 23 Feb 2007 18:00:05 -0800, "rbwinn"
>>>>>> <> let us all know that:

>>>>>>> On Feb 23, 7:07?am, Don Kresch <> wrote:
>>>>>>>> In alt.atheism On 22 Feb 2007 19:19:49 -0800, "rbwinn"
>>>>>>>> <> let us all know that:

>>>>>>>>> Well, actually, it does. aul stated that in the last days men would
>>>>>>>>> be turned to fables, being unable to abide sound doctrine.

>>>>>>>> jesus = fable.

>>>>>>> The person to explain your idea to would be Jesus Christ.

>>>>>> jesus = fable.

>>>>>> IOW: you can repeat that "you can talk to jesus when he comes
>>>>>> back", but that pathetic attempt at a threat means nothing. You'll
>>>>>> have to find something valid.

>>>>> It is not a threat

>>>> It's an attempt at a threat. And it's so pathetic as to be
>>>> laughable.

>>> Well, it is not a threat. You will have a chance to express your
>>> views to Jesus Christ.

>> I certainly will...and I won't be disappointed, because there is
>> NOTHING Jesus Christ can offer me I would actually WANT.

> Well, Jesus Christ would be the one to tell your idea. Strangely, the
> scriptures say that none of you people are going to take advantage of
> the opportunity.

I told you, I the very least, I am NEVER going to be
alongside someone like you, on my knees sucking up to Him and begging for
His crumbs.


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