"jl" <> wrote in message
> On Mar 5, 5:42 pm, stumper <> wrote:
> [...]
>> >> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?

>> > Which version?

>> Which one do you have in mind?

> The one I have in mind is especially nasty. It demands you to love
> this hateful deity Jehovah then threatens you, your children,
> grandchildren, great grandchildren, and great-great grandchildren with
> horrid curses if you don't love him.Talk about putting the fuggin fear
> of gawd in somebody.
> And the van geliculls demand that this commandment be plastered on
> schoolhouse walls and then cry they're persecuted if they don't get
> their way.

Well and dandy, so you decide to do the opposite from the 10
commandments, and go to jail or get killed. Great solutions you have!!!! LOL

Posted via a free Usenet account from
"Pastor Frank" <> writes:
> "Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> > On Mon, 5 Mar 2007 11:07:45 +0800, in alt.atheism
> > "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> > <45eb802d$0$30102$>:
> >>
> >> What's with the specifications? Did I not just say, that atheists want
> >>us have our God approved by them before we believe in Him?

> >
> > I don't care what god you believe in. I only object when you lie and
> > claim that you have evidence to support your claim that your god exists.
> >

> I don't believe this!!!! You are still chanting the very same atheist
> mantras you did in the beginning and you sound increasingly out of tune. How
> many time have I quoted the originating document of our belief system, the
> NT Bible to you? In particular where it states the nature of our God?
> So here goes again, and this time pay attention already!!!! Our
> Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16) become fully manifested in Jesus
> Christ laying down His precious and innocent life on the cross of Calvary
> for the LOVE of us sinners, and for no other reason. THAT IS our most holy
> and glorious God in action and THAT testifies of my God's existence. "Lie"
> indeed, when you do nothing but lie yourself about not knowing these facts,
> after having been told them hundred of times.

> What we all agree does NOT exist, is your personal and private straw
> man, that ubiquitous invisible old warrior in the sky type of god. Now
> please change your tune already, before we all die of boredom.

Are you that the bloody-minded jealous vindictive capricious
genocidal (but spare the virgins) God who ranges through
the Old Testament, most furiously in the earlier books,
has become in some strange Nixonian sense "inoperative"?

-- cary
Michael Gray wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
> wrote:
> - Refer: <>
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>>>> Yes.
>>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>>>> evidence.
>>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?
>>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
>>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?

>> Who said I believe in any god?

> I did.
> Are you claiming that you are atheist?
> Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
> implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
> "god".
> Were you mistaken?
>> Do you even know what it is?

> Yes, I just explained it above.
> It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.
> Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?

Gods are something you cannot understand with words.
Rather like Nothingness to some.

I have no way of knowing
whether such a thing exists or not.

On 7 Mar 2007 18:25:37 -0800, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
- Refer: <>
>On Mar 7, 12:09?am, Michael Gray <> wrote:
>> On Tue, 6 Mar 2007 21:53:34 -0800, (ScottRichter) wrote:
>> - Refer: <>
>> >rbwinn <> wrote:

>> >> > > Why don't you explain it to Jesus Christ when he returns to judge the
>> >> > > earth?

>> >> > That's so adorable! You think some guy who lived 2000 years ago (if he
>> >> > existed at all) is going to "return to judge the earth"? It's just too
>> >> > cute for words!

>> >> > No, wait... You're an ADULT, right? Hmmm, scratch what I said, it's not
>> >> > cute at all, it's just ridiculous.

>> >> Well, Scot, I would not be the one to discuss your idea with. hy
>> >> don't you take an opportunity to discuss it with Jesus Christ after he
>> >> returns to judge the earth?

>> >Like I said, a grown man saying these things: ridiculous.

>> >Here's a tip, Skippy. For a threat to work, the person at whom the
>> >threat is directed has to believe the threat is real. Otherwise, you
>> >come across like a four year old child trying to scare his parents by
>> >claiming a monster is in the closet.

>> >Does any of this make sense to you?

>> Too many big words.
>> Too much threatening reality.
>> Too much sanity for pathetic little Bobby.

>I have never seen an atheist say anything that had much meaning.

At least you recognise that you have a comprehension problem.
That is a start.

> Now,
>Isaiah was a person who could make meaningful statements.

Now that's funny!! :D

>Isaiah 5:2 And he fenced it, and gathered out the stones thereof, and
>planted it with the choicest vine, and built a tower in the midst of
>it, and also made a winepress therein: and he looked that it should
>bring forth grapes, and it brought forth wild grapes.

Since when did Isaiah speak English, you chronic cretin?!!??!!

Michael Gray wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
> wrote:
> - Refer: <>
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
>>>> How do you know it does not exist?
>>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
>>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
>>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
>>> extent.
>>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
>>> conclusion is unwarranted?

>> I read philosophy and law.
>> How about you?

> 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
> 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
> 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
> judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
> posts here?
> Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
> Your responses are all logical fallacies.
> But, I see that you are a philosopher.
> No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!

I'm a student of Dao and Zen.

What makes you think logic is reasonable?

Pastor Frank wrote:
> "stumper" <> wrote in message
>> Pastor Frank wrote:
>>> "stumper" <> wrote in message
>>>> Pastor Frank wrote:
>>>>> Are you simple minded, that you should believe Satan's minions who
>>>>> claim to be followers of Christ, yet do the opposite from what Christ
>>>>> commanded, as well as justify doing so. That's why Jesus said: By their
>>>>> actions ye shall know them. Yet you believe
>>>>> their words instead of their actions?
>>>> You are right. Would you be kind enough to let us know whether you
>>>> would stone all adulterers or not? ~Stumper
>>> Why would keep asking a Christian a question about keeping the laws of
>>> Judaism? We don't keep the laws of Judaism, save perhaps the 10
>>> commandments. Those who call themselves Christians are to follow Christ
>>> and do what He would do. See below
>>> Pastor Frank
>>> Jesus in John 8:3: And the scribes and Pharisees brought unto him a woman
>>> taken in adultery; and when they had set her in the midst, 4: They say
>>> unto him, Master, this woman was taken in adultery, in the very act. 5:
>>> Now Moses in the law commanded us, that such should be stoned: but what
>>> sayest thou? 6: This they said, tempting him, that they might have to
>>> accuse him. But Jesus stooped down, and with his finger wrote on the
>>> ground, as though he heard them not. 7: So when they continued asking
>>> him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them,
>>> He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
>>> 8: And again he stooped down, and wrote on the ground. 9: And they which
>>> heard it, being convicted by their own conscience, went out one
>>> by one, beginning at the eldest, even unto the last: and Jesus was left
>>> alone, and the woman standing in the midst. 10: When Jesus had lifted up
>>> himself, and saw none but the woman, he said unto her, Woman, where are
>>> those thine accusers? hath no man condemned thee? 11: She said, No man,
>>> Lord. And Jesus said unto her, Neither do I condemn thee: go, and sin no
>>> more.

>> NIV Matthew 19
>>> 16Now a man came up to Jesus and asked, "Teacher, what good thing
>>> must I do to get eternal life?"
>>> 17"Why do you ask me about what is good?" Jesus replied. "There is
>>> only One who is good. If you want to enter life, obey the
>>> commandments."
>>> 18"Which ones?" the man inquired.
>>> Jesus replied, " 'Do not murder, do not commit adultery, do not
>>> steal, do not give false testimony, 19honor your father and
>>> mother,'[d] and 'love your neighbor as yourself.'[e]"
>>> 20"All these I have kept," the young man said. "What do I still
>>> lack?"
>>> 21Jesus answered, "If you want to be perfect, go, sell your
>>> possessions and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in
>>> heaven. Then come, follow me."
>>> 22When the young man heard this, he went away sad, because he had
>>> great wealth.

>> What would you do if they don't obey?

> Mourn the loss of my child.

What would you do if you failed to obey?

On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:15:21 -0500, stumper <>
- Refer: <>
>Michael Gray wrote:
>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
>> wrote:
>> - Refer: <>
>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>>>>> evidence.
>>>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>>>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?
>>>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
>>>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?
>>> Who said I believe in any god?

>> I did.
>> Are you claiming that you are atheist?
>> Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
>> implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
>> "god".
>> Were you mistaken?
>>> Do you even know what it is?

>> Yes, I just explained it above.
>> It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.
>> Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?

>Gods are something you cannot understand with words.

So, you do believe that they exist, and you cannot describe

Sheesh. Gimme a break.
I've had enough badgering incoherent loonies for one week.

You were lying when you implied that you were atheist.

>Rather like Nothingness to some.

Meaningless gobbldegook.

>I have no way of knowing
>whether such a thing exists or not.

That is your problem, not mine.

On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:18:20 -0500, stumper <>
- Refer: <>
>Michael Gray wrote:
>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
>> wrote:
>> - Refer: <>
>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
>>>>> How do you know it does not exist?
>>>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
>>>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
>>>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
>>>> extent.
>>>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
>>>> conclusion is unwarranted?
>>> I read philosophy and law.
>>> How about you?

>> 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
>> 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
>> 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
>> judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
>> posts here?
>> Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
>> Your responses are all logical fallacies.
>> But, I see that you are a philosopher.
>> No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!

>I'm a student of Dao and Zen.

A Zen philoso-wanker.
Now I understand why you are a babbling incoherent woo-woo

>What makes you think logic is reasonable?

It works.

Michael Gray wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:15:21 -0500, stumper <>
> wrote:
> - Refer: <>
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>>>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>>>>>> evidence.
>>>>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>>>>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?
>>>>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
>>>>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?
>>>> Who said I believe in any god?
>>> I did.
>>> Are you claiming that you are atheist?
>>> Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
>>> implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
>>> "god".
>>> Were you mistaken?
>>>> Do you even know what it is?
>>> Yes, I just explained it above.
>>> It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.
>>> Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?

>> Gods are something you cannot understand with words.

> What?!
> So, you do believe that they exist, and you cannot describe
> them?!?!?
> Sheesh. Gimme a break.
> I've had enough badgering incoherent loonies for one week.
> You were lying when you implied that you were atheist.
>> Rather like Nothingness to some.

> Meaningless gobbldegook.
>> I have no way of knowing
>> whether such a thing exists or not.

> That is your problem, not mine.

You seem to be certain about things
you cannot possibly be certain about.

Is Nothingness meaningless?

Michael Gray wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:18:20 -0500, stumper <>
> wrote:
> - Refer: <>
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
>>>>>> How do you know it does not exist?
>>>>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
>>>>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
>>>>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
>>>>> extent.
>>>>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
>>>>> conclusion is unwarranted?
>>>> I read philosophy and law.
>>>> How about you?
>>> 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
>>> 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
>>> 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
>>> judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
>>> posts here?
>>> Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
>>> Your responses are all logical fallacies.
>>> But, I see that you are a philosopher.
>>> No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!

>> I'm a student of Dao and Zen.

> A Zen philoso-wanker.
> Now I understand why you are a babbling incoherent woo-woo
> mental-cripple.
>> What makes you think logic is reasonable?

> It works.

Are you always logical and reasonable?

stumper wrote:
> Michael Gray wrote:
> > On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:15:21 -0500, stumper <>
> > wrote:
> > - Refer: <>
> >> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> - Refer: <>
> >>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>> - Refer: <>
> >>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>> - Refer: <>
> >>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> No.
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
> >>>>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
> >>>>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
> >>>>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Do you know what it means
> >>>>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
> >>>>>>> Yes.
> >>>>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
> >>>>>>> evidence.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
> >>>>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?
> >>>>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
> >>>>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?
> >>>>>
> >>>> Who said I believe in any god?
> >>> I did.
> >>> Are you claiming that you are atheist?
> >>> Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
> >>> implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
> >>> "god".
> >>> Were you mistaken?
> >>>
> >>>> Do you even know what it is?
> >>> Yes, I just explained it above.
> >>> It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.
> >>>
> >>> Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?
> >>>
> >> Gods are something you cannot understand with words.

> >
> > What?!
> > So, you do believe that they exist, and you cannot describe
> > them?!?!?
> >
> > Sheesh. Gimme a break.
> > I've had enough badgering incoherent loonies for one week.
> >
> > You were lying when you implied that you were atheist.
> >
> >> Rather like Nothingness to some.

> >
> > Meaningless gobbldegook.
> >
> >> I have no way of knowing
> >> whether such a thing exists or not.

> >
> > That is your problem, not mine.

> You seem to be certain about things
> you cannot possibly be certain about.

Until you actually present actual evidence, there's no reason to
bother considering your ravings as anything other than ravings.
stumper wrote:
> Michael Gray wrote:
> > On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:18:20 -0500, stumper <>
> > wrote:
> > - Refer: <>
> >> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> - Refer: <>
> >>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>> - Refer: <>
> >>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
> >>>>>>> wrote:
> >>>>>>> - Refer: <>
> >>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
> >>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
> >>>>>>>>> No.
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
> >>>>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> How do you know it does not exist?
> >>>>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
> >>>>>
> >>>>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
> >>>>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
> >>>>> extent.
> >>>>>
> >>>>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
> >>>>> conclusion is unwarranted?
> >>>>>
> >>>> I read philosophy and law.
> >>>> How about you?
> >>> 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
> >>> 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
> >>> 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
> >>> judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
> >>> posts here?
> >>>
> >>> Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
> >>> Your responses are all logical fallacies.
> >>>
> >>> But, I see that you are a philosopher.
> >>> No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!
> >>>
> >> I'm a student of Dao and Zen.

> >
> > A Zen philoso-wanker.
> > Now I understand why you are a babbling incoherent woo-woo
> > mental-cripple.
> >
> >> What makes you think logic is reasonable?

> >
> > It works.

> Are you always logical and reasonable?

Irrelevant. Failure to acheive a goal isn't a reason to stop trying.
stumper wrote:
> Michael Gray wrote:
> > On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
> > wrote:
> > - Refer: <>
> >> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> - Refer: <>
> >>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>> - Refer: <>
> >>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
> >>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
> >>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
> >>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
> >>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
> >>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
> >>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
> >>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
> >>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
> >>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
> >>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
> >>>>>>>>> Which god?
> >>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
> >>>>>>> No.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
> >>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
> >>>>>
> >>>> How do you know it does not exist?
> >>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
> >>>
> >>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
> >>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
> >>> extent.
> >>>
> >>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
> >>> conclusion is unwarranted?
> >>>
> >> I read philosophy and law.
> >> How about you?

> >
> > 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
> > 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
> > 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
> > judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
> > posts here?
> >
> > Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
> > Your responses are all logical fallacies.
> >
> > But, I see that you are a philosopher.
> > No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!
> >

> I'm a student of Dao and Zen.
> What makes you think logic is reasonable?

What makes you think it isn't?
stumper wrote:
> Michael Gray wrote:
> > On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
> > wrote:
> > - Refer: <>
> >> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
> >>> wrote:
> >>> - Refer: <>
> >>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
> >>>>> wrote:
> >>>>> - Refer: <>
> >>>>>> JessHC wrote:
> >>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
> >>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
> >>>>>>>>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
> >>>>>>>>>>> No.
> >>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
> >>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
> >>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
> >>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>> Do you know what it means
> >>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
> >>>>> Yes.
> >>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
> >>>>> evidence.
> >>>>>
> >>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
> >>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?
> >>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
> >>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?
> >>>
> >> Who said I believe in any god?

> >
> > I did.
> > Are you claiming that you are atheist?
> > Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
> > implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
> > "god".
> > Were you mistaken?
> >
> >> Do you even know what it is?

> >
> > Yes, I just explained it above.
> > It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.
> >
> > Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?
> >

> Gods are something you cannot understand with words.

There's a handy cop-out.

> Rather like Nothingness to some.

Or not.

> I have no way of knowing
> whether such a thing exists or not.

Then why bother?
JessHC wrote:
> stumper wrote:
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:15:21 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>>>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>>>>>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>>>>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>>>>>>>> Yes.
>>>>>>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>>>>>>>> evidence.
>>>>>>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>>>>>>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?
>>>>>>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
>>>>>>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?
>>>>>> Who said I believe in any god?
>>>>> I did.
>>>>> Are you claiming that you are atheist?
>>>>> Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
>>>>> implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
>>>>> "god".
>>>>> Were you mistaken?
>>>>>> Do you even know what it is?
>>>>> Yes, I just explained it above.
>>>>> It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.
>>>>> Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?
>>>> Gods are something you cannot understand with words.
>>> What?!
>>> So, you do believe that they exist, and you cannot describe
>>> them?!?!?
>>> Sheesh. Gimme a break.
>>> I've had enough badgering incoherent loonies for one week.
>>> You were lying when you implied that you were atheist.
>>>> Rather like Nothingness to some.
>>> Meaningless gobbldegook.
>>>> I have no way of knowing
>>>> whether such a thing exists or not.
>>> That is your problem, not mine.

>> You seem to be certain about things
>> you cannot possibly be certain about.

> Until you actually present actual evidence, there's no reason to
> bother considering your ravings as anything other than ravings.

How do you know that you exist?
Do you even know what you are?

JessHC wrote:
> stumper wrote:
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 16:18:20 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
>>>>>>>> How do you know it does not exist?
>>>>>>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
>>>>>>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
>>>>>>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
>>>>>>> extent.
>>>>>>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
>>>>>>> conclusion is unwarranted?
>>>>>> I read philosophy and law.
>>>>>> How about you?
>>>>> 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
>>>>> 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
>>>>> 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
>>>>> judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
>>>>> posts here?
>>>>> Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
>>>>> Your responses are all logical fallacies.
>>>>> But, I see that you are a philosopher.
>>>>> No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!
>>>> I'm a student of Dao and Zen.
>>> A Zen philoso-wanker.
>>> Now I understand why you are a babbling incoherent woo-woo
>>> mental-cripple.
>>>> What makes you think logic is reasonable?
>>> It works.

>> Are you always logical and reasonable?

> Irrelevant. Failure to acheive a goal isn't a reason to stop trying.

How can anything be illogical or unreasonable at all?

Pastor Frank wrote:
> "R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
> > Pastor Frank wrote:
> >> "Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 12:50:19 +0800, in alt.atheism
> >> > "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> >> > <45e8fa01$0$16381$>:
> >> >>"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >>> On Thu, 1 Mar 2007 22:44:09 +0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >>> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> >> >>> <45e7076a$0$16281$>:
> >> >>>>"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> >> >>>>
> >> >>>>> On 26 Feb 2007 22:20:17 -0800, in alt.atheism
> >> >>>>> "rbwinn" <> wrote in
> >> >>>>>>
> >> >>>>>>In any event, if you think I am mocking Jesus, why don't you take
> >> >>>>>>your
> >> >>>>>>complaint to him when he returns to judge the earth?
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>>> Because there is no evidence that Jesus will ever return and there
> >> >>>>> is
> >> >>>>> a
> >> >>>>> great deal of evidence that people are harmed by the teachings of
> >> >>>>> those
> >> >>>>> who claim to be the followers of Jesus.
> >> >>>>>
> >> >>>> There you go again making broad accusations without presenting a
> >> >>>> shred
> >> >>>>of evidence.
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Are you trying to deny that there have been people who claim to be
> >> >>> followers of Jesus but have caused serious harm in the world with
> >> >>> their
> >> >>> evil?
> >> >>>
> >> >> Are you simple minded, that you should believe Satan's minions who
> >> >> claim
> >> >>to be followers of Christ, yet do the opposite from what Christ
> >> >>commanded,
> >> >>as well as justify doing so. That's why Jesus said: By their actions ye
> >> >>shall know them. Yet you believe their words instead of their actions?
> >> >
> >> > I don't believe their words. I never claimed to. I'm perfectly willing
> >> > to accept that Falwell, Robertson, Bush, Cheney, Franklin Graham, and
> >> > the rest of these supposed Christians are not Christian in any way.
> >> > Your
> >> > problem is offering objective evidence about who is Christian and who
> >> > is
> >> > not.
> >> >
> >> Christ tells me not to judge people. All I am allowed is to judge
> >> actions.

> >
> > First we kill all the amateur lawyers.
> > I don't think that Jesus meant that you could seperate the two,
> > he just didn't tell you because he expected you to understand what
> > he was saying, your version is just YOUR ignorant wish-fulfillment!!
> > Steve
> >

> No. It's what the Christ of the NT Bible tells us. (See below) The
> "ignorant wishful thinking" is all yours.

Ignorance of others' deluions isn't such a bad thing.
Pastor Frank wrote:
> "R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
> > Pastor Frank wrote:
> >> "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > Pastor Frank <> wrote:
> >> >
> >> >> >> So now we are told thet there "is no such thing" as profanity, and
> >> >> >> according to atheists dictionaries and Bibles are lying, for only
> >> >> >> atheists know the truth, ...only privately so however, for they
> >> >> >> can't
> >> >> >> seem to evidence this truth.
> >> >> >
> >> >> > Atheists are not 'all knowing', but they do use their common sense
> >> >> > and
> >> >> > logic - THAT is the big difference
> >> >> >
> >> >> There is no way values on the scale of good vs. evil, can be
> >> >> determined
> >> >> by "common sense and logic".
> >> >
> >> > Nor can be it determined by nonsense and superstition. But that hasn't
> >> > stopped you from trying, now has it?
> >> >
> >> Neither you parents telling you to be a "good boy" without explaining
> >> logically what they mean, nor Jesus Christ's commandments to love are
> >> "nonsense" nor "superstition".

> > -----------------------
> > Sure they are, they're ambiguous as all hell! For example, if the
> > greatest commandment is to love your neighbor as you would wish to
> > be loved, then why not begin to have sex with your neighbor? That
> > IS what you wish she'd do to you!?!! And how many cheeks do you
> > turn if someone is beating you to death? It gets totally crazy when
> > examined, folks, it was intended to confuse slaves out of attacking
> > their masters, not as a moral code!!
> >

> Typical atheist again to confuse love with lust. Love is what a parent
> show their child,

You mean like your deity, who slaughters entire planets on a whim?
Yeah, that seems loving.

> who in the cold light of atheist reality is a parasitic
> entity, best aborted early in life.

You can cite an atheist who claims that? No, of course not; you're
lying again.
Pastor Frank wrote:
> "R. Steve Walz" <> wrote in message
> > Pastor Frank wrote:
> >> "Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> >>
> >> > On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 12:46:07 +0800, in alt.atheism
> >> > "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> >> > <45e8f9fe$0$16381$>:
> >> >>"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> >> >>
> >> >>>
> >> >>> Apparently you are a bot of very little memory. If you had any memory
> >> >>> at
> >> >>> all, you would know that you had already tried this lie on me and
> >> >>> that I
> >> >>> pointed out that I own a number of Bibles and have read it through.
> >> >>> You
> >> >>> would also remember that the Bible does not qualify as evidence in
> >> >>> support of the claim that gods exist. It is no more evidence than any
> >> >>> of
> >> >>> the other religious and religiously-inspired books. Many people, some
> >> >>> just for kicks, have written religious texts. None are supported by
> >> >>> any
> >> >>> evidence.
> >> >>>
> >> >> There you go again specifying that a God to exists, he must be
> >> >> evidenced
> >> >>to your specifications and approval. There is no such requirement. It's
> >> >>a
> >> >>free country and everyone can regard anything or anyone as their god,
> >> >>no
> >> >>matter whether abstract or concrete.
> >> >
> >> > Go ahead, define any god and show the evidence for his existence. You
> >> > will either end up with a trivially true god, e.g. god is the universe,
> >> > or a god unsupported by the evidence, e.g. the god defined in the
> >> > Nicene
> >> > Creed.
> >> > Feel free to avoid false equivocation however. You don't get to invent
> >> > one definition for god to show that evidence exists for it and then
> >> > redefine god to claim that an afterlife exists.
> >> >
> >> What's with the specifications? Did I not just say, that atheists
> >> want
> >> us have our God approved by them before we believe in Him?

> > ----------------------------
> > And erroneously as well! Atheists want nothing to do with your
> > fantasies.
> > Steve
> >

> I see. You just can't help yourself.

You don't see; you can barely read, and virtually everything you
regurgitate is a lie. Atheists don't define gods. Why would they?
That's the theists' job. We just point out the contradictions in
their definitions.
JessHC wrote:
> stumper wrote:
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
>>>>>> How do you know it does not exist?
>>>>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
>>>>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
>>>>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
>>>>> extent.
>>>>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
>>>>> conclusion is unwarranted?
>>>> I read philosophy and law.
>>>> How about you?
>>> 1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
>>> 2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
>>> 3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
>>> judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
>>> posts here?
>>> Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
>>> Your responses are all logical fallacies.
>>> But, I see that you are a philosopher.
>>> No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!

>> I'm a student of Dao and Zen.
>> What makes you think logic is reasonable?

> What makes you think it isn't?

Logic is reasonable.
Logic is not reasonable.
Logic is either reasonable or not reasonable.
Logic is neither reasonable nor not reasonable.
None of the above.

Do you even care?
Why do you care whether
people believe in God or not?


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