rbwinn wrote:
> On Mar 7, 6:27?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > rbwinn wrote:
> > > On Mar 6, 10:53?pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> > > > rbwinn <> wrote:
> > > > > > > Why don't you explain it to Jesus Christ when he returns to judge the
> > > > > > > earth?

> >
> > > > > > That's so adorable! You think some guy who lived 2000 years ago (if he
> > > > > > existed at all) is going to "return to judge the earth"? It's just too
> > > > > > cute for words!

> >
> > > > > > No, wait... You're an ADULT, right? Hmmm, scratch what I said, it's not
> > > > > > cute at all, it's just ridiculous.

> >
> > > > > Well, Scot, I would not be the one to discuss your idea with. ?Why
> > > > > don't you take an opportunity to discuss it with Jesus Christ after he
> > > > > returns to judge the earth?

> >
> > > > Like I said, a grown man saying these things: ridiculous.

> >
> > > > Here's a tip, Skippy. For a threat to work, the person at whom the
> > > > threat is directed has to believe the threat is real. Otherwise, you
> > > > come across like a four year old child trying to scare his parents by
> > > > claiming a monster is in the closet.

> >
> > > > Does any of this make sense to you?

> >
> > > Nothing any atheist has ever said to me made any sense. ?You are no
> > > exception.

> >
> > That explains so much about you.- Hide quoted text -
> >

> Enough about me, let's study this verse from Isaiah.

Run and hide, Bob.
rbwinn wrote:
> On Mar 7, 6:31?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > rbwinn wrote:
> > > On Mar 6, 8:40?pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
> > > > rbwinn <> wrote:
> > > > > > It's all a part of his deliberate, intentional, willful, and
> > > > > > self-imposed ignorance.

> >
> > > > > So what is it that you claim I am ignorant of?

> >
> > > > I'd say.... almost everything.

> >
> > > > But, hey, I'm just going on what you write. Maybe you're a lot smarter
> > > > than you sound...

> >
> > > Why does it matter how I sound to atheists?

> >
> > Two reasons I can think of off the top of my head:
> >
> > 1. ?You're posting to alt.atheism.
> > 2. ?You aren't the only theist who thinks the way you do.

> Well, those do not seem like reasons for anything to me.

Of course not; you're an ill-mannered lout.

> This is the United States.

Maybe for you, but everybody else is on usenet.

> We have freedom of speech here.

You have freedom of stupidty, too; nobody said it's a good idea,

> Who is the other theist you claim thinks the way I do?

Pastor Frank springs to mind. There are many, many others. Andy
Chung likes to randomly quote scriptures at us, for example. Earl
Webber is also an amusing idiot.
rbwinn wrote:
> On Mar 7, 6:35?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > rbwinn wrote:
> > > On Mar 6, 3:52?pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > > > rbwinn wrote:
> > > > > On Mar 5, 1:27?am, "Richo" <m.richard...

> >
> > > > > > Cheers, Mark.- Hide quoted text -

> >
> > > > > Well, what about this scripture from Isaiah, Mark? ?Have you
> > > > > considered this scripture?
> > > > > Isaiah 3:25 ?Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the
> > > > > war.

> >
> > > > Have you considered you're just making an ass of yourself?- Hide quoted text -

> >
> > > I have never considered that.

> >
> > That's too bad, but not surprising.

> Well, it looks like a good time for a scripture from Isaiah.

Non sequitur.
rbwinn wrote:
> On Mar 7, 6:42?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > rbwinn wrote:
> > > On Mar 6, 3:48?pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
> > > > rbwinn wrote:
> > > > > On Mar 4, 7:02?pm, "jl" <> wrote:
> > > > > > On Mar 4, 7:18 pm, "rbwinn" <> wrote:

> >
> > > > > > > On Mar 4, 3:59?pm, "jl" <> wrote:
> > > > > > ?[...]
> > > > > > > Well, if Darrell Stec read his 30 Bibles, why didn't he know anything
> > > > > > > about them? ?The same question applies to you. ?I'll tell you what, I
> > > > > > > will quote a verse from Isaiah, and then you can say you have read a
> > > > > > > verse from the Old Testament.
> > > > > > > Isaiah 3:23 ?The glasses, and the fine linen, and the hoods, and the
> > > > > > > vails.
> > > > > > > Robert B. Winn

> >
> > > > > > Poor Winnie. ?No need for the Tower of Babel to tie his tongue. ?The
> > > > > > thing is in a knot.

> >
> > > > > > Huh? ?What's this, Winnie, about the glasses and the fine linen? ?Some
> > > > > > kind of masonic ritual or are you a Mormon Klanster, a wizard under
> > > > > > the sheets?

> >
> > > > > > Time to go now, Winnie. ?James Cameron is putting on his show about
> > > > > > all those bones he found in the coffins of Jesus, Mary, Joseph, Mary
> > > > > > Magdalen, and Judah, son of Jesus. ?Tune in: ?Discovery Channel at 9.
> > > > > > EST.

> >
> > > > > Why are all atheists buying into this hoax? ? I thought atheists did
> > > > > not believe in Jesus Christ.
> > > > > Isaiah 3:24 ?And it shall come to pass, that instead of sweet smell
> > > > > there shall be stink, instead of a girdle a rent; and instead of well
> > > > > set hair baldness; and instead of a stomacher a girding of sackcloth;
> > > > > and burning instead of beauty.

> >
> > > > Not believing in deities doesn't mean people named Jesus don't exist.
> > > > If you lived in the real world, you'd know that.- Hide quoted text -

> >
> > > So why are you pretending that you have found the tomb of the Jesus
> > > Christ who was crucifed and resurrected?

> >
> > You should read the part of the bible where it tells you lying is a
> > sin.
> >
> > Exodus 20:16
> > Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
> >
> > Exodus 23:1
> > Thou shalt not raise a false report: put not thine hand with the
> > wicked to be an unrighteous witness.
> >
> > Proverbs 19:9
> > A false witness shall not be unpunished, and he that speaketh lies
> > shall perish.- Hide quoted text -
> >

> See how much better things go when we follow the scriptures?

But you aren't following the scriptures, as proven by your lying.
"JessHC" <> wrote in message
> rbwinn wrote:
>> On Mar 6, 8:40?pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
>> > rbwinn <> wrote:
>> > > > > Latin is a dead language used by people who have nothing to say.
>> >
>> > > > Much like quoting from the Bible...
>> >
>> > > Well, Jesus Christ said, Search the scriptures, for in them ye think
>> > > ye have eternal life.
>> >
>> > You've long since proven you have nothing to say. No need to provide
>> > any
>> > more evidence, little fella...

>> Well, I don't need to have anything to say.

> Lucky break for you.
>> I am talking to atheists.

> No, you're babbling at atheists, in an atheist newsgroup. Have you
> noticed how none of your theist buddies are coming to your defense?

They never have and I highly doubt they ever will.
Resident Witchypoo
BAAWA Knight!
Michael Gray wrote:
> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
> wrote:
> - Refer: <>
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>> Yes.
>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>> evidence.

>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?

> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?

Who said I believe in any god?
Do you even know what it is?

Michael Gray wrote:
> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
> wrote:
> - Refer: <>
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>
>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>> No.
>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.

>> How do you know it does not exist?

> What "it" are you referring to, child?
> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
> extent.
> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
> conclusion is unwarranted?

I read philosophy and law.
How about you?

Mistylien wrote:
> "stumper" <> wrote in message
>> Mistylien wrote:
>>> "stumper" <> wrote in message

> Snip<
>>> God is the giver of all languages.
>>> Have you ever heard of the Tower of Babble?
>>> It was God that confused their languages and gave some one language
>>> and other a differnt one so they could not even comunicate and keep on trying
>>> to buld the towser that the top could even reach into heaven.

>> Have you talked to God recently?

> LOL I talk to The Creator Lord God from time to time yes.
> It is called Prayer.
> M,

Better listen to Him sometimes.
Did He say anything?

ZenIsWhen wrote:
> "stumper" <> wrote in message
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> - Refer: <>

>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>> Yes.
>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>> evidence.

>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?

> Try to focus your attention here on earth, and at this time.

Who is talking to whom?

rbwinn wrote:
> On Mar 7, 10:00�pm, stumper <> wrote:
>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>> wrote:
>>> � - Refer: <>
>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>> Yes.
>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>> evidence.

>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?

> w = velocity of light
> x=wt
> x'=wt'
> gamma = 1/(1-v^2/w^2)
> w=x/t=x'/t'=(x-vt)gamma/(t-vx/w^2)gamma = (x-vt)/(t-vt/w)
> Robert B. Winn

What does that mean?

On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:44:17 -0500, stumper <>
- Refer: <>
>Michael Gray wrote:
>> On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 00:00:35 -0500, stumper <>
>> wrote:
>> - Refer: <>
>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 18:36:27 -0500, stumper <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>> JessHC wrote:
>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>>>>>> No.
>>>>>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>>>>>> Why do you ask?
>>>>>>> Just wondering how he can be so certain that the Christian God does not exist.
>>>>>> The exact same way you can be so certain Zeus doesn't exist.
>>>>> Do you know what it means
>>>>> for someone to believe in God?
>>>> Yes.
>>>> It is the same as any belief that is not supported by a scrap of
>>>> evidence.
>>> What is the evidence for "(-2)(-3) = 6"?
>>> What is the evidence for "Matter is in space and time"?

>> How do those utterly facile questions justify your irrational belief
>> in one god out of an infinite possible selection?

>Who said I believe in any god?

I did.
Are you claiming that you are atheist?
Your question: "Are you familiar with the Christian God?" strongly
implies, (if not outright assumes), the clear existence of an existent
Were you mistaken?

>Do you even know what it is?

Yes, I just explained it above.
It is a mental concept retained in spite of all evidence.

Will you hurry up and get to the point, if you (indeed) have one?

On Thu, 08 Mar 2007 13:45:50 -0500, stumper <>
- Refer: <>
>Michael Gray wrote:
>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 23:50:43 -0500, stumper <>
>> wrote:
>> - Refer: <>
>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>> On Wed, 07 Mar 2007 17:35:26 -0500, stumper <>
>>>> wrote:
>>>> - Refer: <>
>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Michael Gray wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> stumper wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Shouldn't you obey the Ten Commandments?
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which version?
>>>>>>>>>>>>> Which one do you have in mind?
>>>>>>>>>>>> Ve ask ze qvestions here!
>>>>>>>>>>>> There are two versions at least in the Hebrew, many, many more if you
>>>>>>>>>>>> "rely" on the excresent English or Latin translations.
>>>>>>>>>>> Are you trying to say that
>>>>>>>>>>> you can read Hebrew?
>>>>>>>>>> I can read the Bible in Hebrew, yes.
>>>>>>>>>>> Can you speak Aramaic as well?
>>>>>>>>>> I don't "speak" it, but can read it, after a fashion.
>>>>>>>>>>> I heard Benny Hinn does.
>>>>>>>>>> Benny Hinn only speaks the pure bullshit language of a heartless
>>>>>>>>>> con-artist.
>>>>>>>>>> He is a criminally fraudulent money vampire who is responsible for
>>>>>>>>>> much suffering and premature death in his single-minded pursuit of the
>>>>>>>>>> dollar.
>>>>>>>>>> He makes Dracula look like Albert Schweitzer.
>>>>>>>>> Can God speak Chinese?
>>>>>>>> Which god?
>>>>>>> Do you believe in any?
>>>>>> No.
>>>>> Are you familiar with the Christian God?
>>>> As familiar as I am with Sherlock Holmes.
>>> How do you know it does not exist?

>> What "it" are you referring to, child?
>> I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that you are a vicously retarded
>> infantile illiterate, who is wilfully ignorant to a truly astounding
>> extent.
>> Can you supply me with some minimal evidence to show that such a
>> conclusion is unwarranted?

>I read philosophy and law.
>How about you?

1) You are anonymous, so that assertion is baseless.
2) Qualifications are not evidence in refutation of my assertion.
3) What have my qualifications got to do with my human ability to
judge your maturity, literacy and ignorance, as displayed in your
posts here?

Uou confirm my dianosis with every illogical retort.
Your responses are all logical fallacies.

But, I see that you are a philosopher.
No ****ing wonder you cannot employ logic or reason!

On 8 Mar 2007 07:21:45 -0800, "JessHC" <>
- Refer: <>
>rbwinn wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 6:24?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> > rbwinn wrote:
>> > > On Mar 6, 11:06?pm, Michael Gray <> wrote:
>> > > > On 6 Mar 2007 14:32:53 -0800, "JessHC" <>
>> > > > wrote:
>> > > > ? - Refer: <>
>> > > > >So you think it's a good idea to deliberately disobey orders straight
>> > > > >from your deity. ?How's that working out for you?
>> >
>> > > > The nurses tighten his jacket straps tomorrow.
>> >
>> > > Well, here we have people from medical science claiming to be my
>> > > diety. ?Atheists are nothing if not inventive.
>> >
>> > That's an unfortunate comprehension problem you've got. ?Too much
>> > medication, or not enough?

>> I am fairly good at staying away from medical science.

>Too bad; you could benefit from it. For example, it might help with
>your unfortunate comprehension problem.

He's been on the run from Victor Frankenstein for some time now.

On 8 Mar 2007 07:23:05 -0800, "JessHC" <>
- Refer: <>
>rbwinn wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 6:26?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> > rbwinn wrote:
>> > > On Mar 6, 10:57?pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
>> > > > rbwinn <> wrote:
>> > > > > > > > > Latin is a dead language used by people who have nothing to say.
>> >
>> > > > > > > > Much like quoting from the Bible...
>> >
>> > > > > > > Well, Jesus Christ said, Search the scriptures, for in them ye think
>> > > > > > > ye have eternal life.
>> >
>> > > > > > You've long since proven you have nothing to say. No need to provide any
>> > > > > > more evidence, little fella...
>> >
>> > > > > Well, I don't need to have anything to say. ?
>> >
>> > > > Well, then "Mission Accomplished"...
>> >
>> > > Oh, I see. ?You were on a mission. ?How did that come about?
>> >
>> > Have one of your attendants teach you how to read.- Hide quoted text -
>> >

>> Oh, I never read much other than Isaiah.

>That explains your comprehension problem.

As does his church-supplied lobotomy.

On Thu, 8 Mar 2007 10:45:02 -0500, "Robibnikoff"
<> wrote:
- Refer: <>
>"JessHC" <> wrote in message
>> rbwinn wrote:
>>> On Mar 6, 8:40?pm, (Scott Richter) wrote:
>>> > rbwinn <> wrote:
>>> > > > > Latin is a dead language used by people who have nothing to say.
>>> >
>>> > > > Much like quoting from the Bible...
>>> >
>>> > > Well, Jesus Christ said, Search the scriptures, for in them ye think
>>> > > ye have eternal life.
>>> >
>>> > You've long since proven you have nothing to say. No need to provide
>>> > any
>>> > more evidence, little fella...
>>> Well, I don't need to have anything to say.

>> Lucky break for you.
>>> I am talking to atheists.

>> No, you're babbling at atheists, in an atheist newsgroup. Have you
>> noticed how none of your theist buddies are coming to your defense?

>They never have and I highly doubt they ever will.

Christians all like a bribe, and respond nicely to threats.
Perhaps if he threatens them with his eternal blather they might
relent, just to be rid of him.

On 7 Mar 2007 18:52:30 -0800, "rbwinn" <> wrote:
- Refer: <>
>On Mar 7, 6:22?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> rbwinn wrote:
>> > On Mar 7, 12:07 am, Michael Gray <> wrote:
>> > > On Tue, 06 Mar 2007 13:07:51 -0800, Sippuuden <>
>> > > wrote:
>> > > - Refer: <>

>> > > >Michael Gray wrote:
>> > > >> On Mon, 05 Mar 2007 19:13:03 -0800, Sippuuden <>
>> > > >> wrote:
>> > > >> - Refer: <>
>> > > >>> rbwinn wrote:
>> > > >>>> On Mar 5, 11:48?am, "thomas p." <> wrote:
>> > > >>>>> On 4 Mar., 17:21, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:> "JessHC" <> wrote in message

>> > > >>>>>>
>> > > >>>>>>> rbwinn wrote:
>> > > >>>>>>>> On Mar 4, 12:05?am, "H. Wm. Esque" <> wrote:
>> > > >>>>>>>>> "Scott Richter" <> wrote in message
>> > > >>>>> snip

>> > > >>>>>>> Matthew 10:14
>> > > >>>>>>> And whosoever shall not receive you, nor hear your words, when ye
>> > > >>>>>>> depart out of that house or city, shake off the dust of your feet.
>> > > >>>>>> Christians who do not heed this verse are in violation of the very
>> > > >>>>>> faith they profess. There is no Biblical authorization to "shove ones
>> > > >>>>>> religion down the throat of another person". An atheist who wants
>> > > >>>>>> a defense against over-bearing proselytizers should be able to
>> > > >>>>>> point to this verse as a defense
>> > > >>>>> We have, and, just like you and the inane champion of the world
>> > > >>>>> (little Winn), they ignore it.
>> > > >>>> Well, as I told you before, that was Christ's instruction to his
>> > > >>>> twelve apostles. am not an apostle.
>> > > >>>> I am just an ordinary person quoting verses from Isaiah.
>> > > >>>> Robert B. Winn

>> > > >>> Logical fallacy of ad hoc hypothesis:

>> > > >>> "An ad hoc hypothesis is one created to explain away facts that seem to
>> > > >>> refute one's theory." -- (ttp://

>> > > >> One has to actually have a theory in the first place.
>> > > >> Bobby has only crazed schizophrenic ramblings.

>> > > >He has a 'theory' [using the term very loosely] that he is not bound by
>> > > >instructions in his manual to beat a speedy retreat from alt.atheism.
>> > > >The facts seem to refute his theory. That's why he resorts to the
>> > > >logical fallacy of ad hoc hypothesis, to try to explain away the facts
>> > > >that seem to refute his theory.

>> > > >Now he resorts to another one, that the term, 'ad hoc' is not an
>> > > >acceptable English term. Go figure.

>> > > I have figured.
>> > > He is clinically insane.

>> > > The prosecution rests, m'lud.

>> > That one has already been tried. o what is your theory, that mental
>> > patients are provided with computers nowadays?

>> Why not? ven mental patients can get email.- Hide quoted text -

>Well, I have an idea. Why don't you e-mail some mental patients? I
>am sure they would be happy to hear from you.

Good idea.
What's your email address?

"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Mar 2007 13:59:47 +0800, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> <45ebceae$0$16281$>:
>> You need to show at least some evidence to be taken seriously. But
>> then
>>we all get the impression you're just chanting atheist mantras again, and
>>that's all you aspire to.

> For someone who makes all sorts of claims without ever providing a shred
> of evidence, it's pretty rich for you to ask for evidence.

When will you get serious? Our Christian "God is love" (1 John 4:8,16).
Sorry that I don't provide evidence of love to your satisfaction, but Christ
did, by laying down His life for you on the cross of Calvary.
But regardless, your claim that love does not exist is ridiculous, or
are you talking of the god of YOUR definition? We already agree that it
doesn't exist, yet you still keep chanting the same inane atheists mantras
you did years ago.

Posted via a free Usenet account from
On 8 Mar 2007 07:28:55 -0800, "JessHC" <>
- Refer: <>
>rbwinn wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 6:35?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> > rbwinn wrote:
>> > > On Mar 6, 3:52?pm, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> > > > rbwinn wrote:
>> > > > > On Mar 5, 1:27?am, "Richo" <m.richard...
>> >
>> > > > > > Cheers, Mark.- Hide quoted text -
>> >
>> > > > > Well, what about this scripture from Isaiah, Mark? ?Have you
>> > > > > considered this scripture?
>> > > > > Isaiah 3:25 ?Thy men shall fall by the sword, and thy mighty in the
>> > > > > war.
>> >
>> > > > Have you considered you're just making an ass of yourself?- Hide quoted text -
>> >
>> > > I have never considered that.
>> >
>> > That's too bad, but not surprising.

>> Well, it looks like a good time for a scripture from Isaiah.

>Non sequitur.

That is the only defence he has against unassailable logic:
irrational fantasy.

On 8 Mar 2007 07:08:42 -0800, "JessHC" <>
- Refer: <>
>rbwinn wrote:
>> On Mar 7, 6:10?am, "JessHC" <> wrote:
>> > rbwinn wrote:
>> > > On Mar 7, 12:10?am, Michael Gray <> wrote:
>> > > > On 6 Mar 2007 14:52:00 -0800, "JessHC" <>
>> > > > wrote:
>> > > > ? - Refer: <>
>> > > > >Have you considered you're just making an ass of yourself?
>> >
>> > > > That appears to be an avowed goal of his.
>> >
>> > > Now why would an atheist be concerned about what my goals are?
>> >
>> > Because you keep defecating in alt.atheism.
>> >
>> > > Do atheists concern themselves with the goals of all people?
>> >
>> > No, just the goals of people trying to impose their religious beliefs
>> > on everyone.

>> As I understand it, you are saying that you are opposed to freedom of
>> speech.

>Golly, did I say anything even remotely like that? Nope.

It was one of the schizoid voices in his head.

"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
> On Mon, 5 Mar 2007 08:42:16 +0800, in alt.atheism
> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
> <45eb800e$0$30102$>:
>>"Free Lunch" <> wrote in message
>>> On Sat, 3 Mar 2007 02:05:05 +0800, in alt.atheism
>>> "Pastor Frank" <> wrote in
>>>> Which "liberties" are those? And does Bush really "destroy" them?
>>>> Prove it.
>>> I guess you haven't been following the President's decision to use the
>>> NSA to spy in a way that is not allowed in the US. Too bad. It's scary
>>> that people who don't even know what our president has been doing are
>>> willing to give him the benefit of the doubt just because he makes a big
>>> noise about being a Christian. I don't believe him for a minute, but
>>> apparently he's only trying to con Christians.
>>>>Jesus is waiting to get your attention.
>>> There is no evidence that Jesus exists.

>> Jesus resurrected in all our hearts and minds, only atheists make a
>>point of ignoring Him.

> I guess I have to repeat this because you clearly are unwilling to
> acknowledge this fact: There is no evidence that Jesus exists. You can
> make any claim you like, but you don't have any evidence and you know
> you don't have any evidence.

What evidence do I have, that YOU exist? We all know you are an
automated refuting program, yet we pretend you exist. Jesus is a way of life
which we know to exist, and you don't.

Posted via a free Usenet account from

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