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Everything posted by RoyalOrleans

  1. Fetish has one T. Peeping Tom is a cool band, been a fan of Mike Patton for a long, long time. Did you mean "too inexperienced" as opposed to "to inexperienced"? Even the stupid know it takes two to fuck, goddammit. I mean that's all them retards like to do is eat and fuck.
  2. When I say fuck yourself, CMF, will you put that down to drunkenness or a high estimate of your athleticism?
  3. To add to Jhony5's assessment of the site, this more or less a hobby of many of the folk. Taking instances, flames and otherwise, too seriously will often scare the weak natured off. So far, Classy, has kept up. Not that it takes much, I mean, what else can we do from afar? Other than shout insults and the like? I only ride new members out of sheer indifference.
  4. I ain't shown myself to advantage yet. I am fully fuckin' aware.
  5. Do you usually manifest yourself in a niggardly manner or do you have to work on it?
  6. I knew a Hebe who said the H stood for Horowitz.
  7. I didn't change shit. This is not my forum, I have no power in here. Typical.
  8. Reason has never been their strong suit.
  9. That was pretty fucking funny.
  10. It depends on the protester's subject. Some are meant to be heard, some are meant to hang from a gibbet. We can argue semantics all you want, but my mind is fucking made up. Noriega was removed from power by force when relations got a little heated. I see parallels between Afganistan and Panama and parallels between bin Laden and Noriega. Though, at the time, Noriega was about as much a threat as a fat kid on salad. You step on our feet once, we smack that jaw. In this country or the next, drug trafficking is not as profitable as fighting it. Where ever the fuck a business venture takes you, grab it by the antlers and hump it dry. Unfortunately, I can't see the forest for the trees. I don't see any clear signs of victory in Iraq. Though, cut and run would only add boards to the self-righteous left wingers platform. It would not have been respectable if I hadn't served with a great company of descent fucking human beings. I am not the fine man you take me for. Dibs on the vestments.
  11. In actuality, I don't have a stance or an opinion on the "whole gay thing". I pretend to have an inkling of concern when I blast or fling shit, but in all honesty I don't have an opinion. Why? I believe in the sanctity of privacy. What an adult does in the privacy of their own home is their own matter. The adult can deal with his/her Leviathan however it may suit them.
  12. Sweet. Though I prefer today's Tom Sawyer.
  13. So now it's a competition? Keep in mind, I do my best work closer in.
  14. It seems that has become the norm, however a good hazing never hurt anyone.
  15. In the aftermath, play the lie as mine, knowing I speak of you in heaven.
  16. Not sure. What kind of an arsenal will be at my disposal in Hell.
  17. Are you diddling yourself right now? Cheese pizza.
  18. Yes, I did. Oh... I understood the original version. This is just another version of an age old debate. The arguments presented are boring and droll. I think Ernie is more of a fag-hag. Bert seems so taciturn and gruff. Plant a tree. Feed a deer.
  19. You should do a sniff test before you insert your tongue.
  20. Goddamn. Lick another twat and get back to me.
  21. The suffix -philia is usually, classically translated as "friendship", however modern usage has given it a much broader definition.
  22. Ever see the porno version of the story? It was called "Poke-her-hot-ass".
  23. If you aske me, that is the very fucking core of democracy. With much of the country leaning right and representatives are leaning the same way, then the republic's voice is heard. Despite their bewilderment, there is a trend. Remember Panama? The War on Drugs is big business. Oil is big business. Not that I am a supporter, but I'd rather take the fight to foreign soil. History books, microfiche, old articles, etc show nothing to the casual reader. Go over there, builder, you will see what I mean. You tell me. Your rock was set up as a penal colony. Water into wine.
  24. Watch the fucking cunt-mouth of yours, ClassicMotherFucker. You questioned my question. Don't fucking placate to me.
  25. What you call debating, I call bullshitting. Television programs, no matter how real reality shows are to your feeble little noggin, are fictional. Citing Will and Grace does not add credence to your argument, but takes away from it. Save your simplified illustrations for those who can't fucking discern fantasy from actuality.
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