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  1. Q

    whites who say there's no racism

    READ WHAT I WROTE FFS! They have not advanced because of the tribal mentality, in europe they broke from that type of tribal control centries ago, yes there were still tribes, but in time they gave way to the civilizations in europe and that is the big difference. If a society is going to...
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    whites who say there's no racism

    Again this can be directly related to the lack of education in black communities world wide and not there presumed geneic inferiority. Also this same flawed arguement can be said about women, before the equality of the sexes (which is still ongoing), women had made little or no contribution to...
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    whites who say there's no racism

    Simple answer low iq's are the result of a poor education and limited prospect for development, thus the cycle never breaks. This is true, however the soil in northern europe is far richer in base organic nutrients and in parts of europe they get up three crops in a season. However your point...
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    whites who say there's no racism

    Most of the test results come from the US government, so I do not question there findings, however IQ can be directly linked to the conditions you live in, if you come from a poor and under developed socio ecenomic background, then it is likly you're iq will be lower, because you have not had...
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    whites who say there's no racism

    True, but what type of IQ test has been used to generate the data? Did they use one that are general knowledge, emotional intelligence, problem solving or abstract thought? Unless someone is tested on all of the above, you do not have a solid IQ test. My overall IQ came back as 140 a few years...
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    What’s happening in your neck of the woods?

    I have Gastroenteritis! Not good, not good at all. :(
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    whites who say there's no racism

    On a personal note I don't give a damn if someone is white, black, asian etc etc. Here in Australia there are a number of ethnic communities and yes there is some tension between them, but for the most part we all get on ok. The number of black people in australia is on the rise, mainly from...
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    Holy ****... I'm ****ing pissed off...

    I can understand your anger mate, war is unjust and in a perfect world we would be able to sit down and talk things through. But humanity is cursed with one failing, that hopefully in time will be bread out of us and that failing is, everyone things they're right. The other is religion, which...
  9. Q

    What would you do if YOU were the President of the U. S. of A. in times of war?

    Change the damn laws so no one who couldn't put a coherent sentence together without bobby there head and squinting could never become president. :D
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    Perhaps one of the most disturbing things you will ever see in your lifetime

    NEVER :D I like to share my pain with others
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    Perhaps one of the most disturbing things you will ever see in your lifetime

    This is just wrong, wrong wrong wrong :D
  12. Q

    What does it mean to be saved ??

    Not yet :P In most religions of the priests of that religion are gods representatives on earth, there for they're the agents of the god they represent on earth, there for confessing to one of these agents is like confessing to god, thus my point still holds :D
  13. Q

    So, uhh, debate, eh? Hows that workin' out for ya?

    Firstly you are thinking of the flaccid and ineffectual debating system based on the West Minster system of debating. Many cultures have a long history of fiery debating, and as long as the debate doesn
  14. Q

    Pride and Prejudice

    NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Pride and Prejudice, and all of Jane Austen's work were the soapies of the day, it like someone taking the collective works of days of our lives, sending them a couple of hundred years into the future and then holding them up as a work of art. Jane Austen was and is a...
  15. Q

    Woman May Have Exposed 100 Sex Partners to HIV.

    Sick! She is a murdered and should get the death penalty, no wait she already has it, just seal her up so she can't screw around. But on a more sane note, there has been a case in Australia where a guy with the intellectual maturity of a 9 years old infected 3 women he was with, and then said...
  16. Q

    A quote

    I agree, some of the stuff you and others have said I strongly disagree with, but you have a point here, even if we don't like what someone is saying, under the freedom of speach we have to at least hear them out, even if our own views are dametrically opposed.
  17. Q

    What does it mean to be saved ??

    This is something I just love in Christianity, REDEMPTION. I can be a murdering, wife beating, kiddy raping, flesh eating monster and if I confess to all my crimes, all if forgiven and I get to go to heaven. What a load of BS! As far as the agent goes, talk about one deviant releasing another...
  18. Q

    Catchy Thread Title! Read this!

    sorry by aspects I was refering to the differnt type of the scoripo nature these types are, I had a look in my old books and found the true five aspects to the scorpio. the Scorpion: which symbolises the hotheaded warrior who is violently passionate, bluntly sarcastic, egotistical, controlling...
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    Man Fired For Taking Off To Be With Dying Wife

    By firing someone for wanting to be with a dying loved one, they have caused the individual emotionally damaged and thus unable to regain employment in the short-term, thus by the fascist manner his ex-employer has treated him, they have in turn contributed to the poor and have also contributed...
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    National Forest For Sale

    This is without doubt one of the most asinine statements I have ever heard, trees don't effect the planet?! WTF! Have you heard of a little thing that sustains all animal life, a little thing called Oxygen. The trees of the world are the lungs of the planet, no more trees, no more life. Oh...