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  1. S

    Help me out please!

    {{{{{[Clapping and Roaring~}}}}}}}
  2. S

    When is it an affair

    Trick question ,a spouse is always pissed ,only sometimes they are not showing it.
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    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    Those are all very good points listed on that link. I was told the females in the service were given drugs to slow any sexual urges. That is bullshit though because alot do come back knocked up. As for emotionally strong women ,they can pull it off if the so desire but then there would be no...
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    A Favor

    Bless it be the peacemaker. Best wishes Angie~:cool:~
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    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    Here is my take on that Angie. I think one of these has to be close to the truth. - The U.S. does not want motherless children ,therefore we do want them in the worst of harms way during war. - It is a proven fact that is does more damage to loss a mother than a father between the ages of 1...
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    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    So can religious debates..
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    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    Madame President the U.S. has been hit by 12 nukes and we need a yes or no answer on what to do? What is it?............................... ..****
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    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    Like not writing the subject matter on the threads they start?
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    To Hell With Your Equal Rights

    I'm getting sick of all these little bra burning dikes on here. You women need to get it through your breeding skulls that men are better than you. This is a mans world and you need to learn your place! You will never be president ,you will never truly have any equal rights ,and you will never...
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    Alien abduction

    Women have rape fantasies? :D
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    Good retort my man. You are the master debater..........:rolleyes:
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    ebay policy

    You basicly learn how to dance around thier software as GF was saying. You are right though ,many people do well on ebay. I'd rather get my things from a store that will refund or replace a junk item without having to fight about it. "As a seller" ,my greatest advantage is that I don't have to...
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    Do we Need a News Forum?

    man... **** me........:(
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    Do we Need a News Forum?

    Oh yeah ,kiss his ass MM. You are evil Bob! Can I have a humor category now? :cool:
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    Need help call Phreak

    I had someone help me with that on here once. I can't remember who it was but it was not a MOD. Anyway......
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    Do we Need a News Forum?

    Spoken as the local crack whore walking the streets Hey man ,I'll suck your dick for a humor category man!!!!! Come on man , Scratching Neck I need it man!:D
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    Radio Shack

    Radio Shack has alot of little things I can't get anywhere local. Everything else I have always been able to find a much better deal with. I think they ask for your address because they want to know what we are buying. I built my own dish reciever once. I needed rare parts and ordered it from...
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    Alien abduction

    That is just your media induced paranoia talking man. Your generation was exposed to twice the amount that mine was and the one before you ,10 times of that. You want to follow a good conspiracy? Check out the paper trails of LSD and the people who followed it back to the source in the late 80s...
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    Jesus Tap Dancing Christ! Everytime someone even brings up any religion ,hugo is there to poke, provoke ,and then choke. I would take you serious hugo if I had not seen the bullshit angles you take ,very subjetive I would say. IMO
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    Catholicism ,damn don't get me started. The most backwards religion on this planet and to think people fear this Church? Are demons going to come climb in our bodies if we don't let Preist molest our children? "We better give little Tommy an Exorcism ,I think he is possessed. I don't understand...