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  1. Ruse

    Off Topic Forum in Government?

    Ahh, you've gotta love putting people in their place. Haha, on Parasite's, does that mean she gets to get rid of illegals and free meal ticket-ers? The best job of all. Feel proud.
  2. Ruse

    Hey, that song reminds me of.... A.K.A. The Off Topic Forum history of Rock & Roll

    If there's one song that will always stick in my head: Vitamin C-- Graduation: My first best friend was a boy. Needless to say, childhood sweetheart. We used to sit on this hill at school, and sing that song all the time. Una Noche-- Backstreet Boys?? I always hated pop songs, so I always...
  3. Ruse

    Rosa Parks-RIP

    The poster-girl for what would soon become the unrelenting, bitchy ghetto girl of this day and age. Women, no matter what color, think they can do anything. Good Job, Rosa. Look what you started. No, I'm not talking about civil rights. I'm talking about the ghetto female cliques that try to...
  4. Ruse


    1) I hate it how today's teens are "liberals" simply because they think conservatives are bad. 2) I hate it how teens hate Bush because that's all they hear, everywhere. Now, I'm a libertarian, and I don't hate Bush. I don't think he's capable of leading this country intelligently, but I don't...
  5. Ruse

    i have a crazy idea

    Tonon, have you ever read Atlas Shrugged? The end sort of turns of like that, with the most self sufficent people as residents. Inventors, musicians, engineers, etc. It's an extraordinary book with a great look at capitalism, and everything else. It's a great idea, and I've thought about it...
  6. Ruse

    Gladiatorial Punishment

    That's right. Put them to good use. I don't like the idea of the doing it, in the sense that you're just letting them repeat whatever they did to get in there, anyways. You're encouraging it, in an odd sense. But, like I said, you're putting them to good use. Another idea is to put them on of...
  7. Ruse

    There are white victims!

    No one cares about the white victims-- that's just not interesting for the masses. Sure, we pity them, but who's going to give millions to help a bunch of flooded white people? Now, say that it's a myriad of black people, and no matter how much everyone will qualm about if this is a race issue...
  8. Ruse

    What would you do?

    Run, man, run like hell. This happened to a friend of mine, actually. They broke up. Tell her it's like she doesn't even have a sister, 'cause you only see her. -shrug- Girls suck.
  9. Ruse

    What Do You Really Think Of......???

    I've decided I don't have enough data about you, my friend.
  10. Ruse

    What Do You Really Think Of......???

    ToriAllen-- I used to have respect for her. Now it just fizzled. fullauto-- Too much time on his hands. Has a brain, knows how to use it. Outlaw2747-- Not an idiot, but not of that much significance to me. phreakwars-- Wow. I got boxed for backing up Matt. A little on the bipolar side, but...
  11. Ruse

    Moses and the Ten Commandments

    Fullauto, I just gained a whole new respect for you. Wow. That was really, truly interesting, and I'd love to hear more (at the appropriate premise). I'll have to do a little reading up for myself on the subject. I love ancient (earlier than Greek) mythology. Truly great stuff. Anyways...
  12. Ruse

    What if we had to marry a fellow member

    Hah, I don't know whether I'm pleased or indignant that I'm not on any lists. I think I'll go with pleased. I'm too asexual to care.^^
  13. Ruse

    Dating, Yeppie!!

    I think online dating is damn dumb, but some do get dumb luck. This was proven to me in May or so, when my cousin Eisha came over to my house. I showed her some random video clips from school, and I said, "there's Rob and Mac, with their guitars..." And she told me to rewind, and show her again...
  14. Ruse

    Church Vs. State.. Penalty? Excommunication.

    I think I almost fell out of my chair laughing when I read that the Church would 'excommunicate' such powers. Wow, that takes me back to the Mr. Fuller's World History class.... Hell, the Church is, well... the Church. Of course they'd take such action. They have every right to do whatever...
  15. Ruse

    Ahhhh, But who is the LEAST biggest asshole here

    -Sniffle- You forgot me? I'm... I'm.... Pleased.
  16. Ruse

    Slutty Teens and their stupid parents

    In November I will officially be 'Sixteen And Never Been Kissed'. I'm damn proud of that. Through my life I've had three relationships because: I'm picky and have high standards, I'm not a slut, and dating so young is just plain idiotic. What's with dating in high school? What's "going out?"...
  17. Ruse

    Teenagers !

    -Sobs- I'm fifteen and if I ever talked, or typed like that I would kill myself. The system has failed when someone thinks it's cool, or has no other way of typing.
  18. Ruse

    Which is worse?

    Cottonwood, California, eh? I thought no one had ever heard of my home town.... You made my heart fuzzy, hahah. Personally, both of those options makes me dry heave. The third isn't bad, though. Just get out, if you don't want to die. You didn't mention anything about brakes...
  19. Ruse

    Schools teaching useless knowledge

    This is what I will say about AP classes: AP is what separates those who want to learn from those who don't care. The regular classes are clogged with those who don't give a damn. AP is for those who aren't there to **** around. Freshman year I switched all my classes to AP because the regular...
  20. Ruse


    I have read about that. I did tons of studies on this, when I actually heard this. I thought about going natural, and that way my parents wouldn't flip out, but really, I think it adds character. Actually, being manic depressive keeps my muse alive, so I sort of appreciate it. Manic Depressive...