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  1. cynthiaa89

    Which Leader are you? *EASY TEST*

    Your Mother Teresa? That means your birth name was Agnes Gonxha Bojaxhiu and you're an Albanian-born Indian nun. Damn...I'm bored.
  2. cynthiaa89

    Judge: Man is too short for prison

    I have to agree with this guy......Wow...That's an intriguing thought.
  3. cynthiaa89

    I Hate American Idol!

    Jesus Christ...I'm am suddenly overwhelmed with the thought of wether or not I should download a song or 2....Aww hell....I think I'll just let one of my dipshit friends download it on their computer.
  4. cynthiaa89

    Judge: Man is too short for prison

    He can be Sexual Chocolate AKA: Big Boy's **** toy. :)
  5. cynthiaa89

    I Hate American Idol!

    OMG. Is that a joke picture? Or honestly from the Austrailian version?
  6. cynthiaa89

    Which Leader are you? *EASY TEST*

    18 questions? I get Ghandi? It says morals are important to me and I'm a do gooder? That test is inaccurate....:D
  7. cynthiaa89

    Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time

    . Jesus Christ. I'm from Louisiana. I know white trash when I see it. That is 100% white trash. I mean....God. Why is everything just shoking me today..I mean, See could have at least pulled her ****ing pants up. Maybe she thought the black bra was sexy or some type of fashion statement. But...
  8. cynthiaa89

    Doomsday Clock

    Wow, that clock is insane...No one here actually believes that right? Man, that clock is something I'd come up with as a joke or something to mess with my potheaded friends heads.....Wow.
  9. cynthiaa89

    I Hate American Idol!

    I liked the show when I saw the it first time ever. I just liked watching Simon criticizing people, then I realized that's like what gets him off or something, and now it's just ****ing weird. Plus, the singers suck nuts. The one good one out of the 1000 that tries out never makes it past the...
  10. cynthiaa89

    Do you follow your instincts?

    Because the 1 out of 100 times I choose to go with my gut, that's the one time it is EXTREMELY wrong. I'd hate for people to see through my intelligent facade and find out I'm actually legally retarded. :( What a shame that would be.:cool:
  11. cynthiaa89


    Goddamn. That's like the most hilarious thing I've seen in a while.....
  12. cynthiaa89

    Judge: Man is too short for prison

    What? Are you 100% sure that's the truth? That just sounds like bullshit. I mean, I could never even see that happening here and I live in Louisiana..where people are ****ing retarded...and are stupid enough to believe **** like that. Too short to go to prison....Well, they could've sent his...
  13. cynthiaa89

    Do you follow your instincts?

    I regret not following my gut instinct everyday. It always turns out to be right, wether it's tests or real life, it's scary...I never listen to it though.
  14. cynthiaa89

    Bill Gates is Pissing Me Off

    I'm with Builder on this one, also. Unless you want to pay for some type of virus protection. You could have just started off my making sure your computer was protected before you did things that aren't necessacarily helpful to computers..Such as Kazaa, Limewire, Porn, 95% of other...
  15. cynthiaa89

    House of Wax

    This is probably the worst movie I've ever seen in my entire life. Aside from the fact that Paris Hilton was in it, the quality made me want to vomit. :) I could see the mics dropping into view several times during the movie..that pissed me off... The acting was terrible. .......The story...
  16. cynthiaa89

    Walk the Line

    It was a damn good movie, and I dont say that about many movies. The actors didn't suck, and it actually had a story I gave a damn about.
  17. cynthiaa89

    What are you??

    I'm right handed...but I drive and stuff with my left hand for some reason.
  18. cynthiaa89

    What would YOU have done ??

    Working anywhere were you are under the command of anyone else is hard for anyone of even average intelligence..I'm only 18, I've only had one job...BUT! That job was at the public a town where maybe 5 of that 1000 people can read...Imagine being in my shoes. :(
  19. cynthiaa89

    Britney Spears: ...Baby One More Time

    Britney Spears with another child. Holy ****. How come stupid people continue to reproduce? I didn't even take the time to read other people's responses to this one because I had so much to say. First off, what the hell?!? I mean, the first time, it was pathetic enough, but now, it's just...
  20. cynthiaa89

    I love Lyrics!

    -To The People of Atlantis-THE AMERICAN TRAGEDY!! It's a shame that I'm a product. I give and take what everybody's wanting from me. I'm a machine, yes I am a tool, so please be gentle its my first time selling out. I refuse to take the fall for what you have done to yourself, it's a choice I...