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  1. Gray~Gal

    Education systems these days piss me off

    :confused: well here are my bitching of the school system Here the grading system is completely different then i was use to growing up 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C 60-69 D and below was a there is no D...its use to be all ****ed up...they changed 2 yrs ago but when i was in H. School it...
  2. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    RAE : Thats right...Maybe she will take some advice if it isnt coming from a SD its ok your 17, its ok your from Canada, its even ok that your a tree hugger..My whole "BEEF" (Outlaws word) with you is how you disgraced our dead and not just ours....every country who is over there...
  3. Gray~Gal

    Bids on Silver Dragon

    I know..I was kidding no hard feeling w. my "beef" with S.D. ? All fun and Games...
  4. Gray~Gal

    Vocabulary improvements

    I got one Jealous Emotional Needs Noticing
  5. Gray~Gal

    Tired of SD talking about herself

    Thats ok KM i dont want a "LOAD" of anyone...keep that **** to yourself. Lets not start war...thats just PATHETIC
  6. Gray~Gal

    Bids on Silver Dragon

    Aint that cute...INTERNET LOVE!! HAHA no wonder Outlaw is against me Its ok..booty is booty
  7. Gray~Gal

    Boring sex?

    My first husband was the true defintion of BORING SEX! IT was just a chore. I really didnt want to do it but if it didnt get done...Id have to do it sooner or later. But with my husband now ..HOLY ****!!! Its awesome....I mean i do have my times when i am not in the "mood" but when i am...
  8. Gray~Gal

    Vocabulary improvements

    I wanna play!!! Erogenous Intelligent Guy Having Terrific Bashing Abilities Leaving the dust Ok OK i tried
  9. Gray~Gal

    Tired of Gal being a child.

    SD I think you were thinking about urself again and just put my name instead of urs...cause i KNOW your always thinking of yourself. But that was oh so sweet to consider my name to put in your poll
  10. Gray~Gal

    Thin skinned people

  11. Gray~Gal

    Way to go Brits!

    I second that motion but i think we have balls they just havent dropped
  12. Gray~Gal

    Bids on Silver Dragon

    LOL hell if i win the bitch i want my money back...2 dolla
  13. Gray~Gal

    Tired of SD talking about herself

    K i see that SD is going to do something like sit back and "gander" at us while we talk amongst ourselves. Well we will see how long that last. I just want to find out who is REALLY tired of hearing that everything is about HER!
  14. Gray~Gal

    You guys are pissing me off.

    LOL see i think there should be something against that sorta...CHAOS..LOL
  15. Gray~Gal

    Is there an answer to the illness of the world?

    Yeah but who would be given the power to choose who is stupid/ignorant and whos not?
  16. Gray~Gal

    If women ruled the World..

    Yall wouldnt know what to do if you had that sorta power. And why is the anatomy of both sexes coming up anyways, no one complains when they all "MEET"....Who cares after a while what the **** looks like..all functions the same...
  17. Gray~Gal

    You guys are pissing me off.

    Oh Woeses (SP) me....Everyone picks on me cause i open my mouth and say how i feel..BOO WHO....And i mean i think i should get to say what i want since i am from a country that isnt despised because we dont have a real army and we love our trees. America sucks cause you guys are oh so patriotic...
  18. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    My whole thing with you is i DO NOT like any of your opinion.Maybe its nothing personal against u but i dont like ur views or how you if you know it all. That when age comes in
  19. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

  20. Gray~Gal

    Oi, what's up with my avatar?

    OK i am offically DONE with SD. I dont care what her opinions are, they shouldnt be able to count anyway until shes 18 cause then she can vote and bitch....well i dont know how it is done there but yall know what i mean