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  1. Q

    Religion and religious people piss me off.

    How many fanatics claim to have god on there side, most of them! The main current conflicts in the Middle East can be whittled down to religion. The Jews believe Israel is there, the Palestinians believe its there and both claim to have god on there side, the basis of there on going, near...
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    Religion and religious people piss me off.

    You are the idoit little one. Have a read of history and you will come to the same conclusion, religion is the clear link to the on going persiction of the human race, one of the main problems within the middle east is there religion, which keeps the people uneducated and controlled. I feel...
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    National Forest For Sale

    regardless of weather or not Logging compainies replant after they have removed the trees, the damage to the eco system can take up to 50 years to regenerate, in this time frame the land is open to soil degradation and erosion, which in tern damages the eco system further. In south australia we...
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    Religion and religious people piss me off.

    I agree religion is the root and cause of all of humanities problems and those who disagree please go read some unaldulterated history and FFS don't quote the bible as truth. On a personal note, I do believe in god, but its nothing like what is represented in the bibles of the world. People who...
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    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    As a fellow male I know how you feel, what I do know about the drugs, is that used in the early stages and I mean early, as in the first month the risks are lower, after that they become less so. My point is that the drugs is showing far greater benifits regarding tumors and some cancer (not...
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    Wal-Mart must stock morning-after pill !!

    Tell me about bloody liberal gov (liberals in australia are like the republicans in the USA). They're having a conscious vote on the pill tomorrow, atm the health minister has control over the drug and seen as though he is a catholic, the pill has been out of reach for everyone. However alot of...
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    So, yeah, I guess God hates fags, eh?

    I was told that by a catholic priest who was leaving the priest hood because of all the poofs in the church
  8. Q

    So, yeah, I guess God hates fags, eh?

    The catholic church is full of homosexuals, in the catholic religion the definition of a homosexual is this. The person doing the ****ing is not gay, but the male being ****ed is. They also blame the child who is abused by a priest, the priest is not guilty of child abuse, but is guilty of...
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    Contrary to the belief is some people I do believe in God, but not in religion. You made some good points, points I have long thought about during my life. God doesn't directly talk to mankind because it is so far beyond us, its not possible. It would be like you trying to communicate to a...
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    Conspiracy Theories?

    One of the funniest conspiracy theories I have ever heard is from the Flat Earth society. These jokers acutally believe the earth if FLAT Hear is a link you might find funny Its a...
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    Holocaust Myth?

    Agreed, the Nazis exterminated most of the European gypsies and a number of other monitories, however because there numbers were never as great as the Jews, there deaths made up the bulk of the killings. I have heard all the arguments from people saying the holocaust never happened and if it...
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    An old mate of mine has a habbit of rubbing his hands together when ever he sees an attractive woman. Oh yeah my dad walks around his home making a kind of squeeking, whistling noise, its not a tune, bust a kind of squeeking whistle, it drive me up the walls!
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    Holocaust Myth?

    try these I ask you this, if the holocaust didn't happen, how did approx 6...
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    legalizing marijuana

    When the laws regarding prostitution and gambling were removed in Nevada, the criminals opened up Las Vegas, I don't think you can ever get rid of gangs as per say, I think they will just change there ways and become legit buisness. I think the drug problem world wild is beyond belief, if you...
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    Holocaust Myth?

    Most of the documentation of the holocaust comes from the Nazis, they thought they were going to win ww2 and made films, documentated who was killed and how, keep records of all those who were killed, even though some of these records were burnt in the last days of the war, some remained, they...
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    legalizing marijuana

    does that include, prostitution, number running, gambling and pimping, which are all covered by the vice laws?
  17. Q

    legalizing marijuana

    **** why not crack, speed, ice, cocaine, heroine and the rest as well, legalize it all, send society to hell and **** the rest! (and yes I'm being sarcastic)
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    What do you think of Australians?

    There are a few things I do not like as an Aussie. Layton Hewitt
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    My idea to stop violence

    Another example of good old Hugo's closed minded, lack of free thought and education coming through, yet again.
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    one of the funniest cartoons ever

    but so funny and its a preview of a full length cgi porno lol. To many people have way to much time on there hands lol