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  1. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Good. The STFU and get out of my thread, or post something meaningful addressing the subject at hand. You want to play hardball, we can do that at BH.
  2. R

    Brawl Hall loves Off Topic Forum

    Where IS this better debate board, then? As you have observed, the quality of debate insofar as I am concerned is petulant and defensive diatribe. Where are these finedish disputants you brag about? So far, all I've flushed out are rednecked dogma dribblers with insufficient collective...
  3. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Why dont you ban me, then, winkydink? You're a big guy in town. Back up your peons with a little harsh action. Protect the little ****ers. Why not change my sig...thats really clever. See, I'm still here, while you go over to BH and get your ass handed to you then run off like a ****ing...
  4. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Dont write an incoherent mangle of rhetoric, dopey... Make a case. Are you saying that there are no neocons in the White House? Kent State didn't occur? There was no KKK? No resurgence of religious sanctimony? No patriotic self agrandissement? C'mon, chimp. Ante up with a reasoned reply, or...
  5. R

    Who's more dangerous

    Certainly, bozo. There is a number of neocons currently in the White House. Rumsfeld, Wolfowitz and Rice being three. They ALL influence the decision making process of your president, or they wouldn't be in the job. Now, clearly, the combined influence of these three at LEAST, will have a...
  6. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Then open your eyes a little wider kitten...unless you suffer from myopia to go along with that parochialism. This chump has been feeding out of my hand since I arrived. But by all means, feel free to take a nibble. Oh, and Tizz...your moronic sidekick invited me to pay $12 to join. If thats...
  7. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I would regard that as a compliment, chump. Rather that, than growing old and ignorant before my time. But in truth, I am probably better looking and smarter too. If the price of youthfulness is to have an asshole like you regard me with envy, it is indeed well worth the cost.
  8. R

    Pullout complete - Now what?

  9. R

    Who Should Americans Blame When the Killing Starts?

    It never ceases to amaze me how these proponents for a war nobody wanted can twist and misrepresent flawed logic to make it sound so perfectly RIGHT (pun intended). It cannot have escaped this correspondents notice that the very reason Iraq is in such chaos, and the potential for civilian...
  10. R

    Pullout complete - Now what?

    Is that right? Learn something new everyday. Israel, presumably, is the epitome of philanthropy and moderation, trying to develop a sustainable peace in the middle east by diplomacy and peaceful negotiations? They're showing their altruistic nature by withdrawing their settlements on land...
  11. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    17 posts of dribble...but I've hooked you numbnuts!!! You think I'm here for the aesthetics? Oh, just so's ya know, winkydink, I dont answer anyone's questions. If you'd done your research you'd have known that. I'm not here to satisfy your quest for knowledge. Hey, here's an idea. Wanna...
  12. R

    ******s attack soldiers.

    Here comes the redneck doctrine again...thank god you're all in Queensland. Where's the data on Nigerian criminals that supports your allegation? Got proof? Evidence? Facts? ****, really are a throwback.
  13. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    What we got here is your classic meltdown. Racist taunts and suggestions of cowardice, with a faglame for good measure. Not real bright are ya, slappie? Let us be clear here, slapnuts. YOU suggested that you were my senior, and came on with the patronising bullshit and YOU fell in your ****...
  14. R

    Dallas Principals Face Spanish Principle

    One nation - one language, one set of laws, one political process. No parla inglese? Tough. Go to a country where you can speak the language. A nation that allows nationals from other countries to enter and start a new life does NOT owe them the responsibility to learn THEIR language, and...
  15. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    A predictably inane reply. When YOU reach 54, you MAY then offer an opinion as to how a 54 year old should behave. In the meantime, get in the back and sit in your kiddie seat. YOU played the age card and were trumped, chump.
  16. R

    War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

    I'm sorry. I was not aware that you are a resident of Queensland. Had I known, I would certainly have not wasted my time and yours trying to argue with logic and reason. I'll just leave you smoulder in your dense ignorance as befits an Australian redneck. I wont bother you with fact and...
  17. R

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    I'm 54, buckwheat. You? No sarcasm or cheap shots required. Just establish your seniority with one simple number, or STFU and respect your elders.
  18. R

    War in Iraq: Show or clout, or get the hell out?

    I'm at a complete loss as to your standpoint. You are extrapolating the Iran fiasco to explain Arab/Muslim antipathy to the West, I believe. That may be the case. It certainly would justify Iran's animosity. However, that irritant pales in comparison to Arab hubris over Israel and America's...