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  1. C

    How did you come up with your screen name?

    My screen name for the LPF was, obviously, inspired by the release of the collaboration album that Linkin Park and Jay Z worked on, Collision Course. The whole "777" deal stems back to my email address, (the "_6" part was just because "superman_777" was already taken)...
  2. C

    schivo is a f***in killer

    I agree with Clogz that although Link's post was rather choppy, it was completely comprehendable. As for my opinion on whether Terry Schiavo should be kept alive or die, I think she should be kept alive. It does not matter that she is in a vegetative state or not. She is a human being and has...
  3. C

    WOW! big news here!!!! (at least for me it is)

    Thank you to everyone. I appreciate your wishes of good luck and all of the congratulations I have recieved. To be honest, it is quite overwhelming. I dont think there is anywhere else in the world where this many people whom, for the most part, have never met can still be such a cool group of...
  4. C

    wtf?! help por favor

    If I was you, not only would I link that convo, but I would print out a copy of it and file harrassment charges against this dude with that convo as your evidence. That is a cut and dry case right there man. Verbal harrassment. You could file lawsuits and have EPO's (restraining orders) placed...
  5. C

    WOW! big news here!!!! (at least for me it is)

    Thank you 4everLP_Shinoda. We dont know if we will be having a boy or girl yet. She isnt far enough along into the pregnancy to know that yet. She is only eight weeks along.
  6. C

    WOW! big news here!!!! (at least for me it is)

    Thanks Amy and Allied. And Minzara, I forgot to say thank you to you a second ago. I apologize.
  7. C

    WOW! big news here!!!! (at least for me it is)

    well, we are still discussing the names. She is only 8 weeks along now so we dont know if we will have a boy or girl yet, but here is what she has thought of. For a boy, she likes the name Thomas Dale Duncan, and for a girl, she likes Brianna Lynn Duncan. Another name if we have a little girl...
  8. C

    WOW! big news here!!!! (at least for me it is)

    Whats up guys? Its been a while since I've been on here and made any posts, which i'm sure some of you noticed by the absence of arguing I ususally partake in, lol. just kidding, but anyways, I figured I would let everyone know why i havent been online in a while. I'm getting married!!! That's...
  9. C


    no freaking clue!!!!! lol. sorry.
  10. C

    The Draft

    I think dont think Bush has done to bad of a job since he has been in office, but i dont agree with some of the things he has done. I did initially agree that sending troops to the middle-east right after 9/11 was a good idea but i really really dont think there was any need to keep them over...
  11. C


    Yeah, the green one is Kilo. That smells good and so does Essence, but my favorite is a tie between Kilo and the newest one, i just cant remember the name of it. Anyways, it smells really good. As for it being the opposite of the way it is advertised, i dont know about that one. My fiance and...
  12. C

    what if...

    If i was caught doing something I WAS supposed to be doing or something I WAS NOT supposed to be doing? you kinda have me confused on that one.
  13. C

    Smoking at 13

    Everyone read this post from Clogz and then read his very next post. His comment in this first post, about using the mods as a weapon, is kinda contradicted with his second post, wouldnt you agree? I think so. And for your own information Clogz, I hope that I piss someone off to the point that...
  14. C

    Smoking at 13

    OK, thats ENOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!! Especially from you, LP1988. Your comments were bullshit. Nobody deserves to be talked to like that just because they made a mistake, NOBODY! As for her being 13 years old, pregnant, smoking, and drinking, yeah they aren't anything thats good for her, but where does...
  15. C


    One Step Closer and A Place for My Head ............But, then again, oh well, **** it. The whole album kicks ass, so........
  16. C

    Smoking at 13

    I never received any personal warning from ATLien, and i have said absolutely nothing against you in a personal sense. Look, i didnt make that post with the intention of bringing back our arguments. I was making a statement based upon my beliefs. I understand that you dont have the exact same...
  17. C

    Stop Ashlee Simpson

    okay, i need to say this. why do you people insist on degrading other musicians? just cause you dont like it doesnt give you the right to degrade them. I dont really like her music all that much either, but hey she is making a living doing something she loves, let her do it.
  18. C

    Smoking at 13

    And i'm not trying to be rude or anything when i say this, but Brkng_Th_Hbt and Clogz, I know you may not realize this but in a couple of you two's posts you kept calling the baby an "it". Please dont ever call a baby an "it". That is not what a child is. A child is a living, breathing person...
  19. C

    Smoking at 13

    okay, whoa, whoa, whoa. Dont you people think you are being really harsh on this girl. I mean damn, she is human, all humans make mistakes (whether you think you do or not). No I dont think her life is on the best track possible but, i'm not going to bitch at her about it just cause i dont agree...
  20. C

    what makes your ears bleed?

    You damn sure wont be changing my mind about LP. As far as NIN goes, I dont like them too much. I mean I dont hate them or anything, but they for sure wouldn't be my first choice to listen to. If you really think you are going to get people here to change their mind, you are NUKING...