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  1. cynthiaa89

    Phreak's letter to Britney Spears a.k.a. **** BRITNEY SPEARS

    Yeah, you're prbably right. I don't know if she can spell baby. I just wanted to give her a little credit. I don't know if she knows proper English either. She said a song titled: I
  2. cynthiaa89

    Phreak's letter to Britney Spears a.k.a. **** BRITNEY SPEARS

    Nope, it would be something like this: "OMG! you guys! geuss waht! I totaly steal luv Justen, I hope he steal luvs me two. I am soo mad that he left mee four being a slut. I had a baby! I am so mad/pissed. I diddnot even wont 1. I have No idea were it came from! Can some1 explain pleez.
  3. cynthiaa89

    Phreak's letter to Britney Spears a.k.a. **** BRITNEY SPEARS

    No! No! No! No! NO! NO BRITTNEY SPEARS. Phreak, what if she falls in love with that sweet letter you wrote her and decides to become a member? //end sarcasm.
  4. cynthiaa89

    Switchblade will be out for a while

    That is the mother of all insults. If someone compared me to Britney Spears, I'd kill myself. No questions asked. :cool: :p
  5. cynthiaa89

    What State(s) Are ****ed Up?

    I know. Everytime I think about where I'm going to be in a few years, it both makes me the happiest person in the world and depresses me. We have the BEST food here. I live in North Louisiana, so it's not as good as down south, but those people live here, too. I LOVE GUMBO. All of the food is...
  6. cynthiaa89

    Public Debate member BANNED for having a swastika avatar

    Seriously. I searched for a decent one FOREVER. I couldn't find one I even remotely liked. Then, when all hope had failed! I searched google for "I hate cops" because I was pissed, and now I'm here. YAY! :rolleyes:
  7. cynthiaa89

    Jerry Springer Pisses Me Off

    Once I saw a woman on like Montel or something. She had already done 12 paternity done, then she went back for 3 more, and none of those guys was the father either. :confused:
  8. cynthiaa89

    Teenagers !

    Amen! Makes you mature way too soon don't it? :o
  9. cynthiaa89

    Screw Arnold Schwarzenegger

    Has anyone here heard anything about Christopher Walken running for president? Someone told me he's running next time.
  10. cynthiaa89

    wtf is with that guy???

    ****, I wish someone would steal my trash. What's the complaint about? If someone else doesn't take it, that means you get to take it off somewhere. Either that or you get to PAY someone to come get it. Hell, give this man some money every once in a while and tell him to keep up the good...
  11. cynthiaa89

    Jerry Springer Pisses Me Off

    All the show is is Bleeping. You can't hear ****. That's why I don't watch it. If they're going to allow **** like that to be on T.V., they shouldn't censor it.
  12. cynthiaa89

    Phreak's letter to Britney Spears a.k.a. **** BRITNEY SPEARS

    That letter is so evil. Yet so funny... :)
  13. cynthiaa89

    Jerry Springer Pisses Me Off

    Hmm, that might not be such a bad idea. Lol. How old do you have to be to be a guest on the show? :p :cool:
  14. cynthiaa89

    SpongeBob Square Pants GAY?

    Seriously, everyone ****ing one of them are gay. ESPECIALLY the purple one. I think I read somewhere that the guy that does his/its voice is gay. I don't know for sure though...Odd..
  15. cynthiaa89


    I have no idea who it was done by. Lol. Someone showed it to me. There's a website full of them.
  16. cynthiaa89

    Dating younger people

    That's why we need to burn all of the people that do it and get caught. :eek:
  17. cynthiaa89

    Jerry Springer Pisses Me Off

    Personally, I believe it's all staged. Seriously, there aren't enough trailer parks in all the world to continue filling up the guest list as long as this show has been on T.V. Anyways, People love to watch angry midget striper transexual rednecks beat each while wrestling in a pool of...
  18. cynthiaa89

    Man turns himself in killing child molesters- should he be punished?

    Iraq..That might not be half a bad idea. :cool:
  19. cynthiaa89

    Teenagers !

    Teenagers aren't going to listen to anyone who isn't saying what they want to hear. Trust me. I just recently kindof got thrown into one of these situations. My mom met a guy that has two younger kids, then there's me and my brother. Me and my brother were raised to do what our mom told us...
  20. cynthiaa89


    Yes, it is kinda dumb..I didn't even get it at first.. :o It's stuck in my head, too.