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  1. Z

    Important New Members Sign In Here

    Diversity is what's turning the U.S. into a third world country.
  2. Z

    Does a woman really need a man?

    I think she's a lesbo in the making;)
  3. Z

    What if we had to marry a fellow member
  4. Z

    What if we had to marry a fellow member

    Nazz needs a "Pink Sock".
  5. Z

    Top Stories > Danish paper acquitted in cartoon libel trial (Reuters)

    I guess those peaceful, non-violent, loving muslims will be on another killing spree now.
  6. Z

    Top Stories > Bush signs U.S.-Mexico border fence bill (AP)

    Next they need to put up manned towers armed with 50 cal. automatics every 100' and shoot any mother****er trying to sneak in here. Young, old, pregnant, I don't give a ****. Mowem' down! The invasion must and will stop one way or another. It's what the American people want.
  7. Z

    Steve Irwin death

    I can relate. ;)
  8. Z

    Sweet link! I will have to check that out. Thanks PW!
  9. Z

    Let My People Go !!!

    They have McDonalds there? Damn!
  10. Z

    Crazy confessions

    You say that now.
  11. Z

    Who is the most annoying Mod?

    701-447. He's gaining. You could lose this one Tori.
  12. Z

    Let My People Go !!!

    It's alright. No respect needed. The abuse is stimulating most of the time;)
  13. Z

    Who is the most annoying Mod?

    Damn! That was fast.....
  14. Z

    Who is the most annoying Mod?

    Alright! Getting there now!
  15. Z

    Who is the most annoying Mod?

    Yea. What happened? You had my support.:D
  16. Z

    Let My People Go !!!

    Why does it always have to be like that?:confused:
  17. Z

    Crazy confessions

    I once beat a mans ass just for sport. I didn't even know who he was.:cool:
  18. Z

    Let My People Go !!!

    DK is actually a pretty cool fellow. He livens this place up IMHO. I say let him be. Why does everyone have to feel so threatened by him? Slam me if you wish but I like the guy. I admit I didn't know how to take him at first but once I got to know him I realized this place wouldn't be as much...
  19. Z

    What if we had to marry a fellow member

    I figured you and Phreak would hit it off. You could perform "tubesteakoscopies" on eachother:D
  20. Z

    I shagged my best friend's wife

    Now I am getting sick. Glad I have some Promethazine.;)